SRV driving: Motion sickness

Today I just wanted not mention that whenever I drive the SRV to collect raw materials I suffer from servere motion sickness. Unfortunately it seems to be almost impossible to get raw materials from missions anymore, at least I saw none as mission rewards since ages.
Weird. Anyways there's a setting ingame to switch srv to some other mode that levels it out a bit.
I'm in vr have no issues with it. But l did at the beginning
Yes, the first time I always drove with drive assist on. Later I switched to drive assist off to be able to throttle more sensible. But it did not help that much. 👀
There’s also one along the lines of Motion Blackout that helps if you’re spinning, it blacks out your vision under high Gs.
I get that too. One solution is to only use the Srv on flat planets. Also keep 4 pips to engine so as soon as you accelerate a bit, you use the up thrusters every few seconds to fly, so you spend most time flying instead of driving.
I get motion sickness when watching a lot of ED YouTube videos and in-game with a widescreen 3440x1440 view. I do OK with 2560x1440. Try a lower resolution.

If you are a hard core ED player Dramamine for ocean motion sickness might work! :)
I play in VR, and I suffered from pretty severe motion sickness at first in the SRV.
Drive slowly, turn slowly, and limit your time. Rough terrain is definitely worse. After awhile my sensitivity to it decreased, and it's not usually a problem for me anymore. Hopefully it will be a little easier getting used to it since you're not in VR.

Now the free camera, a few seconds of that in VR is all I can tolerate.
As well as the previously mentioned options I know several people who suffered from this (and were more or less unable to use the Scarab SRV) who've found that the new Scorpion SRV has significantly improved things for them.
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