SSS near Witch Head Nebula

Hi, I've just started exploring after being in human inhabited space since launch. I went to the Witch Head nebula. On my way back (still just a couple of jumps from WH) I came across a strong signal. Was a couple of anacondas, loads of cobras and a couple of T9s. I followed then for a while, then they split into two groups so I followed the one with the T9 and three cobras. Eventually I gave into temptation and opened fire on the T9 thinking it might have a UA on board. It gave me a good fight (was regretting my trigger happy ways at this point!) but he never dropped anything and jumped away just when I thought I might have him.

I know i wasnt *that* far out compared to Sag A, but is it normal to bump into these SSS's in deep space? It was kind of cool but unnerving at the same time.
Yes, unfortunately, Witch Head is still in the rough zone where these things pop up. Still, no explorers ever carry cargo scanners, so I think I'm going to from now on. They have to be there for a reason.

p.s. why would they go together for 1000+ light years and then split up?
Yeah was wishing I has a cargo scanner! I thought if I could get his hull down he might eventually jettison something tasty but my ASP isn't quite as beefy in combat as my Vulture used to be and I ended up getting my shields battered.

Oh well, I enjoyed the experience. Gonna stick to scanning planets until I get home safe from now on :)
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