Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine - Free

Just landed in the store, downloading now, have not tried it.

"The creative minds of Lucasfilm’s ILMxLAB present a virtual reality experiment set in a galaxy far, far away…Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine. For the first time ever, wield a lightsaber as you leap into action in the most immersive Star Wars virtual reality experience ever. Be transported to the desert world of Tatooine, repair the iconic Millennium Falcon, and defend the plucky droid hero R2-D2 from incoming stormtroopers in this captivating experience set after the events of Return of the Jedi."


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Well, that was another nice but short tech demo. Impressive production values - it goes to show what will be possible with VR.

I particularly liked the spatial SFX of the Falcon landing, and look forward to seeing and hearing similar stuff when Horizons gets fleshed out more. Imagine a similar scenario with an SRV where you are required to rendezvous with a courier, take over some package, and are then attacked by a Type 6 dropping off waves of skimmers. All the pieces are there.
Yeah, that was well short.

Millenium Falcon, what a rustbucket!

I think the Falcon is that small, saw Episode 7 at a 3d cinema. X-Wings are smaller than you think too.
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Downloading now. I was going to take my VR setup into work tomorrow as I need more space for room scale, but I suspect everyone else will want a go and this might be another one for the list...
there was a nice buzz of standing next to the falcon and messing with a sabre but it was all so short. nice to see big companies are taking the vive seriously tho.
As a demo it's pretty good. It does feel like you're in amongst the action. The stormtroopers were surprisingly accurate...

It's worth downloading, as nothing less than a "no experience necessary" and instantly familiar demo for showing off the Vive to people new to VR.
Oh god that was awesome. I just wish it had a full story, like taking part in an entire film.

Oh and I need to clear up even more space for room scale. I really wanted to step further away as the Falcon landed to make sure I was not getting crushed by any landing gear. Damned walls [haha]
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I've setup my Vive at work now and demo'd this to two people so far. Both seem really positive about the experience. I'm going to have to ask HTC for commission at this rate...
Surprised this got released. I figured ILM might run afoul of EA's Star Wars exclusivity.

I understand when ILM was demoing this for people, they'd run a fan when the Falcon landed.

Can't wait to try this out. Too bad you can't get into a light saber duel.
It looks fantastic, I don't have a Vive myself but great to see the Vive being used to its potential with room scale and of course Star Wars.

A light sabre in VR sounds like a winning combination to me ...
My wife and I both got a kick out of this one... and its VR SLI compatible!!!       ing finally! Turning on Sli for the first time since getting the Vive was a good feeling. my 2 gtx 980's ran this on high details with a 1.2 ss setting in the steamVR file. looked beautiful.

Come on FD, Elite is being left behind in this regard!
So much fun to be able to swoosh around an authentic looking lightsaber. The detail on the hilt is really impressive. Love the blurred blade that looks like it came out of a 24fps film.

I just wish they'd let you hang on Tatooine after everyone left so you could wave it around some more before triggering the credits.
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