StarDragon88 Explorers Log

Explorers Log
Name: Bryan StarDragon Bosworth
Date: Nov.4,2014
Residence: Darkwater Station,Stopover

Hello Everyone
My Father Richard Stardragon Bosworth would always tell me stories of my great Grandfather and how we got our Star Name. Back when the Old Federation had there War with the Imperials and we had lost everything. It was a horrific fight neither side won but all the planets and stations where destroyed. Many citizens where put in huge transports and warped to our new galaxy. These people received there new names and a new home for all they lost and been through. It was a sad moment but my Dad said to be proud of our name we had fought hard for it.

All my friends call me StarDragon. I am 46 years old and like to Explore the Universe. I live in a very poor system called Stopover. My Father worked hard all his life in the Darkwater Station as a Refinery worker and I kind of take care of him now in our small home at the station. Most of the time he is in the Bar telling his old war stories of when he was a pilot for the Federation. I too was a fighter pilot for three years for the Federation just like my Dad. It seems like it was yesterday "Man sure had some close calls".

Today I just roam space and try to upgrade to a new ship when I can afford it. It has been hard to make a living but I just bought a used Lakon Type-6 Transporter with low miles, so now I hope to do some heavy exploring and build up a big stack of credits. My father has been complaining to me to fix his Sidewinder, well soon I'll be getting that old ship of his up and running.

Well got to grab a bite and haul some gold after dinner so I will see you all later. Hope to see you out there mates. StarDragon88

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