Discussion Start Third party tools with one shortcut


For the one that are not very technical, here is a bat script that will start all your Third Party Tools for Elite Dangerous with one short cut :

Third Party Tools starter script :
echo off

set EDEngineer=C:\Program Files (x86)\ED Tools\EDEngineer.exe
set EDMarketConnector=C:\Program Files (x86)\ED Tools\EDMarketConnector\EDMarketConnector.exe
set VoiceAttack=E:\Steam\steamapps\common\VoiceAttack\VoiceAttack.exe

echo Starting ED Engineer
start "" "%EDEngineer%"

echo Starting ED Market Connector
start "" "%EDMarketConnector%"

REM echo Starting Voice Attack
REM start "" "%VoiceAttack%"

In this example, we create 3 variables EDEngineer, EDMarketConnector, VoiceAttack, that contains the path to each third party tools program.
To use those variable we need to use % delimitor.

This script start both EDEngineer and EDMarketConnector using the start command, but not Voice Attack, because there is REM command before.

How to disable a script in the script :
You can use REM at the start of a line before start command to disable a third party tools.
REM is a statement placed, meaning REMark, in windows bat script to skip lines from loading and allowing to put explanation comments in script.

About third Party Tools :
EDEngineers has it's own weird path saved under C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\ with many long name folder, but you can start it using the installer. It'll check for update, then start the software.

Install :
Copy past everything in the spoiler field in notepad. Modify the script to your liking and save it with a .bat extension.
You can make a shortcut of it and place it in the desktop.

You can use one of the icon i made for Elite Dangerous third party tools

You'll need to change third party tools path in this example as they are standard and only meant for explanation.
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