Started exploring (great fun)

So I have finally started exploring and imo this has to be one of the best features of the game. I researched loads before hand and watched countless videos but the best piece of info I came across was this web link below;

Still not earning much from exploring yet but I guess as I expand my knowledge and experience I'll get a feel for what to scan and what not to bother with. My first trip out had me scan over 30 unexplored objects and I only netted 29,000 credits hahaha :p

I hope other newbies find the attached link worth while, it gave me the final confidence to start this exciting aspect of the game. Enjoy :D
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This will help as well:

That list of planet and star values really helps if you're struggling for cash from scanning. You can also scan planets and stars that have already been discovered but you won't get the finders bonus or your name on the first discovered by tag.

A lot of the unexplored that you come across nearer the bubble will be the low value stuff but I came across a water world in an undiscovered system only 200 ly out from the bubble so there are still a few left. Get out past 1000 ly away and you'll start seeing whole system unexplored regularly and try going out at odd angles and not just on the galactic plane.

Good luck and fly safe commander :)
I come to area called Taurus Dark Region and have gotten as close as I can in a system called Pleiades Sector UT-Z-BO. I can't seem to see a way into this Taurus Dark Region though. Is there a way or is it just not navigable?
I come to area called Taurus Dark Region and have gotten as close as I can in a system called Pleiades Sector UT-Z-BO. I can't seem to see a way into this Taurus Dark Region though. Is there a way or is it just not navigable?
Hmmm, well you have an O (letter) instead of an 0 (number) at the end but I guess that's just a typo. I can map a route to it so it's not like it's restricted - your jump range may not be enough to get to it. Or I suppose you might have clicked the inverted cone to jump directly to it from too far away instead of the plot a route icon.
Hmmm, well you have an O (letter) instead of an 0 (number) at the end but I guess that's just a typo. I can map a route to it so it's not like it's restricted - your jump range may not be enough to get to it. Or I suppose you might have clicked the inverted cone to jump directly to it from too far away instead of the plot a route icon.

Thanks, and yes the O is a typo :) I'm not sure what you mean about the inverted cone vs plot a route icon (Feeling a bit dumb right now lol). I have an A5 frame shift drive on an Asp Explorer btw, so hopefully a decent jump distance.
Sorry I had to go out - well I'm there now so no idea what's stopping you. I guess you've moved on anyway but this is what I meant by the inverted cone:

Highlighted in white as opposed to the dot dot dot in the icon to the right that means plot route.

However if you've got up to an Asp with an A5 FSD then you'll have enough in game time to know that - just my description's a bit rubbish.

Anyway I got there so the system's not behind a permit or anything.
A lot of the unexplored that you come across nearer the bubble will be the low value stuff but I came across a water world in an undiscovered system only 200 ly out from the bubble so there are still a few left. Get out past 1000 ly away and you'll start seeing whole system unexplored regularly and try going out at odd angles and not just on the galactic plane.

Up until Saturday, there was still at least one undiscovered Earthlike world within 1000 LY of Sol: I had switched from Fastest Route to Economical Route, and was backtracking out past the Coal Sack...

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Up until Saturday, there was still at least one undiscovered Earthlike world within 1000 LY of Sol: I had switched from Fastest Route to Economical Route, and was backtracking out past the Coal Sack...

(ps: how do I turn on Spoiler tags?)

Type in square brackets [] SPOILER to start and in square brackets [] /SPOILER to end. The words have to be inside the brackets :)

I went out in a second account and found a system with 5 or 6 high metal content and a water world about 300 LY out from the bubble so there are a few left but get 1000Ly away in an odd direction (away from nebulae - tend to attract heavy traffic) and you should get plenty of new systems.


PS - nice find :D
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I'll be reaching Sagittarius A* tonight :)

That trip home though...urgh

First congratulations :D then...

For reasons too boring to go into one of the first things I did in game (after about a weeks play) was take a, poorly equipped, Asp to Sag A*. I had a 2A fuel scoop for &*$% sake! All I did was jump, scan and scoop. Hated it, I started scanning planets about half way there just to break up the monotony. Hadn't even done enough research to realise that WAS the exploring part of it!

So don't just head back. Scan planets/stars and understand some are more valuable than others:

Also set a mini goal for yourself - head to a star or nebulae on the way back to break up the journey - make it a realistic time scale with scanning systems included and treat that as your destination rather than all the way back in one go. Finish that one then set another mini destination.

Jump into a system and ADS scan it, start fuel scooping and throttle back so your heat doesn't increase, point direct at the star and target it then let the detail scanner get that sucker. Once scanned open the system map and see if there are any planets worth scanning. High metal content, water worlds or earth likes are all worth scanning.

Get those systems scanned whilst you're out there - take your time heading back and when you arrive back sit at the Universal Cartographers screen for an hour or two selling all that data - you should end up with 10's of millions by the time you get back. I made 20 million and had literally no idea what I was doing back then. For example this weekend's mini trip out of just 1000ly made me 3 million. Scale that up to a Sag A trip and you'll make arriving back an event to look forward to and not a chore to be achieved.

Good luck :)
Just realised that you can't actually get inside of the TDR (see post from Hardstyleflavour below).

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Sorry I had to go out - well I'm there now so no idea what's stopping you. I guess you've moved on anyway but this is what I meant by the inverted cone:

View attachment 97857
Highlighted in white as opposed to the dot dot dot in the icon to the right that means plot route.

However if you've got up to an Asp with an A5 FSD then you'll have enough in game time to know that - just my description's a bit rubbish.

Anyway I got there so the system's not behind a permit or anything.

Thanks for taking the time to do this bro. Figured out what I needed to do in the end lol.
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