State changes. How long does it take?

Trying to take over a station. Once i have influence within 5 (if i understand the BGS thing correctly this is one way to cause a fight/election) how long will it take for the state to change to either Election or civil war so i can try to win over the station?
Five is not close enough. The best way is to pass their influence level. If they have 20% and you have 22% you want to bring their influence over yours. Or if they already have more you want to bring yours over theirs. Either way there is a chance to start pending a war on the next tick. (The tick is the BGS activity/influence resolution that happens once a day. Check the relevant sticky for best guess on the time.)

Note I said a chance. If either faction is in a conflict or pending conflict in another system there will be no war.

The war will pend for three days.
Can you remove the pending state by killing influence in for one side or the other? .. or once it gets into a "pending" state it stays there for the 3 days?
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