Still a feeding issue :(

I just want to say there are still feeding issues and its really annoying. We are told that frontier want us to get attached to our animals...... well we do!! then they die for no other reason than the game isn't working properly still.

I set up several Red Panda pens and there have been quite a few problems with feeding some of which can be sorted by repeatedly calling keepers. But when you have an animal that is hungry and thirsty and wont eat or drink even when you move it to the food and it walks right over the water trough its frustrating. I had called the vet too and they did nothing. Also It seems that if you send a starving animal to quarantine they dont get fed there either.

Quarantine does help them. I've used it tons of times to save animals.
Well I have before but for some reason I was getting alerts that the animal was ok to leave quarantine and they were still starving. It did work for Cheetahs, but not Red Pandas....
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