Stop modifying system keyboard layout!

My OS is Windows 10 with French language, but I'm using a US keyboard layout. I removed from Windows the French layout (using regedit), but every time I launch Elite Dangerous (that is in French), it adds French layout to my system and uses it in Elite (and modify my custom binds file to change <KeyboardLayout>en-US</KeyboardLayout> to <KeyboardLayout>fr-FR</KeyboardLayout>)


I don't want to use a french keyboard, I don't have one! You modifying my key binds every time I launch E:D...

Add to this that E:D can't support a device with more than 32 buttons... Really pitiful...
Hi, i have the same issue in 2024-12, seems they will not change this. However my issue is a bit different. I also use a en-US keyboard with a french Windows, but a custom made Windows keyboard layout that is advertised as FR but with a modified en-US layout. So ED does not modify my windows layout.
If i press Z for a keybinding in ED, it displays Z in the game so it fine for me. But in the binds file it is written W.
What annoys me is that i cannot use the various tools that are printing the game keybindings because they use the keys displayed in the files, so they are completely unusable.
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