Horizons Strange sound of the pulsing wave of mining

Good morning, my question is about mining. When I'm doing the pulse wave, the "ping" is always the same, but it has already happened three times on different days, which makes a "pong", different from the others. I stayed in that area, but there was no asteroid of interest. I do not know because it is different and I do not know if any other commander has happened to him.
if someone can shed some light on this unknown, I would be grateful

I apologize if it is not the right forum for this post, but I did not find any section for mining.
I had this happen to me once. It was a distinctly different sound and nearly made me jump. I quickly halted the ship and had a look around but could not get the sound to repeat nor find anything of interest. I do know FDev are heavily into sound so it could have been something.
I have only been around for a month, but Ive herd the odd ping 3 times so far.
Its distinctly different, very low in tone
Almost like someone or something is pinging me..... but the timing for the sound is correcet
Prob a bug
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