Suddenly all rides without guests since update 2

With the new update, the guests should be better distributed throughout the park and yes, there are more swimming and queuing at the slides, but now suddenly all my rides are permanently completely empty!!!! What has Frontier done there?????? Previously they were the best attended, the chain carousel was always completely full, the others were always half full. Now yawning emptiness :-(

Some examples attached...


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check your guests, see what they are complaining about, reset it (basically just change it and change it back) and the issue should be fixed.

Yeah this was a bit nasty, buy you also should learn how to read and fix this things :p
thank you for the tips, I'll give it a try!

Scenery is one of those things, I've planted so many plants and decorations around the rides and it still doesn't go higher than 20%...

However, the rides were very well attended even without decoration...
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