Suggestion for "better" MTX (they are anyway poison for games)

First of all I am against microtransactions because I know very well how they damage games, especially if not well put there, but anyway if they a company bases its success or a title success on them it is doing all wrong, because a game must succeed for its design not the FOMO or other strange addiction or collecting items, because that is simply not the game.

For ED an eye can be "closed" especially if you improve MTX system you could really do much better influence to the game despite MTX presence.
Instead of making MTX based on KITS, so offering IN BULK the entire set of items, micro the MTX! Surely make ARX easier to get and not limit to 400 a week because it's a bit exaggerated or anyway reduce the prices but what is really needed is this:
If you make a spoiler be added to one ship after some ARX gained, or for whatever reasons u find correct to reward a player with, just make PIECES AND BITS available to be added, instead to offer a full bulk set of items. Like that a player little by little CAN FEEL THE PIMPING OF THE SPACECRAFT happening and it is EXTREMELY more rewarding and flavored instead to offer the full package immediately.

Like that (how it is right now instead) you steamroll a potential embedding of the microtransaction purchase or anyway the personalization owning by cutting, or to say better,by shortcutting the entire process to a click!
You should instead wisely make it flavored, a slow food experience, because it is nice to always be able to go into the garage and be able to personalize the ship little by little seeing it getting complete.
Of course this must come without playing "the hard to get" game because that would be extremely disrespectful, but really if you cut piece by piece the personalization constantly allowing items (ONLY THE ONE THE PLAYER WANTS) to be accessible one can be able to MOUNT like a LEGO their ship and be satisfied with it instead to have IT ALL and at ONCE!

Sure the present option for those who don't care and just play in a very superficial way, sure if they like that it should stay, but even separating a single item, in more parts, that would not make it grindy but cool to feel like to mount the ship.

I would also add details like outcomes from mounting stuff (like trade offs) having a spoiler could make the mass change a bit like of 0.5 - 1 the Mass, but you could gain of 1% of pitch for example and roll ... so that people also FEEL even if very very slightly a change or at least can live the illusion that it does change and really makes the ship unique.

The latter thing would be supreme stuff, the other to separate in bits the items to personalize the ship is the main and only suggestion.
I've heard that kits might change the hitbox and make it larger? :)
Good, it's just a basic change I suggested it's explained in the LoNg wInDeD tExT...
Nothing huge just good for realism as the game has several details taken care of and should do the same, this would make MTX much more acceptable and fun part of gameplay, instead to be the usual poison intruder just to cash cow on kiddos and so on destroying the game
They are in bulk because you expected to buy them instead of collecting it one by one with free arx. You still can, but if you do the math on how long it would take to buy full set just for the sake of one spoiler you like, you will just pay this fistful of dollars.
I've heard that kits might change the hitbox and make it larger? :)
Yep, that came in with Odyssey, and they also provide additional cover from ground fire. With players being able to run around on top of their ships it kinda had to come, because players rightfully expect that they can stand on things attached to their ship when they see them.
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Quite nice stuff.
Regarding the JCCarven, your realist message cuts my legs with one hit. So sad...
This is exactly the message that explains why I suggest what I suggest and called like that in the title.
It would make the process much more acceptable and if people don't wanna wait or want them all can buy it not "with free stuff"...
But it would add content to the game itself! As people could actually play for the sake also to make their ship look in a certain way.
There could even be "emergent gameplay" coming from that: example, a squadron requires specific stuff to be mounted on their vipers, on their x y z ships.
This will make the recruit play the game for that in order to obtain it... (or anyway have the Arx Not BOUGHT) in order to be part of the wing...
Anyway... the thing is that being able to add a single element is really cool and makes it much more immersive and COMPATIBLE with gameplay isntead to DESTROY game with finance trash.

Those ppl that say "how they are gonna run their servers" is just rubbish thrown there from microtransaction parassites that unfortunately pollute the internet.
Btw MTX are used a lot o from criminal organizations to money launder, blood money, and terrible criminal stuff so... yeah...
Not only they destroy games but also life on earth.
Sorry, pal, English is not my native language. I don't understand what are you talking about. You asking to buy things separately with free arx, and somehow inability to do so destroys the game financially.. right?

I get it, free Arx are useless. And I don't want to have to buy all that stuff I don't need either. How about "unbulking" things but completely removing free Arx? I'm okay with that because I buying at least 5000 Arx each month just because I love the game and want it to be around for another 10 years. On the top of that, I live in a country they don't even accept payments from, so I had to personally go to another country to get a new visa card. Come on, it's just $4 we're talking about. Don't be so cheap.

BTW, what do you know about Star Citizen?..
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No, English really is your language, it does, maybe instead it s not mine instead but no need to get to say this. Just ask for repeating, or just read first post again.
Yes I am suggesting to unbulk the aesthetical addons as this would make the MTX effect on the game much better and make MTX much more fluid with the game and player choice which is THE MOST IMPORTANT STUFF, RP or not, it will push immersion too.

With the way this works with the ARX making these unbulked single stuff less hard or harder to get this is up to the developer to see what scheme they need to obtain what money what player effort etc. what is the money they intend to collect...
The thing is also allowing for a larger amount of art to be added like 2-3 more spoilers\modifications per ship and will allow for more money freely gained or payed to be obtained.
So changing the scheme would not be bad or just adding in parallel this option to unlock piece by piece...

And also more "preview" options to turn the ship in preview and stuff would be nice.. the game is not well designewd nor the stores for this.. colors for example of livery in game are also terrible. You can't see some of the ships what actual colors they are gonna run with the preview mode...
Also on web site colors are "falsified"... not really a description is there...

It's not really taken care of this part that "generates" money and can also generate fun if they play on these cords well, it's just such a lazy attitude by dev\managers etc.
A player with experience can understand very well how to improve the system and also with finance education I understand also how to keep it going and even generate more money flow potentially (AS I MENTIONED, not that I support this: since money for me come from GOOD DESIGN of the game, that is what generates money FIRST of ALL).

Won't digress on other topics here like SC .. it's not not really a good idea here. Maybe other in other topics yes SC maybe will be good in some years like 5 or more. I do not support beta testing games, lol and paying the process. Ppl don't get they should get payed to play beta testing our game world has been flooded with. Never mind. (DAL).
I care about Free Arx, but bulk stuff yeah as you say makes the thing of collecting for a bulk unlock a bit grindy.. "just" a "bit".
Trust me.. it's not that if they generate x money they can run the server.

It's just about: is the game profitable or not anymore? Does it damage our image of FD, or it helps it.
It'0s not that if you buy MTX u gonna make a game continue. It's a different question.
People could buy MTX in great mass and then hate a game. The hate would be so big that even if profitable something could be shut down for how much damage a company history and name... try to see things with a wider perspective. There is my suggestion indeed that tries to help them have a WIN WIN and also players have a WIN.
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