Suggestions for franchise animal trading

The animal trading model in franchise mode is a bit of a disappointment, with the frictionless and unrealistic trading encouraging the animals to be viewed purely as commodities. I would like to see it actually matter that these are supposed to be living animals being traded. I think adding these mechanics would make the animal trading more interesting, discourage excessive flipping and abuse of the trade center to cheat on aging mechanics.

1. Add a cash cost for every animal purchased on market, to reflect the cost of transporting the animal (cost can vary depending on how far apart the zoos are on the world map).

2. Animals that are moved from zoo to trade center continue to age while in trade center (but animals that are bought do not start aging until placed in the zoo, so as not to penalize shopping for animals before habitats are constructed).

3. If an animal that is bought is to be resold it must go through quarantine first.
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