DLC18 discussion and predictions

My pc doesn't lag at all unless there's 1k animals or something like that, then it lags slight.
They should try to reduce the lag so all players can play without the humendous lag unless your willing to buy a gaming pc.
Not the best idea as it would drive sales away from the barnyard dlc, it would only be a matter of time before coaster people start demanding they want giraffes and hippos so they can build a busch gardens style park.
I mean I have wanted that ever since planet zoo released by far the best theme park I have ever been to was busch gardens.

I mean, some of it is just the way CPUs need to process things. They can optimize the game but only to a certain extent... I really think a lot of what people want won't be feasible (in the way that people say they want it!) until we're another generation or two ahead from a CPU perspective.
To be fair, planet zoo is allready optimised to an insane degree. I overhauled my pc last year and my performance since then has been nothing but great for the most part. Sure when doing terrain work there can be lag spikes but overall the fact that i can play the game without lags on high settings with 100+ animals, 30+ staff and what must be a few 10.000 of pieces is propaply the biggest compliment i can give to it, especally as my pc wasnt even that expensive. Ofcourse not everyone got a gaming pc but its still a testament to how well it runs
Keep in mind that a sequal would be almost immediately better performance wise because its not running on a 7yr old engine planet zoo uses the same one as planet coaster originally did.

Lag is inevitable in these sorts of games and I dont think its fair to say because fish or birds would require high minimum numbers that they cannot be included in planet zoo or a sequel. They would obviously have ways to improve performance such as shoaling, multiple fish becoming one entity for a period of time or reducing the amount of lag just stationary items can cause which is by far the biggest lag causer in game not the animals.
I mean I have wanted that ever since planet zoo released by far the best theme park I have ever been to was busch gardens.

Keep in mind that a sequal would be almost immediately better performance wise because its not running on a 7yr old engine planet zoo uses the same one as planet coaster originally did.

Lag is inevitable in these sorts of games and I dont think its fair to say because fish or birds would require high minimum numbers that they cannot be included in planet zoo or a sequel. They would obviously have ways to improve performance such as shoaling, multiple fish becoming one entity for a period of time or reducing the amount of lag just stationary items can cause which is by far the biggest lag causer in game not the animals.
Still, your going to need a pretty good PC to have animals and high quality rollercoasters and rides in the same park. I do want animals like the Siamang, Gorilla, Giraffe, Rhinoceros basically the main animals of Animal Theme parks with some birds. Maybe animal themed rides with a cheetah roller coaster, siamang hanger and stuff. For like a 25$ Expansion pack.
Holy crap, I just realized that animals are being brought back from extinction. Welp, of course scientists are bringing back species then realizing that modifying DNA is the worst thing you can do and this is how freaky stuff is created.

I mean I can understand the dodo and thylacine, but do we not see any mutations happening and meddling with wild life. Also why the hell is there woolly mammoths trying to be brought back. I mean yeah, anyone wants to see a mammoth but this can end in a castrophe and disorder in the Animal Kingdom. Its survival of the fittest, not bring them back with certain chances that they are mutated and deadly.
Big day tomorrow, monthly stream. Probably gonna be 3 hours of them yapping about elite dangerous then 90 seconds of them talking about Planet zoo bundle, maybe they can surprise us with a teaser.
I'm thinking Africa and Desert Bundle
Yeah i dont think they are putting much thought into what goes together well.
NA and Europe went together pretty well on the basis of both being mostly temperate animals and some shared animals between the continents, but Aquatic and Twilight had like nothing on common.
Soi think they just throw together whatever they feel like more or less.

If had had to chose 2 id do either SA and Grasslands or SA and Australia since those would add greatly to 2 currentl very empty regions in the console version being south america and oceania
Well, yeah, okay... but since the DLC is the same DLC from the PC version, there's really nothing new to discover, so... what's to be exited about?
So what? Its still new to them even tho they already know what in there.
I mean when new packs are coming to PC people are still excited to buy them on release day, eventough they probably already know the animals and/or piece and likely watched youtubers showcasing the pack
Yeah i dont think they are putting much thought into what goes together well.
NA and Europe went together pretty well on the basis of both being mostly temperate animals and some shared animals between the continents, but Aquatic and Twilight had like nothing on common.
Soi think they just throw together whatever they feel like more or less.

If had had to chose 2 id do either SA and Grasslands or SA and Australia since those would add greatly to 2 currentl very empty regions in the console version being south america and oceania
I have a mostly unfounded theory that they are pairing the packs least likely to be bought together to increase overall sales. Why sell 2 packs that go well together and would get alot of the same people when you can split them so they buy 2 bundles instead of 1.
I do agree that is most likely the news otherwise maybe update info since console is still behind isnt it. I do agree it is likely that the oceania and south america focused packs are the most likely to be bundled next.
Thing is... Aren't the DLCs also available individually? They don't really advertise that fact but I'm like, 75% sure I saw that on the web site at one point. Not a specific statement but a link to buy one of them individually...
Yeah the dlcs are available on their own, they obviously figured that marketing the bundle is a better way to make people buy lots of dlc considering how expensive they can get.
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