System Colonization Assistance Megathread

Since many of us will need Help with Commodities, i thought id open a Hub for people to ask for Aid.

I only ask for one Rule: When posting your System, give a Reason as to why people should help you Colonize your System and please update your post should your Main Station be finished.

Lets start!

My System: COL 285 SECTOR VK-K B23-5 !!Completed!!

Reason to get this System Colonized: I would love to see this System as starting point for Explorers as it is slightly outside the Edge of the Bubble (towards the Galactic Core).
I chose a Apollo Orbis Starport so all necessary Services when leaving towards, (or arriving from) a Long journey are provided. The System also provides an excellent off-grid Mining opportunity. When finished, this System can also be used to expand further into the Black away from the Bubble!

The Port is very close to the Sun, only about 13 Lightseconds which offers very swift arrivals and minimal Risk.

Thanks in Advance for any Help provided.

Big shoutout to CMDR Flibblesan who helped me source quite a chunk of CMM
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a great idea for solo players like me, who could use some help.


I chose this system out of sentimental reasons.
I want to name the stations after pets, that passed away (you know "puppies").

But the system also can house many orbital and planetary facilities, so it is absolutely not useless.

Even if you can't or don't want to contribute, I invite you to take a visit.

Sorry for the grammatical mistakes. English isn't my first language.
Oh, a collection thread has been established. Thank you very much!
Then I will add my request in this place as well:

Dear fellow Commanders,
After supporting the Ulicunabopa Blue Gang for some time and seeing them succumb to the Pilot's Trade Network, I felt my old explorer bones should help them to get some new horizons. This required me to to have dealings with the Ulicunabopa rulers, the Pilot's Trade Network - I have dropped a beacon in Hydrae Sector QY-R B4-3. With the intent to build a eh, private business outpost. Hoping this would be, how do we say, transferable from the Pilot's Trade Network to the cool guys and gals at the Ulicunabopa Blue Gang.
When I had dropped the beacon, a hospitable construction ship arrived. And it came with a shopping list. A pretty long shopping list. And a time limit.
I think I am going to need some help from you good Commanders.
So I kindly invite you esteemed Commanders, to visit the construction ship in Hydrae Sector QY-R B4-3, just off from the cutely named star Ulicunabopa. And bring some of the stuff they like. I see they need some water, fruit and vegetables. That'll keep 'm healthy & happy.
I am but an old dreamer more used to drifting off in the depths of the galaxy, and increasingly the depths of sleep, than finding obscure cargo for an affordable price. I will try though!
Thank you for your attention and may the space madness keep you free!

A projection of the projected project.

(Dear moderators, now that I have found this collection thread: if my earlier made thread on this is in the way, I will not mind if you remove it.)
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Enough to get an outpost going, though I don't remember WH being this difficult to get around. The route planner seems bugged out too.
It has been years since I was out there but as I remember the WitchHead systems are inside a bubble of blocked systems with just a narrow entrance to get through. Unless you were plotting from and to the right places the route planner couldn’t get through. I got round that be bookmarking a system just outside the entrance and another just inside, plot from the bubble to the outer bookmark then re plot to get inside.

It was fairly straightforward inside but then I was only trying to visit the partially established systems not an uninhabited one.
Oh, a collection thread has been established. Thank you very much!
Then I will add my request in this place as well:

Dear fellow Commanders,
After supporting the Ulicunabopa Blue Gang for some time and seeing them succumb to the Pilot's Trade Network, I felt my old explorer bones should help them to get some new horizons. This required me to to have dealings with the Ulicunabopa rulers, the Pilot's Trade Network - I have dropped a beacon in Hydrae Sector QY-R B4-3. With the intent to build a eh, private business outpost. Hoping this would be, how do we say, transferable from the Pilot's Trade Network to the cool guys and gals at the Ulicunabopa Blue Gang.
When I had dropped the beacon, a hospitable construction ship arrived. And it came with a shopping list. A pretty long shopping list. And a time limit.
I think I am going to need some help from you good Commanders.
So I kindly invite you esteemed Commanders, to visit the construction ship in Hydrae Sector QY-R B4-3, just off from the cutely named star Ulicunabopa. And bring some of the stuff they like. I see they need some water, fruit and vegetables. That'll keep 'm healthy & happy.
I am but an old dreamer more used to drifting off in the depths of the galaxy, and increasingly the depths of sleep, than finding obscure cargo for an affordable price. I will try though!
Thank you for your attention and may the space madness keep you free!

A projection of the projected project.

(Dear moderators, now that I have found this collection thread: if my earlier made thread on this is in the way, I will not mind if you remove it.)
But how much are you paying me to help you? I have a Cutter at 720'ish cargo capacity.
@Einar Donarsson ... just for consideration, might be worth reporting your own thread and asking the mods to move it to the Community Goals section with the "Community Initiative" tag on it... reasons being:
  • Supplying stations is basically a mini community goal outright; and
  • People looking for things to do (or see what the latest CG is) might look there and see that.
  • Given that it's a lower-traffic section of the forum in terms of topic posts, it might sit up top

That, or ask for a sticky here in GD?
On that note...


Why? Honestly, because it's Beta, and I'm giving this puppy a rip, only one way to find out how things roll. Military Outpost, so small requirements.

Best bang for buck for anyone would be the deliveries of Steel and Titanium... once there's timeslots for FC jumps I'll bring my FC in to offer ~100k per CMM composite (and why not take other stuff at the same time). I'll be ripping through the other bits in short time, once my haulers transfer over.

Promise I'll put more effort into future blurbs, but need to see what's what before putting more meaning behind it.

EDIT: Due to the change in the CMM market, the 100k buy order has been revoked.


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@Einar Donarsson ... just for consideration, might be worth reporting your own thread and asking the mods to move it to the Community Goals section with the "Community Initiative" tag on it... reasons being:
  • Supplying stations is basically a mini community goal outright; and
  • People looking for things to do (or see what the latest CG is) might look there and see that.
  • Given that it's a lower-traffic section of the forum in terms of topic posts, it might sit up top

That, or ask for a sticky here in GD?
Evening fellow commanders I have recently set up shop over at

Gamma-1 Octantis

Why have I chosen this system and might you be interested in aiding in supporting it? Simple: Mining opportunities. Yes it may not have the coveted metallic rings, but it does possess it's share of metal rich worlds and two ringed worlds, one of which does posses at least Metal Rich rings and as the frontier expands the need for metals and minerals will expand with it. And if mining isn't your thing than remember that metals and minerals are good ways for a trader to turn a profit, especially as more markets are bound to turn up in the future. As I have a day job it is a tall order for just one guy, so any and all forms of aid are appreciated. Who knows, we may even have neighboring star systems someday
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Building a coriolis tier 2 station in an interesting system with a gas giant including a ring (rocky/ice), asteroid field (rocky), ammonia world and a water world.

Why? Because I wanted to give this a shot and I want to see what kind of things I can later work on for the planets in this system, and I usually use large ships so I ended up choosing tier 2 to start with, which may have been a mistake but we shall see, hopefully with some help it will be done before the time runs out.

Update 5: The station is now complete, Mendel Sanctuary is the name of the station and I shall build more stations and such in the system once I have taken a look around to see what is needed. (definitely will make an asteroid base at the asteroid field when I have a chance)
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But how much are you paying me to help you? I have a Cutter at 720'ish cargo capacity.
That is splendid! I think I could offer some ₡25,000,000 from the ₡600-odd million I have left in liquidity after all these years. However, I have never been able to transfer money to some other Commander's bank account. I could also offer you some tales from the depths of the Millky Way. Have you ever been to Eock Gree?
Anyone who needs credits and can haul, I'm paying handsomely for anyone helping out my colony. DM me if you're interested in earning some huge credits. 🙏💰
(primary port completed, added some more construction projects and the journey continues!)

the following constructions could use help
-large orbital construction "Mayberry Enterprise" in SYNUEFE OE-G C27-5

i'm an explorer on a long distance journey for a distant earth
any help is appreciated :)
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