System flipping. All play styles?!

I propose a more organized way to play. Two or more teams attempt to flip a contested system. Each team chooses a minor faction within a system and runs missions or takes other actions in that system to gain their faction control of that system. At the end of an hour or two, the side that has gained the most control is declared victor. This is the basic Capture the Flag idea behind a lot of games that I've had a ton of fun playing with friends, especially BF 1942.

One thing that could be an appeal of this style of game play in ED is that it does not have to be combat oriented. There are as many ways for a faction to gain control as there are play styles. I don't know if you can flip a system through just mining and smuggling, but you could certainly move the control meter by running mining missions for them.

It doesn't even have to be PvP. Teams could agree to not engage other humans in a combat zone, only AI.

Team captains could be chosen, and a ranking system could be given to ship quality, so teams are equal. It could be as organized or free as the players wanted.

If there is interest expressed in this, I could help organize some events. Of course if someone takes up the idea and is more successful than I at it, I will not be offended...that much.
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