General T - 9 months until Launch

Firstly I would like to say my thanks to Frontier, especially to the team who have worked solely on Fleet Carriers over the last few months. And before that who brought us the interstellar initiatives. I'm sure at times in the Frontier office there was some banter about you being the "B Team" but let it be known that for a significant portion of 2019 you kept some breath in the game. And now in 2020 you have delivered the Fleet Carriers to us. While they are not perfect in the eyes of some of the community, they are a great leap in the right direction. So thank you. The beta system worked well and I'm looking forward to seeing this evolve in the coming months and years. The communication between the Community Managers and Developers has been superb and special shout out to the CMs who have been seen to post and read comments on this forum way outside of normal working hours. We are very grateful for this. It has really felt like our voices are being heard for the first time in a long time.

I am creating this post because I would like to suggest some ideas. If Oddysey is due to release in early 2021 at the latest this would suggest March 2021. Therefore giving us 9 months until release.

I want to suggest that we make this 9 months the 9 months of repair. It is time certain features of the game were reworked and expanded. It would be an excellent idea to focus the team who worked on Fleet carriers to tidying up the game in time for the Oddysey release. Such as but not including:

1. Multi crew
Multi crew is flawed because you cannot use multiple SRVs in multi crew which breaks the objective of having a vehicle hangar with 2 SRVs. In addition wings and multi crew do not work. This is very frustrating. Finally, the control of the helm should be able to be transferred to the crew mate if they want it.

2. Trading
Trading is a far inferior method of making money and lacks meaning. It has been improved through supply and demand however it should be further looked at. Compared to mining, trading is useless.
3. Mission rewards
The mission board rewards need serious buffing. They pay too low compared to mining.
4. Combat rewards

Combat rewards do not take into account the NPCs engineering level. It can take a fully engineered PVE corvette 10 minutes to kill an elite fully engineered elite anaconda and the combat bond reward will only be approximately 100-200k. There is no consideration by the bounty system of the engineering level. An elite full engineered AI anaconda should have a bounty of at least 1million credits as a starting position.
5. Federation/imperial grind
This is the worst part of the game. There should be set objectives per level such as "kill 200 ships" or "hand in 200million worth of exploration data". This way I can feel like a true Admiral of the fleet having achieved many things rather than just been a courier pilot for 50 hours.
6. Power play
Make power play in open only.

Use the Fdev team who worked on Fleet carriers to flash out the game's exisiting features in time for Odysseys release in under 9 months time. Rework the above and for the reasons stated.
..Compared to mining, trading is useless...

Until they nerf this too..
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