Dinosaurs T-Rex SoundBoard Improvment

Your Feature Request / Idea
Well As Said in the title really there needs to be more sounds for the T-Rex


For those of you who have seen it, will know the scene I mean.

Blood transfusion scene, when the Rex wakes up, the T-Rex is pretty angry and fustrated. In this scene alone t-rex goes through almost all the sounds possible that has been heard in all the 4 previous movies.

Call me a Sado or geek or whatever but I've watched that scene over and over on youtube and I counted 8 !!!!! different sounds, or roars coming from her.

In Evolution I find 3 sounds, I know there is alot of dinosaur to work with but come on she is the Star of the whole franchise, she deserves a little more attention than the others. The raptors have most of the sounds already but the rex I just feel it's very unfinished.

Example: When she roars currently yes it's a good sound but the length of that roar is unfinished, The rex in the films do two main roars. The standard aaaaaaarrrggghh (Currently in game) Then they do an extended very angry roar like at the end of Jurassic park one which is more like aaaaarrrrgggghhhhaaaaarrrrgggghhh.

Bad I know, but only way I can think of discribing it.

Standard - T-rex chasing the jeep in Jurassic Park 1
Extended - When Owen and Claire close their ears, in fallen kingdom in the container.

I just think the Extended, is alot more suitable or should atleast be in the game, as I said the is 3/7 sounds being used. Please add more


:D I'm not even sorry.
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