Targeting Modules

Hi All,

I'm fairly new to the game and have a question ref targeting individual modules when in combat:

1) Is it worth doing? I've got Gimbaled multicannons and they seem pretty effective at ripping through Hulls, from what I've read targeting an individual model would reduce their overall hull damage?

2) How do you do it? I've seen a cycle sub system somewhere but cant remember where.

3) Is this something you would only use the larger ships to incapacitate them?

Hold Y button and i think its D pad up to cycle sub system or you can use the sub system screen to your left side.

As for it usfulness, agains small ships I don't bother, but on larger ships, Python, Clipper, Anacondas ect I target power plant, I've killed a python the other day by taking out the power plant and it still had about 50% hull left.
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Everything I've read says go for the Power Plant...

But the most effective thing I've ever done with sub-system targeting was going after the shield generator. Mind you, I was in a Courier going after an NPC drop ship at the time.. but I got tired of his shields going back up before I got a chance to finish the job.

So I'm sure it depends on a lot of factors you have to decide on the fly.

EDIT: Per the poster above me, yes, there's sub-system cycling.

But when I'm targeting sub-systems I use the menu on the left systems panel.

Good luck!
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Just a thought; Isn't it better to just shoot the canopy as the first priority? I mean, it's made of glass and breaks easily. And after that target the power plant or shield generator or whatever. That way they either die by your guns or by the lack of oxygen, no?
Anything smaller than a conda, I target the powerplant. For a conda, I target the drive. When it's spinning hopelessly in space, I just sit behind it and have my way with it.
Just a thought; Isn't it better to just shoot the canopy as the first priority? I mean, it's made of glass and breaks easily. And after that target the power plant or shield generator or whatever. That way they either die by your guns or by the lack of oxygen, no?

The problem with shooting the canopy on a big ship is that you have to be in front of it, which is often the last place you want to be! :) Shooting out the Drives and/or Power Plant on a Python or Anaconda is reasonably safe, especially if you're chaff-happy to deter their turrets when you end up in the line of fire. I don't even know if NPCs care about the canopy.
I second the comment about targeting the condas drives, just went up against one and took out one of its engines, utterly cripples them and they just drift helplessly!
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