Dinosaurs Territorial boundaries

Your Feature Request / Idea
A system of dinosaurs having territories would be a good addition to the game.Dinosaurs can patrol there territory and stop competitors entering/taking over.When you click on a dinosaur having a visible border for there territory would make it easier to manage.This feature will also allow for multiple types of carnivores in a exhibit.For example in a big enclosure a pair of Baryonyx can have there territory next to the water and they stay away from the territory of a Allosaurus in the forest.Dinosaurs like the Ankylosaurus that are solitary will not tolerate others entering there territory and intimidate/scare them away.
I wish I can give a 10-Stars rating on this!

With large enough enclosure size and proper implementation, I think this is the real solution for the popular feature of free roaming site B many people would love to have. It is just fascinating to see how endless combinations of large, medium, small herbivores, large, small carnivore can live and interact dynamically within the same space. This for sure adds replayability value to the game, not to mention it is part of the management aspect the Devs tries to impose.

Meanwhile, I’m working on the details of this feature. I will probably never finish [rolleyes]. I will put it here if I do. The things I’m working on are:-

- Mechanics of Territorial behaviors of scouting, migration, how to establish a territory, territorial disputes.
- Balance between group and individual AI of various behaviors including roaming, defensive fighting, group evasion.​

A lot of work on AI is required on this feature but I believe this is essentially what makes a game great.
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You can't make a big enough enclosure to make it territory divided. Imagine how big the territory for these animals would be. A regular tiger has a territory of 80 square kilometers. Imagine what a dinosaur would require...
You can't make a big enough enclosure to make it territory divided. Imagine how big the territory for these animals would be. A regular tiger has a territory of 80 square kilometers. Imagine what a dinosaur would require...

As mentioned earlier, a game is a game. A game has its technical limitations. Technical limitations shouldn’t be a limit on creating a fun, interesting gameplay whenever a compromise is possible. I don’t know how this can be done. One of the ways is to introduce a gigantic map, a real Isla Sorna by putting a cap on building numbers (something I hate to have). The other way may just use one’s imagination, treats every square inch of area as 10 or 100 times its size. Please bear in mind, as I believe, the current average enclosure size already doesn’t depict the real life counterpart. All Dinos would have rampaged already in such tiny enclosures.

Edit: Better yet, consider them as genetically modified theme park animals in such that their perceived territory size is down-scaled.

Having mentioned the above, I understand why you argue against it. It is immersion breaking to see rivalry Dinos living too close to each other. I don’t like that as well but I hope you can see that the fun for having such mechanics outweigh the former. That’s why I would like to see territorial taunting or disputes from time to time.
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As mentioned earlier, a game is a game. A game has its technical limitations. Technical limitations shouldn’t be a limit on creating a fun, interesting gameplay whenever a compromise is possible. I don’t know how this can be done. One of the ways is to introduce a gigantic map, a real Isla Sorna by putting a cap on building numbers (something I hate to have). The other way may just use one’s imagination, treats every square inch of area as 10 or 100 times its size. Please bear in mind, as I believe, the current average enclosure size already doesn’t depict the real life counterpart. All Dinos would have rampaged already in such tiny enclosures.

Edit: Better yet, consider them as genetically modified theme park animals in such that their perceived territory size is down-scaled.

Having mentioned the above, I understand why you argue against it. It is immersion breaking to see rivalry Dinos living too close to each other. I don’t like that as well but I hope you can see that the fun for having such mechanics outweigh the former. That’s why I would like to see territorial taunting or disputes from time to time.

I agree. I would love to have a real Site B, with dinosaurs all over the island. Not just the "building space". :D
I agree. I would love to have a real Site B, with dinosaurs all over the island. Not just the "building space". :D

Glad that you agree! [yesnod]
Same here. I’m okay with building caps on any extra gigantic maps but please don’t apply it to existing maps. I like the way they are now.
Another good way the territorial boundaries feature can work is when a carnivore kills a dinosaur they would protect the kill as if they are protecting there territory.
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