TEST: Mostly Harmless


Check us out on social media to stay updated with what we're up to! Twitter, Youtube, and Google+

We also host the streams of our members on our Twitch channel.​

A little bit about us...

We are the largest community of players in Elite: Dangerous at over 850 commanders hailing from all over the world. Our goal is to provide a home for players looking to explore the galaxy and take on its many challenges together.

We do not require you to play the game in a specific way, as long as it falls within the rules of the game we allow it. Elite: Dangerous is about having the freedom to do what you want by blazing your own trail, which is exactly what we support here.

We're a very active community and we welcome players of all experience levels. As our members come from all over, no matter where you are you will always be able to find someone to fly, explore, bounty hunt, mine, or trade with. We maintain a large teamspeak server featuring a variety of channels and private rooms that our members use to play the game or just hang out with each other in.

You may recognize our name from elsewhere in the gaming world. The "TEST" naming convention is a tradition among gaming communities that were formed through Reddit and is one that we proudly carry on.

If you're interested in joining up please submit an application through our recruitment page which can be found on our website here. You'll also need an account with Enjin as well. We have no formal requirements that you must meet in order to join we only use the application to get to know you a bit before you climb aboard.

Our community also offers sub-groups within it for our members who are choosing to take sides in the conflicts of the galaxy. We currently have a sub group for the Empire and the Federation with one for the Alliance arriving as soon as there is enough interest within the community. We have a system that serves as a central meeting point for all members no matter what faction you choose to side with: Jita.

All members are welcome to join either the Imperial Legion [Empire] or the 71st Federal Division [Federation] upon acceptance to the community. Each group runs missions daily in an attempt to spread their influence across the galaxy. So what are you waiting for commander?

With that said, we hope to be flying with you soon and remember....

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Great. Plenty of players from all round the world. Always a group on Teamspeak during UK/EU core hours (5pm to 12pm+ weekdays and most of the day at weekends).
Currently 10 players on TS, 20:42 UK time (although not me as I'm just about to go out raving ;) ).
You can see current CMDRs on http://testfleet.enjin.com/
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 10th September 3300
Freeport, LP98-132

TEST: Mostly Harmless (TEST:MH) Commanders are breaking records

TEST:MH are happy announce that two of their top commanders are breaking records and impressing the Elite Pilot Federation.

Jake Skyrunner is leading the pack in Trading and Hauling, hitting a balance of over 100m Credits by 7.47pm on the 9th September. To celebrate this Jake streamed his efforts via the subspace Twitch network.


Titus Balls, spokesperson for TEST:MH said "Jake is doing good work for the glory of TEST. Once he arrived back in Freeport, the beers were flowing. Many of us have sore heads this morning - but Jake will pick up, carry on and continue his good work bringing materials and good to the good people of our sector of space". We have recently discovered that another alliance of Commanders have recently approached Jake, trying to tempt him away from TEST. We cannot repeat what he said here more than it was a polite "get lost".

Deadly Fighters

As well as Jake's efforts, another Commander - Anderson DeGrear - has also been pushing boundaries with reaching over 1000 kills in his trusty Viper. Anderson is one of our top combat pilots and it's quickly heading to becoming Deadly. Rumour has it that the Elite Pilot Federation are keeping an eye out for this promising young pilot.


TEST: MH On Social Media

As TEST:MH continue to grow (currently over 300 registered commanders) our Department of Propaganda has recently started putting news out on additional Subspace channels. You can now follow our Elite adventure over on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

Signing off
Titus Balls, Spokesperson
TEST:MH Department of Propoganda
Friendly Boom as the NPC's glitter as dust in the cold sunlight of space!

Hi guys. you have some PM's coming your way imminently once I have composed a suitable missive. I like the Test ethos of drunken chicanery on a Saturday night as it sounds like fun!
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post an update regarding our PvP tournament. As there are a multitude of changes in the game as a result of Beta 2 (many more than we were anticipating) and with Beta 3 and likely another wipe coming with it this month we are postponing the tournament until a more suitable time presents itself. Stay tuned.
If you're coming to the event on Saturday look out for myself and Anderson - we'll be around and happy to answer any TEST related questions if you have any.

If you're still looking for a group to join in game - come over, sign up and join us on Teamspeak to say Hi and find out what we're all about - our friendly staff will be around this weekend to help any newcomers join in the fun.
Ahoy-hoy! Commanders!

This was just what I was looking for.

Signed up and awaiting the call-to-arms.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 15th December 3300
Grover Horizons, Jita

TEST: Mostly Harmless (TEST:MH) Are Moving To Jita

TEST:MH (http://testfleet.enjin.com/) are happy announce that with the opening of the galaxy to all Commanders, Jita (-13, -30, -14) will be their new Home system.


"Jita is naturally placed out of the way from the core systems while being surrounded by many Empire, Federation and Independent systems - providing rich opportunity for our commanders" said a TEST:MH spokesman.

"We do not require our commander to be based out of there permanently but rather aim for it to be a place we can call home when they need a time of rest."

TEST:MH will be looking to remove the system from the clutches of the Federation and helping to make it independent.

"While the Federation operate in the system, it does not allow us to fully pursue our expansion plans in the region. As recently seen in Lugh, We will be working closely with pro-independence forces to help destabilize the government in the system and will be given the rights to operate all stations in the system."


"We fully expect Federation sympathizers to of course try stop us, and I expect a few Empire and Alliance spies will also be keeping their keen eye on what is happening".

TEST: MH will also be operating with the Altani Defense Force to help ensure that the nearby system of HIP 22050 will remain in Empire hands during this time of difficult transition with the demise of Hengist Duval.

TEST:MH Department of Propaganda
Imperial Legion - TEST Mostly Harmless Subgroup

Imperial Legion - Maxime simplices TEST


Honor and glory await those pilots that have the metal and determination to join the Imperial Legion. The Legion is dedicated to advancing the cause of the Empire, defending its borders and helping to expand the Empire’s sphere of influence.

The Legion’s 1st campaign will begin after the 16th of December and when we will align ourselves with Senator Denton Patreus and repel any attempts at outside influence to take advantage of the succession. Once the succession is complete we will of course support whomever is in power and dedicate ourselves to the glory of the Empire.

Everything the Legion does is in support of the empire and you can contribute any way you can. You don’t have to be a combat pilot to be of service, all pilots are brothers (and sisters) in the Legion.

The Legion war council will select systems which are the target of our campaign and we will do what we can to increase the Empire’s influence in the system so that it eventually takes over. What you can contribute to this varies depending on your chosen profession. Traders and miners can sell goods only to Empire factions and undertake missions for the Empire, combat pilots can join conflict zones, complete missions, destroy ships of opposing faction, sell their goods at an Empire black market (don’t get caught!).

The command structure of the Legion is as follows

Legate – The overall leader of the Legion, decides the course of the Legion’s campaign, which system to elevate to Imperial control, which major battles the Legion fights in and overall strategy of the Legion.

Tribunes – Stands in for the Legate while the Legate is unavailable. Offers strategic advice to Legion members to help co-ordinate the current campaign. Sits on the war council with the Legate and other Tribunes which meets to discuss the current campaign, promotion of Legion members and internal Legion security.

Centurion – Coordinates Legion efforts in the field. Provides support and advice to Prefects and recruits. Acts as squadron leaders during large scale battles.

Prefect – Accepted members of the Legion. Works towards either the Legion campaign or the general interests of the Empire. Participates in large scale battles under the direction of Centurions. Takes command of squadrons of recruits when requested by their Centurion.

Recruit – Newest members of the Legion, Works towards either the Legion campaign or the general interests of the Empire. Participates in large scale battles under the direction of Centurions or Prefects.

To join the Imperial Legion you will need to sign up for TEST: Mostly Harmless - http://testfleet.enjin.com/
There is a signup thread for the Legion here http://testfleet.enjin.com/forum/m/24698154/viewthread/17778759-imperial-legion-signups/page/1

All Hail the Emperor, Bask in his glory!
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