I followed advises listed on https://wiki.antixenoinitiative.com/
My current ship for this purpose is a shieldless Alliance Chieftain https://s.orbis.zone/l8a_
Honestly the only thing i can do right, many times in a row, is dying.
You have to focus on ship temperature, align your ship with a moving target, keep it not too close and not too far, keep aligned while charging your Gauss canons, take in account the swarm...
I'm not completely discouraged as I can deal around 20% damage before I die, but it seems that right now this part of the game is exclusively for an elite of players.
But I have to pay around 4millions each time I die. I haven't mentioned all the times I'm +5km from my target to repair and my ship suddenly stops, nothing responds, and I end up in a barbecue.
Any advises to progress ?
My current ship for this purpose is a shieldless Alliance Chieftain https://s.orbis.zone/l8a_
Honestly the only thing i can do right, many times in a row, is dying.
You have to focus on ship temperature, align your ship with a moving target, keep it not too close and not too far, keep aligned while charging your Gauss canons, take in account the swarm...
I'm not completely discouraged as I can deal around 20% damage before I die, but it seems that right now this part of the game is exclusively for an elite of players.
But I have to pay around 4millions each time I die. I haven't mentioned all the times I'm +5km from my target to repair and my ship suddenly stops, nothing responds, and I end up in a barbecue.
Any advises to progress ?