Thank you Frontier

Thanks for this game.
It took me a while to think about this, but i have to write it somewhere.
That game saved my life.
In the moments of the darkes hours, in the moments near total oblivion. This game allowed me to go further and overcome the black.
Now I live full of life, and this would not be possible without Elite. Thank you!
Came into this thread due to the title and to add my own thanks, my story is not as intense as the OP but respect for sharing (y)

I first saw Elite on a friends Acorn Electron, and it was amazing back in the 80's, like totally amazing like nothing we had ever seen before. Since then Elite has always been on one of my computers and really it IS one of those games that defines the progress that hone computers have introduced into the human experience.

I've been away from ED for a while, but back in the latest version and enjoying the usual Elite loops that by now are hardwired into my brain. But boy does it look SO MUCH BETTER than it did on my friends Acorn Electron back in the 80's! Honestly breathtaking sometimes, and for that inspiration of awe, thank you to all the FDEV team and Sir David for that.

The world is pretty dark these days and we all need that "moon landing" moment of inspiration in our lives, and for me ED does that enough to make it an awesome game :cool:
I played the original Elite on a BBC model B (with disk drive!) with my dad in my early teens. He died long before this game was even announced but playing ED gives me a connection to happy memories of him.

Since I started playing this game I've met a lot of interesting and cool people, some of whom shot at me :) I've helped a lot of people too, and some have helped me, and I have enjoyed the company of many Cmdrs that I have motivated, and have motivated me to never give up, never surrender ;)

There's always something to do, I've got over 16,000 hrs in-game, I play both legacy & Live, it is a good game & I am glad I have been able to enjoy it as much as I have no matter what else has gone on.
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