I remembered sometime back that Thargoids were floating around the Coalsack, went out there, shot a few, etc. Then the story kind of dropped off the edge of the universe. Just for fun, I took a quick survey trip out there and yeah, every system I've visited there (not all, but 7 so far), there are dozens of NHSS's out there, threat level ranging from 3 to 9. I've known they're still around the Witch Head Nebula as I do mining in that general area.
I have to assume that Frontier either forgot that part of the story and just left them there or something will happen later. I've only been hyperdicted once in that area, so I guess unless one voluntarily jumps into a NHSS instance, they leave me alone so I leave them alone.
I have to assume that Frontier either forgot that part of the story and just left them there or something will happen later. I've only been hyperdicted once in that area, so I guess unless one voluntarily jumps into a NHSS instance, they leave me alone so I leave them alone.