The Beginning Ryushihan

After spending 10 years in the Federation Navy pushing lead for the political elite. The toil of the grind and watching the rich get richer while the rest survived began to take a hold. It was a constant bombardment and reminder everywhere you went, the commercials the adds, hell even my dog came with a political agenda. My wing-mate Robert had flown with me since our time in the academy. It was a normal day not much different than the last 9 years. Flying thru space, keeping the peace, escorting the hot senators daughters and wives. This day, it was different, the engines seamed louder, my head was in a foggy glaze. I remember talking to Robert thru the coms something about the the hot stewardess he was banging, when the radar picked up bogeys. Nothing new, some pirates on coms trying to shake down another transport, poor s can you imagine running from galaxy to galaxy just delivery to the rich scum day in and day out. The transport decided to be a hero, i vivdly hear the pirates warn him that if he just dropped anything they would let him go. They didn't seam greedy and in fact almost human. I could see Roberts thrusters lighting up as he sped past me, man was he alwasy in a hurry. It didn't take long the transports shield were already down by the time we reached the thee Vultures. Then one of the pirates got on the coms, he had a very calm voice. "Look we dont want any trouble, just some of the food that transport has. Just trying to feed the kids, nothing more."

By this time Robert had already started blasting, he was always the shoot first then drink a beer latter type of person. I don't know why but i hesitated, not my norm but there was something that seamed to out of place. I started shooting at one of the Vultures, but i noticed something odd. All three of the ships started firing at Robert at one time. His shields didn't last ling, I had only gotten my guys down half way. It didn't matter how much damage i did he never stopped shooting at Robert. Next thing I know his power had cycled down, for the first time in 10 years i thought i would be drinking alone. I had finally gotten my vultures shield down and started in on his hull. That's when they turned on me, i thrust til the g's were to the max. This was the adrenaline i loved. There wasn't a thought of life or death just the high and the roar of my engines. I was able to get my Vulture to Jump out leaving me with the other two. Robert and the transport were still just flatting in space. i heard the coms come back on "Look man, we just want some of the food that transport has, no lives need to be lost today" I looked down at my console, my shield were pretty much shot. I knew if i tried hard i could at least take one out. But there was something about that pirates voice, could he be really trusted? For what ever reason i opened comms and replied. "ok, yup win." I dropped my speed and came to a float. I watched as my pride sunk into my stomach. Then i saw it unfold before me, they literally only took about 1/3 of the food cargo the transport was hauling. Then as they were about to leave the voice was on coms again " Thank you for your service, no blood was shed no harm was done. Unfortunately, I have no kids but me and my mates will feast like kings. Remember the CODE....." then they was gone.

When we finally made it back after calling in some help. I remember sitting at the bar as Robert was fuming and yelling about how we should went down in a blaze of glory. Man did this Bourbon taste good, had to be the best Bourbon i have ever had in my life. No way it was legal, where did it come from? Them i remembered the pirate, i chuckled out loud. "Feast like kings" Man here he was eating like the Rich i protect every day, for what. A few credits and these stupid z-rations. "Robert, you know what would be real good? A feast for kings!!!" remember the CODE.

(This was my application thread to the CODE-at this point no clue where it will take me. I will RP from what actions happen going forward. My biggest flaw in typing is dyslexia and the inability to type well. I use this as a fun way for me to practice.)
It was starting to be a long night I was well on my way into my second bottle. This would have been the best time to get some sleep and once again i didn't listen to the voices in my head. Robert had passed out an hour earlier, I am pretty sure i called him some choice names. When he didn't budge i left him at the bar. Still with the pirates words floating in my head, i do the most rational thing I can think of. I go for a flight. I don't really know how long I was gone but I do know I was starting to sober up. Then i saw it, just another unknown signal out in the void of space. I hadn't seen a ship in 30Ly, i was in the middle of three suns when i dropped out of FRD. Ah just more floating trash, god i hope its not another one of them gold traps. I definatly wasn't in the right mind to get into combat, heck i wasn't even sure if i had refueled. Hmm, this is odd the signatures are different than normal, defiantly not gold. Nice score ancient artifacts, im counting 6. Dang and here i am with illegal cargo already in my bays. Needless to say I drop the limpets to free up space, I only have room for 4 of them. So I snatch them up leaving two floating in space. I use my lights to get a good look at the canisters, take a few pictures. I am sure Robert won't believe this in the morning. Then i do what any drunk piilot would do, I decide to shoot one. Nothing spectacular just illegal goods shattered into a million pieces. It was kinda of a high. I am pretty sure i just blew up a months worth of pay. Its about this point it downs on me, these will have a hefty fine if i cant get them to a black market fast.

Not a problem i remember passing a little docking bay only 5 LY back. I cant recall its name but i do remember being pretty dissapointed with them not having a black market. Well maybe my luck at a larger station is the way to go. I see on my map, sure why not, a funny named place for a funny night. I am about half way to when of all times i get interdicted. I never ever survive one of these, but if its the law im screwed, heck I could even be court martialed. This is when my buzz is really losing its effects, i turn my stick and throttle like no tommorow, prolly because i was worried tommorow might be in a cell. This had to be my best work or just plain fear. I had actually survived and escaped ready to dock at .

Unfortunately it was another bust. No black Market what the hell.... I get back in my Viper and spool up the engines and take off. Oh crap a fine, 845, hmm i must a gotten that one earlier when i was drunk. Some Russian station was next, Polvakov i believe. I made short work of the flight, i defiantly came in pretty hot. So hot I forgot to request landing permission. I had to leave fast before they shot me on the spot. So here I am outside waiting for them to re-instate me so I can dock and i am seeing the po-po all around me. I am starting to sweet, god why did i drink that second bottle. Somehow though i made it in and even better they had a black market. I made 18k, that's over 4 months pay. Holy crap, talk about an adrenaline rush. This is a cause for celebration. Its been roughly 4 hours according to the clock as i am walking into the bar. As i sit down the i realize this place looks familiar. Its the same bar from last night just a new bartender. I order the best Bourbon they have. I had never been able to afford it before, it was supposdly a special blend that has to float on a ship for no less than 100ly jumps to help smooth it out. Trovian Night 1C they call it, i think for century or something i have no clue. As i begin to take my first sip, a hand grabs my shoulder. My heart skips a beat, i look behind me and see Robert. Dear lord i had forgot he had passed out here. He sees the bottles and sits down. He grabs the bottle and swigs from it, not sure if hes breaking some etiquette law, honestly i could give a space moneys butt. "Win big at the tables?" he says..... Over the bottle i go over what had happened, its going to be a really long night.
This is a good read, looking forward to seeing your next posts.
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