Community Event / Creation The Buckyball Racing Club presents: Once Upon a Time in Leesti (Triple Eight Championship, Race 7)


Buckyball Racing Club presents: Once Upon a Time in Leesti
(Triple Eight Championship, Race 7)
George Lucas (Leesti) 24-OCT-3310 to 04-NOV-3310
Race starts and finishes at 12:00 UTC


Welcome to round-7 of the BRC Triple Eight Championship – Once Upon a Time in Leesti.

Once again this race is brought to you by long time Buckyball fans Anthony “Fat Tony” Lonnigan and Enoch “Little Nuk” Lonnigan (aka The Lonnigan Brothers), although this time they promise the race will be much more straightforward - in Regulation Cobra class at least (or "Once Upon a Time Class" as we're calling it this time).​

Lonnigan Brothers.jpg

The Lonnigan Brothers - Celebrity Buckyball fans (not in any way connected to organised crime)

Once upon a time, back in the earliest days of the Buckyball Racing Club, Leesti was the baddest, most lawless system in the Galaxy. Newly qualified Pilot's Federation Commanders flocked to the Old Worlds to make their fortunes and their ship of choice was the venerable Cobra MkIII. Indeed Fat Tony made his first millions hauling rare commodities in and out of the Old Worlds cluster in his own MkIII - Fat Tony's Hotrod.​

The Lonnigan Brothers remember those wild times fondly, so they offer you the chance to race in two different eras of Buckyball:
  • "Once Upon a Time Class" - Enter in your Regulation Cobra, an exact replica of Fat Tony's Hotrod, and experience an authentic 3301-Era rares-hauling race.
    Start from Leesti, with Leestian Evil Juice and Azure Milk in the hold, grab some more rares from Lave, Zaonce and Diso, then hightail out to Erarin and Epsilon Indi to sell your goods, returning to Leesti as quickly as possible with Indi Bourbon and Eranin Pearl Whisky to make the post race party a good one. Simple as that.​
  • "Shenanigan Class" - Blast around a typically crazy modern Buckyball in your favourite engineered SCO powered mean-machine.
    Same route, and same rare commodities as Once Upon a Time Class, but this time you need to pull off shenanigans (Publicity Stunts) at set locations in Leesti, Lave and Zaonce, before taking to your SRV to hack into the Lave Radio Signal Booster in Diso: Upload your publicity stunts directly onto the Lave Radio broadcast, to make sure the race gets maximum exposure. Oh and don't blow up, or all those precious rares will be vapourised!
    NOTE: Shields and any kind of Ship or SRV repairs are banned in Shenanigan Class!

Race Classes:
There are two classes you can enter for this race, Once Upon a Time Class (aka Regulation Cobra) and Shenanigan Class (Unlimited).

Once Upon a Time Class uses the standard unengineered Cobra MkIII build that's being used throughout all of our championship races. You can find the build linked here:

In Shenanigan Class you can use any ship you like with any amount of engineering, although you must fit a planetary vehicle hangar, you'll need space for at least 5 units of cargo and the following modules are banned:
  • All Docking Computers
  • Supercruise Assist
  • Shield Generators
  • Any module that can be used to repair your hull or modules (e.g. AFMU)
Synthesis of all types is banned in both classes. Neutron Star / White Dwarf FSD boosting is permitted in both classes, but pre-charging before you start is banned.

As usual, you are allowed to enter submissions in both classes.

In BOTH classes:
  1. Start (and finish) on the pad at George Lucas in the Leesti system. You must have 1 unit of Leestian Evil Juice and 1 unit of Azure Milk in your hold.
  2. Visit the following three stations in any order, buying 1 unit of the relevant rare commodity from each station:
    • Lave Station (Lave) - buy Lavian Brandy.
    • Shifnalport (Diso) - buy Diso Ma Corn.
    • Ridley Scott (Zaonce) - buy Leathery Eggs.
  3. Visit the following two stations in any order, selling your 5 units of Old Worlds rares and buying 1 unitof the relevant rare commodity from each station:
    • Mansfield Orbiter (Epsilon Indi) - buy Indi Bourbon.
    • Azeban City (Eranin) - buy Eranin Pearl Whisky.
  4. Travel back to the finish line at George Lucas in Leesti .
In addition in Shenanigan Class you must complete the following publicity stunts, in order to maximise our exposure on Lave Radio:
  1. Complete these three PR Stunts in any order, at any time during the race (but before your Lave Radio Hack):
    • Visit Lave Radio Headquarters at The Orange Sidewinder orbiting Planet Lave. Fly through each of the three Lavian Brandy Holo-Ads, then fly through one of the CQC Championship Holo Banners.
    • Visit Associated Pharmaceutical Services orbiting Leesti 4. Fly through the tunnel, loop around the installation and fly through the tunnel again in the same direction.
    • While at Ridley Scott (Zaonce) , enter the docking bay, then exit again and fly a lap of the station - passing under both orange rings, through the habitation ring, around the back of the reactor, then back to the docking bay, passing through all three rings again.
  2. Land your ship at least 2.25km from the Lave Radio Signal Booster installation on Diso 6F (to sneakily stay out of the trespass zone), board your SRV, then:
    • Drive / flyve to the installation - your ship will automatically be dismissed when you travel 2km away, so it's probably best to manually dismiss it to speed things up.
    • When you reach the Radio Signal Booster scan all three Data Points in order to hack into the Lave Radio broadcast and upload your publicity stunts (*just a bit of roleplay fun, no real hacking or uploading will take place).
    • Drive away from the installation as fast as you like - you should be able to recall your ship at approx 1km from the Lave Radio Signal Booster.
    • Board your ship and get out of there - remember you are in a trespass zone until you get to around 2.1km away so don't hang around too long!
Step by step guides to each of the three publicity stunts and the Lave Radio hack can be found in post #3, they're easier to understand with pictures.

Evidence for your run:
For Shenanigan Class, it's highly recommended that evidence is submitted as video evidence, with bookmarks using YouTube - I will provide a list of screenshots that could be used, but it will be a big list of screenshots vs a fairly small list of video bookmarks.

For Once Upon a Time Class, I still prefer video evidence, but only a few screenshots would be needed, so I'm okay with screenshots if you prefer.
Video evidence, MUST include bookmarks or it will not be accepted. If you forget to add them, don't worry, it's easy to add bookmarks to an existing YouTube video, but your run will not be valid until the bookmarks are added.

For Once Upon a Time Class the following bookmarks / screenshots are required:
  • Modules panel or Outfitting screen prior to launch, to show that you have the correct Regulation Cobra build.
  • Commodities Market Screen at George Lucas showing that you have only Leestian Evil Juice and Azure Milk in the hold.
  • Landing pad screen at George Lucas, immediately prior to launch - this will be your start time.
  • Landing pad screens after docking at the relevant stations in Lave, Zaonce, Diso, Epsilon Indi and Erarin.
  • Commodities Market sale screen at either Mansfield Orbiter or Azeban City showing 1 unit each of Leestian Evil Juice, Azure Milk, Lavian Brandy, Diso Ma Corn and Leathery Eggs.
  • On the Landing pad back at George Lucas immediately after docking - this will be your finishing time.
  • Commodities Market sale screen at George Lucas after docking, showing only Erarin Pearl Whisky and Indi Bourbon in the hold.
For Shenanigan Class the following extra video bookmarks are required - I'll provide a longer list of screenshots later, if anyone really wants to use screenshot evidence:
  • When you drop out of supercruise at Associated Pharmaceutical Services orbiting Leesti 4.
  • When you drop out of supercruise at The Orange Sidewinder orbiting Planet Lave.
  • When you are inside the docking bay at Ridley Scott in Zaonce, at the start of your station loop.
  • In your ship, landed at least 2.25km from the Lave Radio Signal Booster on Diso 6F, prior to deploying your SRV.
  • At the Lave Radio Signal Booster in your SRV prior to scanning the first Data Point.
  • Back in your ship after docking your SRV, prior to launch. Distance to the Lave Radio Signal Booster must be displayed.

P.S. Why not join us in the BRC Discord for live chat before, during or after making a run!


Or, if it's 8:30pm (UK time), why not listen to our friends at Lave Radio? A couple of the regular presenters are very familiar to all Buckyball Racers.


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Publicity Stunts
Entering a run in Shenanigan Class requires the completion of three "Publicity Stunts" during the run, one in each of the Leesti, Lave and Zaonce systems, followed by an SRV section in Diso where you will "hack" the Lave Radio Signal Booster to transmit your publicity stunts on the Lave Radio network. The hacking is purely roleplay flavour and is simulated by scanning each of three data points at the installation.

The Leesti, Lave and Zaonce publicity stunts can be completed at any point during your run, in any order, but they must be completed before the Lave Radio Hack in Diso.

Remember that in Shenanigan Class all ship / SRV repairs are banned and so are shield generator modules, so take care.

Visit the Associated Pharmaceutical Services installation, which can be found orbiting close to the gas giant Leesti 4.
Try to ignore the suspiciously spiky structures floating around the main installation, and locate the single tunnel.
Fly through the tunnel once.
Loop around the installation, to return to the tunnel entrance you just used.
Fly through the tunnel a second time.
You must fly through the tunnel in the same direction both times - i.e. no bootlegger revervskies this time.

1) Associated Pharmaceutical Services installation above Leesti 4.

2) Ignore the spiky bits - this is the tunnel you are looking for.

3) Approach the tunnel.

4) Fly through the tunnel.

5) Loop around the outside of the installation (try not to hit the spiky bits)

6) Approach the same tunnel entrance that you used the first time.

7) Fly through the tunnel a second time.

Hopefully the pictures are helpful enough, but I'll upload a demo video before the race begins.

Visit The Orange Sidewinder installation, which can be found orbiting Planet Lave.
There are three Lavian Brandy Holo-Ads at the installation.
There are also three banners which swap every 10 seconds between CQC Championship banners and Core Dynamics ads.
So there are either 2 CQC and 1 Core Dyn or 1 CQC and 2 Core Dynamics.
You must fly through each of the three Lavian Brandy ads, and then through one banner while it is displaying the CQC Championship ad - not the Core Dynamics one.

1) There are three Lavian Brandy ads, and three banners which switch from CQC to Core Dynamics

2) Every ten seconds

3) Like this

4) Fly through the three Lavian Brandy ads in any order - one...

5) two...

6) three!

7) Then fly through one of the banners, while it is displaying the CQC Championship ad - not the Core Dynamics one!

Hopefully the pictures are helpful enough, but I'll upload a demo video before the race begins.

This stunt is at the famous Ridley Scott station in Zaonce, you need to go there anyway, so this should be easy, you should probably do this immediately before collecting the Leathery Eggs.
Approach the station, remembering to obtain docking permission, to avoid any fines.
Fly into the docking bay.
Turn around and fly back out again.
Fly under the two orange rings that surround the outside of the docking bay.
Fly through the habitation ring - watch out for the supports and the solar panels.
Fly around the back of the reactor, to head back towards the docking bay - as usual for this sort of thing, you must pass beyond the far end of the reactor.
Fly through the habitation ring again.
Fly under the two orange rings again.
Re-enter the docking bay and land on your designated landing pad.

1) Ridley Scott (Zaonce) - note the two orange rings around the docking bay, the single habitation ring and the reactor at the rear of the station.

2) Approach the station, remembering to request docking permission.

3) Enter the docking bay, turn around and fly straight back out again.

4) Fly between the orange rings and the station superstructure

5) Pass through the habitation ring.

6) Pass around the back of the reactor module, and head back towards the docking area

7) Pass back through the habitation ring

8) Fly through the two orange rings again.

9) Re-enter the docking bay and land on your pad.

Again, I'll upload a video demo before the race begins.

The Lave Radio Hack - Diso:
After completing the previous three publicity stunts, you need to hack into Lave Radio's signal, so that you can show the whole Pilot's Federation how cool the Buckyball Racing Club is. You'll be doing that by hacking into the Lave Radio Signal Booster installation on Diso 6F an icy moon orbiting the system's outermost gas giant.
The Lave Radio Signal Booster is a private installation surrounded by a trespass zone which extends to approx 2.1km from the installation.
To make sure nobody notices until the deed is done, land your ship at least 2.25km from the installation.
Deploy your SRV - nobody expects to get hacked by SRVs, so you won't trigger the trespass alert.
Drive / flyve your SRV to the installation. Your ship will be automatically dismissed when you move more than 2km away, so dismiss it straight away to ensure that there is no delay when you recall it later.
When you reach the installation locate and scan (using your Data Link Scanner) each of the three data points (one for each publicity stunt you are uploading).
When you scan a data point a two-minute timer will activate, you just need to scan the next link within those two minutes.
After scanning the second link another two minutes are added to the timer.
Once all three links are scanned, your upload is complete - time to get out of there.
Drive / flyve away ASAP.
Once you reach approx 1km from the installation, you will be able to recall your ship - do it!
Board your ship, and fly away - remember your will be within the trespass zone until you reach around 2.1km from the installation.

1) View of the Lave Radio Signal Booster installation, highlighting the locations of the three data points.

2) Land at least 2.25km away from the installation, to avoid triggering the trespass zone.

3) Travel to the installation in your SRV (remember to dismiss your ship) and locate one of the data points

4) Scan the data point using your data link scanner (a two minute security timer will begin)

5) Locate and scan the second data point, an additional two minutes will be added to the security timer.

6) Locate and scan the final data point, hack complete - now get out of there!

After scanning the final data point, travel away from the installation until you can recall your SRV (approx 1km), then fly away.
I'm not likely to upload a demo video for this one, because my SRV skills suck!

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A couple of things for everyone to remember.

Firstly if you have finished in the top-5 places in unlimited class at one or more prior races this season, some ships are locked out for you.
Here is the current list of locked ships:
Locked ship #1
Locked ship #2
Locked ship #3
Locked ship #4
Locked ship #5
Aken B.
Alec Turner
Imperial Eagle​
Diamondback Explorer​
Cobra MkIII​
Imperial Courier
Federal Assault Ship​
Imperial Eagle​
Caelum Incola
Imperial Courier​
Eagle MkII​
Eagle MkII​
Asp Explorer​
Shaye Blackwood
Cobra MkIII​
Diamondback Scout​
Cobra MkIV​
Viper MkIV
Sir Boundness
Asp Scout​
Imperial Courier​
Tobias Von Brandt
Diamondback Explorer​
Viper MkIII​

Secondly, as this is the 7th race of the season, and only your best six finishes are used for the final board, if you have entered every race so far, then your points will only count for the championship board, if you beat one of your existing placements.
Oh wow. Finally had time to read and digest the rules (fantastic illustrative screenshots in post #3 by the way).

This is going to be a hoot. Regulation will probably be a fairly calm and orderly affair but Unlimited? That's going to be carnage!

Also ... as a representative of Lave Radio I cannot openly condone hacking of our broadcast signal ..
.. but as a representative of the Buckyball Racing Club I say, HAVE AT IT!
Okay the race is now live.

Didn’t get a chance to do a practice run last night, but I did manage to cobble together a Shenanigans Ship which reduced the jumps my usual Racing ships will have to do from three to four jumps out from the Old World systems down to two. The only question is whether the time lost to reduced speed and maneuverability is less than the time I’d lose with another two jumps to my route.
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