Elite / Frontier The cockpit

Thinking about the way that we interact with the game has bought me around to another question. The cockpit is obviously one of the most important and integral parts of a game such as Elite. Remembering the original "Old Faithful" introduced us to what I consider to be one of the most well conceived 'scanner' systems and one that has been used over and over in various shapes and forms.


Following on from this we got the Frontier cockpit which further developed on the original Elite cockpit. It was very functional and IMO again produced a very clear and useful method of ship management.


Then the FFE cockpit. Essentially the same as the Frontier cockpit with some graphical updates, IMO it felt a little bit crammed and I always has a bit of a niggle over the asymmetric layout and the apparent overlap on the command/nav console. What it did do is add some more depth to the actual feel of the cockpit and of course offered something of an upgrade to the quality of the visuals.


So, to get to the point, what is the new elite console going to be like? What would you like its accessibility to be like? Should it be an evolution of the older FFE console or of the Frontier console? Should each ship have it's own individual console layout?

One thing that I would really like to see is the option to utilize a Dual Monitor configuration. Keep the main screen as a HUD based screen with things such as the scanner and current ship attitude etc. On the second screen I would like to see things like weapons selection, ship configuration, navigation and various other things like that. Possibly the option to have the other views, i.e. port, starboard and rear displayed on smaller 'ports'. Of course the primary configuration would have to be a single monitor and the game front-end to be as easy as the previous incarnations, but dual monitor would be a very nice possibility.

Perhaps even a personally configurable/skinned cockpit - the option to go into a cockpit editor and work with a drag and drop system that can be changed using something like Photoshop or similar.

In regard to views in the cockpit, maybe something like a VR setup where you are suspended inside a 360 'globe' of screens that are able to be rotated around in some manner. Is it time to think 'outside' the box a bit with the whole cockpit concept?
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I definatley think that the original scanner used from Elite 1 and Elite 2 should be kept for Elite 4. Personally, i'd love to see a wing commander style cockpit, at least for the smaller ships. For bigger ships like the Panther Clipper, you should have a cockpit/bridge thats larger, maybe even see your crew working at thier stations, rather than a small cockpit thats designed for one person.

Steve O B Have said:
In regard to views in the cockpit, maybe something like a VR setup where you are suspended inside a 360 'globe' of screens that are able to be rotated around in some manner. Is it time to think 'outside' the box a bit with the whole cockpit concept?

I totally agree :) . A 360 view would be great. You could even bring back the old Elite 1 method, where you could look left, right and behind and fit lasers to fire from these views.


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Personally I would like to see the cockpit(s) somewhat virtualized meaning that there really aren't any physical representations for buttons/controls which is kind of how the cockpit is in a sense already, but instead of some of the more static display items, I'd like to see multi-function displays that can be customized to show whatever information the pilot wants/needs to see, customizeable, with saveable presets, etc...

I also like the concept of Dual-monitor support, for even more informational views, such as a solar-system map, or starmap for navigation, communications, or whatever tickles ones fancy... :D
Multiscreen / multihead with TrackIR would be great. I've got 7 screens in front of me right now via a lan, thinking of adding 3 more soon. My next upgrade will be Quadro-FX and Triplehead2go/Dualhead2go combination, so i can do away with the lan and have fully accelerated surround gaming on one great f/o machine. Add a headtracker and a some decent Saitek controllers and i'll be halfway ready for E4.

Still saving up for that quad core tho.
Bounder said:
Multiscreen / multihead with TrackIR would be great. I've got 7 screens in front of me right now via a lan, thinking of adding 3 more soon. My next upgrade will be Quadro-FX and Triplehead2go/Dualhead2go combination, so i can do away with the lan and have fully accelerated surround gaming on one great f/o machine. Add a headtracker and a some decent Saitek controllers and i'll be halfway ready for E4.

Still saving up for that quad core tho.

LOL WAAAAAAAAAY too much money :)

Hows about a Minority Report style function in the HUD and info layouts?


Have situation varied layout - ship detects that you are under threat and auto switches interface to your desired combat layout.
- Navigation layout?
- Atmosphere layout?
- docking
all customised to your preference and actively altered if you decide that you don't particularily like one layout. It could translate to a generalised cockpit layout in ships i.e. there has been an agreement (like an industry standard) that means that when a person changes ships the command console is a clean slate configured by the captain/pilot - would certainly cut down on a need to design the interior of each ships piloting area.

Of course if you are wondering around a ship they should have different feels.

EDIT: Apalling spelling :)
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For the small ships, definately take a leaf out of the standard flight simulator book, with a hat switch to move around, virtual 'instruments' to look at, etc. Of course you'd also need the option to be able to view the instruments seperately, i like how on MS flight sim you can open an instrument/panel in a window and drag it to where you like on screen.

What you need is the ship to have its own individual style, but the windowy part to make the game screen look how you like it to look. Even turning the rest of the virtual cockpit off if you liked.

For larger ships, I definately think crew stations and crew management are the way to go, like say, Silent Hunter, where you can see different things from different stations. Whether you walk there, or use hotkeys/icons to get to stations is a matter of personal choice, but no one person could handle it all from one location.

I like the idea of crew skills and crew management to be a part of the game as you progress to larger ships or even fleets, maybe you dont have to micromanage shifts etc, but the crew should be able to perform autonomously in their roles, depending on their skill, training and experience.

Someone else mentioned in another thread about the player being part of the universe, not the universe being there for the player. Definately so - I dont want the game to be about 'me' - I want to just be in the universe which could feasibly go on without me if I weren't there.
How about different equipment manufacturers, with competing product ranges. Rather than just one type of scanner, radar mapper etc. there could be lots of different ones at different prices, performance and styling. Maybe w/ a choice of finishes, ie. walnut, brushed alloy, matt black, analogue or digital etc..
Bounder said:
How about different equipment manufacturers, with competing product ranges. Rather than just one type of scanner, radar mapper etc. there could be lots of different ones at different prices, performance and styling. Maybe w/ a choice of finishes, ie. walnut, brushed alloy, matt black, analogue or digital etc..

Thats a pretty cool idea. If I might borrow that and translate the equipment into interfaces that you can purchase. Pay your money and get new functionality to either an already existing interface or an entirely new one. Get a bigger ship and get new requirements for functionality - i.e. Turrets, docking bay control, cargo loading etc...
One of the things you should probably have to buy is a central processor and software for it... So you have to upgrade your ships computer if you want to put the latest hardware on it, or if you have a lot of different functions.
Kipper said:
One of the things you should probably have to buy is a central processor and software for it... So you have to upgrade your ships computer if you want to put the latest hardware on it, or if you have a lot of different functions.

I dunno. Lets not make things too complicated here. I agree with a choice of manufacturers and models, but really I would expect devices in the 30th century or whenever it is set to be plug and play.

Of course, if Windows is still around, you would have to reformat your hyperdrive first when installing furry dice :D
Are any of you chaps any good with photoshop or the like? I thought I'd start an E4 cockpit mockup - obviously really basic stuff but I thought it would be fun. I'll be adding to it as I go along, maybe change the look of it as I come up with stuff.

I have obviously borrowed from the original Elite for this one because it was the simplest one to duplicate in a short amount of time... From here I think I'll try 'Frontier-ing' it up a bit, add a button console or something like that for various options... I am trying to subscribe to the 'K.I.S.S' ethos (Keep it simple stupid).

If anyone has any ideas, put them forward and if there is some sort of a consensus or I happen to really like it, I'll have a go. Keep in mind that I'm not a fabulous artist and creating an entire ships deck is going to be a little out of my abililties :D


EDIT: Changes made:
- Increased workspace res from 1024x768 to 1280x960 as this tends to be closer to what people play their games at.
- Reduced size of Targeting crosshairs and edited attitude and heading indicators (ship is over a planet so I figured I'd throw them in there.
- Reduced scanner size because at 1280x960 it was waaaay too big.
- Started playing with different console shapes, yes this one is ugly and doesn't make any sense - will change next iteration.

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hmmm - should probably work up some functionality and buttons/icons for those... One of the ones that I thought could possibly have been done more gracefully were the view changing/status icons.
Nice work so far! :)

I like the compass and pitch attitude. That'd be useful for navigating round planets and the like. Not sure it'd have much use in space though...?

I must be pretty funny for the Frontier dev team to see, that is assuming they have time to browse this forum!
caol said:
Nice work so far! :)

I like the compass and pitch attitude. That'd be useful for navigating round planets and the like. Not sure it'd have much use in space though...?

Yeah, but I'm sure that a ships computer would be smart enough to decern a planetary approach and switch it on for you? Once in 'clear space' the computer could revert back to a standard inertial type display with the classic circle and cross type heading indicator.

caol said:
It must be pretty funny for the Frontier dev team to see, that is assuming they have time to browse this forum!

Heh - I'm not trying to steal their thunder, but I thought it might be kinda cool to get some ideas down in a visual manner - even cooler if we came up with something that the Frontier Devs liked and decided to impliment - but mostly for the fun of it.
- Got rid of the super ugly console - working on a new concept - still not entirely liking it, but some of my ideas are slowly coming together.
- Added buttons for: Cargo/Inventory, Communications, Galactic map (or maybe hyperspace - not sure yet :) ) Local system map, and the planetary/system info button.
- Made one glowing button to represent it being selected, I'll then expand on the selection using the panel next to the buttons - just need to figure out an aesthetically pleasing panel shape/layout.
- Have yet to add buttons for things like - Planetary system commodity market, Ship/local status and maybe a game option button (load save etc...) any ideas?
EDIT: for own notes (I'll forget otherwise) Hyperspace system target information, distance, image?, any other related info.

Excuse the jaggies, I haven't antialiased the edges yet...

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As an aside, I found this piccy by a 'famous' scifi artist Donato Giancola - kinda fits my thoughts on a big ships cockpit/flight deck.

- Lost the console boarder, going to try the Minority Report idea and leave the control wheel free floating (ie can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen)
- Added buttons for System Stock Market/Commodities, Ship Status and Game Options (load save etc). I'm hoping that the images are fairly self explanitory - thats half the battle ensuring intuitiveness and accessibility. The only one I have really struggled with is the Game Options button. Edit - it's a negative image HD Platter...
- Added 'Horizon' lines to scanner and 3 objects in the scanner - add a bit of life :)
- Shifted scanner off the bottom of the display - really stumped with how to update the scanner concept as it is already pretty complete - need ideas for boarders or functionality to be placed around the scanner.

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Nice layout.

I like the way they done it in X-wing: Alliance every ship have there own virtual cockpit in 3d, but the same 2d layout of the ships HUD and radar. I hate the X-wing radar though, elite style is much better and easier to use.
Prycon said:
Nice layout.

I like the way they done it in X-wing: Alliance every ship have there own virtual cockpit in 3d, but the same 2d layout of the ships HUD and radar. I hate the X-wing radar though, elite style is much better and easier to use.

Yeah, it was kinda cool - but I always find that I prefer to have an open screen with minimal interferance to what you can see. Besides "in the future" there is no reason for you to be looking out of a window :) Even when I am presented with a nice cockpit layout, I always prefer to fly with my view unobstructed.

I think the concept that I like the most is one introduced (for me) in the Ace Combat series with the Falken - the idea is that there are many cameras around the plane that then project and image to a screen in the cockpit providing the pilot with a 360 view unobstructed all around him...

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- Added detailing around the scanner and added 4 buttons - not too sure what they are going to be for or if I will leave them there - currently I am thinking something like scanner zoom buttons and some targeting info, similar to the old Elite - planet/spacestation proximity and the like. Maybe a button for nav options and or a switch between combat and nav scanner.
- Added current lock indicator and put a rather nice render of a Coriolis space station taken from one of the Oolite mods.
EDIT: reduced the borders around the scanner and current lock because they were too heavy handed.


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