The Dangerous Games - Who's who?

Zac Antonaci

Head of Communications
Hey everyone,

As the Rise to Power heats up we’re inviting all of the groups to come and join this thread, give information about their group and answer questions about their campaign.

Below are a list of the final registered groups in the games, full details about the Dangerous Games can be found HERE. No more changes will be allowed to the groups in the games (unless they have already been in contact and the changes were missed for some reason).

In addition, we’ve added our pundit’s views and thoughts on the groups in question. If there are any inaccuracies, contact me and we’ll make any edits needed. :)



Rise to Power

  • Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps [AEDC]
  • Border Coalition [BC] (qualified faction - Dukes of Mikunn)
    • Mercs of Mikunn, Communism Interstellar & The Winged Hussars
  • GalCop (qualified faction - Diamond Frogs)
    • Dark Echo, Da Vinci Corp, Diamond Frogs (+Adamant Toads), East India Company, EXO, The Forgotten, Light Horse Brigade, Paladin Consortium, Pixel Bandits Security Force & Sirius Inc.
  • Interstellar Communist Union [ICU]
  • Social Eleu Progressive Party [SEPP]
  • Wildcard – See below



  • Achenar Immortals Coalition
    • Jethro Sharpe (a lone Fed Commander), Guild of Rebuy Screenius Maximus, 13th Legion, Federal Reclamation CO, 160 S.O.A.R., Silver Skulls, Flying Tigers, EDC Vanguard, Vortex Continuum, Guardians of Tranquillity, Smiling Dog Crew
  • Black Birds Squadron
  • The Imperial Inquisition
  • Battle Vortex
  • Planet Express
  • Adle's Armada Coalition
    • Earth Defence Fleet, Independent Pilots Consortium, Sovereign Justice Collective, The Ancient Order, Federal Defence Initiative & Time of Chaos
  • Black Omega
  • EG Pilots
  • Wolves of Jonai
  • United German Commanders Coalition
    • United German Commanders & Blood Brothers from Alrai
  • Pileus Libertas


Rise to Power
The groups qualified for the Rise to Power, in alphabetical order are…

Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps [AEDC] (
Our pundit says: AEDC are one of the longest running groups and one of the only Alliance-centric groups in the competition. Finishing high in the top 5, they’ve proven their dedication and ability to grow their faction, but will they gain significant Alliance support from groups and the community? Certainly a group with history, prestige and experience. One I am sure that the other finalists are keeping an eye on!

The Border Coalition [BC] (
Our pundit says: The Border Coalition have shaken this competition up in a number of ways. They are formed of three of the largest factions the game. The coalition officially includes the Mercs of Mikunn, Communism Interstellar and The Winged Hussars. These three groups were the first to form an official coalition in the competition. But by doing so they opened the door for the Diamond Frogs faction to qualify in the top 5 and allowed GalCop into the finals, avoiding the Wildcard route. One of two big coalitions in the final, many people will be seeing The Border Coalition as a significant contender in this competition.

GalCop (
Our pundit says: GalCop qualified for the competition through the Diamond Frogs faction as the next qualifying group after the Border Coalition formed. GalCop boasts a large number of groups in their ranks. In alphabetical order they are: Dark Echo, Da Vinci Corp, Diamond Frogs (+Adamant Toads), East India Company, EXO, The Forgotten, Light Horse Brigade, Paladin Consortium, Pixel Bandits Security Force and Sirius Inc. With so many groups involved in this coalition many people are seeing this group as the team to beat. However, there are some huge pockets of communities that are still not factored in. The wider community of independent pilots and powerplay communities will have a huge amount of sway and influence in these games. In addition, as there can only be 1 wild card in the final games, which means there will be a lot of groups available at each stage to throw their support to any given finalist and with so many groups, managing the political landscape and dealing with known enemies means the competition results are far from certain.

Interstellar Communist Union [ICU] (
Our pundit says: ICU finished very high in our top 5. With a very strong and dedicated group of players they are a group that should not be underestimated in this competition. As the only Russian speaking (but not exclusively Russian speaking) player group in the final 5, ICU have a good opportunity to engage a large number of pilots and galvanise them to their cause. They’ve proven their skill in developing their faction and are certainly one not to be underestimated!

Social Eleu Progressive Party [SEPP] (
Our pundit says: SEPP are probably the smallest group to make it into the final 5. This group of plucky and charming explorers have been busy developing and supporting their faction on the outer edges of populated space. This group may well steal the hearts of the wider community or pull in a lot of support from the explorer groups such as Distant Worlds and First Great Expedition.

Wildcard groups

The groups that have registered their interest for the wildcard games are as follows (In chronological order of registration) are…

Achenar Immortals Coalition
Our pundit says: Achernar Immortals have confirmed a coalition late in the process with a large number of groups pledging to the coalition. The coalition boasts the following members Jethro Sharpe (a lone Fed Commander), Guild of Rebuy Screenius Maximus, 13th Legion, Federal Reclamation CO, 160 S.O.A.R., Silver Skulls, Flying Tigers, EDC Vanguard, Vortex Continuum, Guardians of Tranquility & Smiling Dog Crew). Whilst vast in numbers these groups also hail from a very wide and diverse ethos and background. From notorious pirates, to Federation all in support of the Imperial immortals. With Elenar heading up the coalition and having access to large promotional channels these could certainly be a strong group for the wildcard position. But can they galvanise their community channels and their groups to one united cause?

Black Birds Squadron (
Our pundit says: The Black Birds Squadron are a group that have received less public discussion than other groups in the Wildcard. However, these guys could easily be a very strong force in the wildcard games. While the Black Bird Squadron are competing as themselves, they could pull support from the French Coalition which they are in. This coalition was involved in one of the Educating Eds and contains a number of prominent French groups. What’s more, they are also heavily involved in a number of French community sites and have a strong outreach in that community. As the only French group, this could prove to be a difficult group to beat.

The Imperial Inquisition

Our pundit says: Famous for their hunter games and other events. This group have proven their ability to pull groups to their side and compete in vast numbers through CGs in the past. With this and their streaming community this imperial bunch are certainly a group of sizable force!

Battle Vortex (
Our pundit says: Battle Vortex are an extensive gaming community. With sizable channels on YouTube and Twitch, they could well be a surprise in this competition if they can get their Commanders rallying for their cause!

Planet Express

Our pundit says: A smaller group of Commanders and believed to be more Xbox leaning but present on both platforms. It will be really great to find out more about this group’s ethos and background in the competition through their political campaign.

Adle's Armada Coalition (
Our pundit says: A truly dangerous threat. Adles Armada alone are one of the more known and recognised groups in the wildcard race. Not only that but they also have a formidable coalition in place with some very dedicated and formidable groups. In the Diamond Frogs Educating Ed episode we saw some clear tensions between Adle’s Armada and the Diamond Frogs so we’re expecting some exciting developments from this group as the competition progresses.

Black Omega (
Our pundit says: another of the less publically discussed groups in these competitions. An independent aligned group who we’ll be looking forward to hearing more from as their campaign develops.

EG Pilots (
Our pundit says: A dedicated Russian group. The EG pilots (not to be confused with Emperor’s Grace) could surprise a few people if they can get enough support from their communities. Perhaps one that the English speaking Community might not be aware of but certainly not one to take lightly.

Wolves of Jonai
Our pundit says: Headed up by well-known YouTuber ChaosWulff, This Commander has the group, platform and size of followers to be a threat in the votes, depending on how active and persuasive his campaign is.

United German Commanders Coalition (
Our pundit says: United German Commanders are working alongside the Blood Brothers from Alrai which represent a considerable German contingent. It will be interesting to see the development of this campaign as we head into the votes.

Pileus Libertas (
Our pundit says: Some may consider this group relatively small, but this imperial group, rich in history are very passionate and dedicated. Could they be a possible surprise in the votes? Again, we will be eager to see their campaigns unfold over this week.

The Alliance Elite Diplomatic Corps will always work for the good of The Alliance.

  • Through growing Alliance Minor Factions and increasing their influence.
  • Through setting strong economic foundations for Mahon.
  • Through fair negotiations with independent Player Groups.
  • Through directly supporting Alliance groups with muscle and strategic insight.
  • Through our words and our deeds.

We support the rights of independent peoples to self-determination.

Might does not make right.

We aim for a negotiated settlement, an accord, a memorandum of understanding.
With a clear vision and mutual support of strategic goals among Alliance groups and factions.

The AEDC are about supporting The Alliance through growth, stability and fairness.

Does the AEDC have an ethos?
AEDC has always been diplomacy first. When we make an agreement, we stick to it. When we promise something, we deliver it. And if there is a rational solution to the problem, we'll do everything in our power to find it. But when diplomacy fails, you don't want to be on the receiving end of it. Victoria knows this. She's built a large area of influence using AEDC's help. An area large enough that people have started to sit up and take notice.
Why another Alliance Power?
Mahon has done his best to represent the interests of the entire Alliance. He's done a fantastic job of it. Since he's been Prime Minister, hundreds of systems have joined the Alliance. For the Alliance to continue to prosper, continue to offer refuge for systems that don't want to be crushed under the weight of other Superpowers, continue to defend it's borders on all fronts, he can't do it alone. There are hundreds more systems out there that want to be a part of the Alliance. Victoria Wolf VI has made it her mission to help, and she doesn't plan to do it with paper.

Does the AEDC support Mahon?
We've supported Mahon from day one.
We were a huge part of why he has such a strong economy. We played a huge part in reducing his fortification triggers. Many of us, myself included, are still pledged to Mahon and working towards the Power's success. Every week.
We didn't give up or leave Power Play just because our faction was inside Mahon's starting territory. We embraced it and made Mahon stronger. We helped Mahon protect the areas that were important to Alliance lore, and took a lot of flack for it. We know how to compete in Power Play. This competition isn't just a popularity contest to us. We're not running out forming coalitions with groups that we don't agree with just to improve numbers. We're going to compete like hell to win, but if we lose, we'll do it with integrity. Compromising what we believe in and what we've fought for well over a year is not an option.

We're not going to flip on Mahon just to create some sort of fake ethos conflict. The only way we'll accept becoming a new power is if it doesn't weaken Mahon in any significant way. Even as confirmed finalists, the majority of our group was completely against entering the competition until Zac assured everyone that the new power's space wouldn't detract from existing powers. If it meant starting the new power right in the middle of Mahon's space, we wouldn't do it. Plain and simple.
We made that choice Week 1 of Power Play, not when this competition was announced.

AEDC Interviews:

from Kempstion Productions interviews the AEDC:

Cadoc - noted PowerPlay commentator interviews the AEDC:

Zac Antonio and Ed the intern of Frontier Developments interview the AEDC:
This link will start at the correct time 13:50
Full video:

Thanks Zac:
"That AEDC said they felt like a bit of the underdog is quite interesting because they've been absolutely prestigious in terms of history.
Like, people know them so well and [I would] reckon some of the other groups in there would call [the AEDC] very, very strong contenders."
Time 1:04:33 in video
A portrait of Victoria Wolf VI.
First Merchantess of Wolf 406 Transport & Co

The Public Contact channel for Victoria Wolf VI is:

It's quiet there now, but if Victoria should be successful in this current Rise To Power . . .

Or perhaps both Mahon and Victoria Wolf will both use the old Alliance Reddit as their primary communication channel:

In any event the AEDC is working to raise a second Alliance Power.
To bring growth and fresh opportunities to all the independent systems of the Alliance.
For all the Alliance factions.
For all the Alliance groups.

A second Alliance power brings a number of strategic opportunities to leverage exixting mechanics that Mahon leadership will have spotted already.
Development and implementation of a new Alliance power will be done in collaboration with FDEV by a single representative from the AEDC. It will be an opportunity for change. An opportunity to be heard.
Fdev wil be focused on the Alliance and there will be a direct Alliance voice negotiating on our behalf.
It wont be me, but it WILL be someone well known and trusted by the leadership of the different Alliance groups.
The AEDC intend to create a Power that benefits The Alliance as a whole.
This is no selfish, ego-driven power grab.
This is about good governance.
About leveraging the strategic capabilities of the smaller player base of The Alliance.

Shout outs to (takes a deep breath):
Alliance Office of Statistics
Pilotos Libres de la Alianza (Spanish)
The Allies [Aid] (German)
Northern Light
Sap Core Legion (Xbox One)
Terran Colonial Forces
Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps
Spinward Marches Alliance Concern
Polaris Consortium
and all the amazing CMDRs of the Alliance - for your work and for being beacons of decency.

Wolf 406 was the first production station of the Lakon Diamondback Explorer.
CG achieved top tier and DBX are still available there at the 20% discount.
One of the neatest One-Sentence summaries of the AEDC I have read recently is:
"AEDC - we create interesting BGS projects for Alliance minor factions."
Here's three achievements. Starting with just this month.
For example running a Targeted Expansion into a 2 Billion Population system!


Seriously, if you have ever done BGS work, you know that getting a toe hold anywhere above a mil population is just ridiculously hard.
There are some Player Groups that chose home systems with higher populations, and that's nice for them. But the key things here are:
1) High Population.
2) Targeted Expansion.

Cupinook took six months of work, and required the management of dozens of systems in a 35 light year bubble. There were times of nailbiting worry when things were on a knife edge. There were setbacks when new patches dropped. So many things to go wrong, just crazy amounts of effort on the part of the AEDC crew. My personal contribution to this was less than 0.2 of a percent, but I still put in a bunch of late nights.

When I say "interesting" - I mean "utterly consuming, challenging and rewarding".
For example: Bringing key Alliance systems back into the fold:

For example: the Fringe Development Program.


Date: 18 Mar 3302
System: Lahasim
Lahasim Blue Ring
HIP 68785 Major Exchange
Co-Operative of Gadagese
Pauishana Silver Posse
Negasta Family

- 3 Alliance Anarchy factions
- 4 foreign Alliance factions have expanded in to the system
- All five factions present in the system are Alliance
Victoria Wolf VI holds the patent for Purer Water TM water purifiers.
One of the features of our home station are the Purer Water TM water purifiers.
Did you know that water is a precious resource in space?
Right now, back in 2016 on the International Space Station, urine and sweat and exhaled moisture are recycled as drinking water.
Imagine something the size of a coriolis station. Thousands of inhabitants.
Most stations smell like a submarine. - Not ours.
Most stations have the taint of a mechanical water cycle. - Not ours.
Most stations have worse tap water than Adelaide. - Not ours.

How did this come about?
During the CG for the very first production run of the Lakon Diamonbacks, the best high value trade commodity close by was Water Purifiers. These were of outstanding quality, and produced the finest drinking water. So the AEDC imported thousands upon thousands of them to achieve the Top Tier of Reward for the CG.
So when you visit our station, please help yourself to a delicious glass of Purer Water tm, as you buy a discounted DBX.
You could even have a shower.

Heck, have a BATH!
How long has it been since you had a real Bath, spacer?
Not some moist towelette from a vending machine near Pad 31 - I mean a real bath. Like Archimedes.

Soak it up.

And cool merch:

How does it work?

  • Phase 0: Rise to Power Selection. Top 5 Player Group Minor Factions offered entry in Rise to Power games. Closed!
  • Phase 1: Wildcard Vote. Public vote to chose the top 5 entrants into the Wildcard Games. Closed!
  • Phase 2: Wildcard Games. A series of Community Goals. Winner becomes 6th entrant in the Rise To Power games. [highlight]Soon.[/highlight]
  • Phase 3: Rise To Power Games: A series of Community Goals. Winner becomes a Power. Soon

  • Only one "Qualified Minor Faction" will win. (Each Coalition has one).
  • Fdev will enter discussions with only one person to develop new power.
  • Player Group hands over character and developed lore to Fdev.
  • Fdev will then develop and implement new power as they see fit to balance the game and accomodate the new power.
  • The Minor Faction of winning Player Group stays in Game.
Wildcard Vote Results:
These teams will be competing in Phase 2: The Wildcard Games.
Congratulations on mobilising your public support!
- EG Pilots
- United German Commanders Coalition
- Wolves of Jonai
- Adle's Armada Coalition
- Black Birds Squadron

The competition for the fifth slot was tight and came down to a handful of votes.
Congratulations to all the other teams on their efforts!
- Black Omega
- Battle Vortex
- Pileus Libertas
- Planet Express
- The Achenar Immortals Coalition
- The Imperial Inquisition

And that's the news for now from the AEDC

Fly Safe or Deadly as you prefer CMDRs.
- DNA-Decay,
for the AEDC.

About the author:
Most of the above has been read and approved by AEDC Seniors, but in trying to keep it fresh, relevant, and up to date, I sometimes make mistakes.
Please let me know via PM on this forum if I've got something wrong.

In my sig I say: "AEDC - Data Entry Clerk Second Class" and I mean it.
I'm pretty noisy on these forums, - heck I'll post an opinion about two flies crawling up a wall; but I'm really just a junior burger in the AEDC. I get to sit at the big table with the grown ups, but when the VIPs and dignitaries come to visit, I never know which is the oyster fork and I pass the port the wrong way, and I drink too fast and laugh too loud.

So if you're senior with your group and you are looking for an AEDC senior, I can put you in touch, but I'm not the one to talk to.
There's a diplomatic lobby on our forum

Please remember when using the Diplomatic Lobby that it is publicly visible.
It's regularly monitored so someone will get back to you shortly.

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Black Omega


Artwork: Paul Fleming

"Black Omega operates on the outer edges of the Pegasi Sector under the leadership and guidance of the former local crime boss turned club owner, Deggie de Verre. Like its "spokesman", it has reinvented itself as supplier of military equipment and security services, with its more nefarious business lines operating below the surface. "

As a power, Black Omega would prepare target systems by supplying weapons and ammunition to rebels and dissidents, including prototypes of their latest hardware for prospective clients to field-test.

Once suitably armed, insurgents would be backed by Black Omega mercenary units in a hostile take-over bid for the system.

With a new regime installed, we would continue to support and fortify our clients with financial aid, military advisors and additional hardware to bolster their police or militia units.

We see ourselves as an ideal partner for dictatorships, feudalists and lawless groups wishing to consolidate their grip on their systems.

Systems under Black Omega control would be expected to increase their production capacity of all Weapon commodities with immediate effect, whilst systems under our exploitation should open up more flexible market for our bold traders to make their opportunities.

For pilots pledging to work with Black Omega to fulfill their aims, we would offer a persuasive package of incentives, including discount on all purchases of weapon commodities. For pilots who show sustained loyalty we would grant access to our prototype Omega Armour Plating, a stronger and heavier variant of the military-grade composite.

With regard to other galactic Powers, Black Omega sees potential co-operation with those who would make a ready market for military hardware; both Hudson and Patreus would make ideal business partners, not forgetting of course our existing friends and customers in the Pegasi sector

If established as a power, sources close to Deggie suggest he is quietly hopeful his services would be of use to other powers that favour his methods. He would hope to list the Archon, Antal, Patreus, and Hudson as preferred customers, and extend cordial relations to Sirius and Mahon when they require our services. He also would naturally expect tensions to arise with both Duvals and Felicia Winters, considering their stances on some of his more illicit practices

Leader: Degginal "Deggie" de Verre

If you are interested please follow the link
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Adle's Armada Inara page:
Adle's Armada Website:
Adle's Armada open TS server: connect to
Vote for the Adle's Armada Coalition here!



Our current Coalition.
Want to have your group and character featured on our power's senate? Message me to join!

- Earth Defense Fleet
- Independent Pilots Consortium
- Federal Defense Initiative
- Sovereign Justice Collective
with their character Chancellor Zahra Arias
- The Ancient Order
with their character Palden Dalera


Our Ethos:

Adle's Armada is one of the oldest, most powerful and most well established Federation aligned (but not exclusive) group in Elite Dangerous. We were formed out of a deep need for a positive combat force in the game, therefor we go where we feel that there are injustices in the Galaxy. At our very core, we're dedicated to stopping piracy, terrorism and any other negative force that can harm innocent players. Adle's Armada is based out of the legendary system of Eravate, the most attacked and well defended player group controlled system in the game. We have a need for both dedicated PvP and PvE players. Our RP would be considered that of law enforcement or "Judge Dredd." Check out our Official INARA page on more information about us, our history and on how to join! We are a large, very well organized group of players. Our rank structure is very different from many other groups and that it is fluid.. Everyone from the bottom up has an equal say in operations and we do not force players to be on at certain times. Recently we have relaxed our stringent "PvP Federation ONLY" RP and have happily recruited PvE and new players into our ranks, as well as some non-Federal players that share our ideals of a positive play experience and showing players that there IS something they can do to change the galaxy for the better.

We've been active since launch in December 2014 and have been a big part of almost every large engagement, part of in-game news and the official Frontier Development newsletters and on the official Frontier Developments Facebook/Twitter page.


Our Powerplay character:

Mars Adle, age 28, son of Tyllerius Adle III.

Well known Fer-De-Lance ace in the Adle's Armada fleet. Since birth he has been molded to be a leader and expert combat pilot. Mars is ‘vigilante executioner royalty’ in that he is part of a dynasty that has brought justice to otherwise corrupt and dangerous systems. However, he sees that one major faction, or one militia within it, can never be enough. When Tyllerius brought Adle’s Armada out of the Federal Navy and into a clandestine paramilitary state, his brutal motto, ‘For every pirate a scaffold, for every terrorist a rail gun’ set out almost all AA had to say. However, Mars understands that in 3302, in a Galaxy in which hyperspace travel allows a pilot to travel hundreds of light years in minutes, effecting change may take more than controlled aggression. Mars believes that the Galaxy can only be saved from ‘kill or be killed’ anarchy by bringing together every pilot who wants to take a stand. Although his faction is Federal, he understands the need to work with the Empire, the Alliance and Independent Cmdrs.

The first question Mars would ask about someone is not, ‘Who are they’, or ‘Where are they from?’ but ‘What do they do?

He sees that the existing structures of governance have demonstrably failed to deliver a secure and peaceful Galaxy. A man or woman who seeks to feed their family by gathering exploration data, or trading, risks death at the hands of laughing psychopaths who can brag about their exploits in the next system, there supposedly ‘clean’, if they even bother to leave the scene of their crime. The Navies and Authorities are usually absent, the systems of justice corrupt or inadequate.

In these circumstances Mars sees the only solution as a coalition of the willing, members of the Pilots Federation who can put aside all other differences and fight against the violent criminals who the existing Governments and Powers have failed to curb.

Mars aims to succeed because the Galaxy deserves better.


Community built lore for Adle's Armada:

Tyllerius Adle III, born into the Federal dynasty, Adle's Armada originally founded in 2900 under the name "41st Securities Squadron" under Post Commander Tyllerius Adle by the Federal Navy to keep law and order in the lawless system of Ngaliba and surrounding systems, an area of space once a haven for pirates and criminals. In 3200, due to the 41st Securities Squadron's proximity to the Liaedin system they were specifically chosen to take part in a top secret operation with Imperial security forces to face a yet to be unclassified threat to humanity. In 3256 Tyllerius Adle II broke his combat force off of this top secret inter-factional alliance for an unknown reason, a clash of morality between Adle and his Imperial counterparts was heavily speculated, but never confirmed. Due to this split and the Federal Navy's backlash, the 41st SS was disassembled and renamed Adle's Armada by its remaining members and moved their HQ to Eravate where they work to ensure all commanders can fly in relative safety. In 3301 with the death of his father, Tyllerius Adle III was put in place as chairman of Adle's Armada of Eravate and began building back up his elite combat force to provide defense to those who need defending. With Eravate and surrounding systems safely under the Armada's control, Tyllerius Adle III has sent his son, Mars to create a galactic senate of like minded governments and personalities from across human inhabited space to stop the spread of terrorism and to break up large crime syndicates, not matter if the affected system is Federal, Imperial, Independent or Alliance, Adle's Armada and their coalition of like minded personalities will pledge to stomp out the evil so CMDRs of the Pilot's Federation can live their lives in safety.

Vote for the AA coalition now and pledge to be a galactic justice badass with us!
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Speech from Wildcard stream:
Greetings Commanders!

The citizens of Wapiya have a long history of being the outcasts that dates back hundreds of years to the Sol system and that repeated itself in our home system Wapiya. We only wanted to live a self-determined peaceful life but weren't allowed to do so first by the federation and then by the empire, whose nobles ruled our system far too long.

During this time our culture and history have been pushed nearly into oblivion so we were glad that we were able to uncover some antique historical data caches recently. While we were in the process to retrieve at least a part of our history we were forced into an armed conflict and had to focus on the matters at hand.
Considering that not so long ago we broke the chains of imperial dictatorship and freed our system, isn't it ironic that these attacks came from an imperial force, too?

Fortunately one part of our history never failed us, the Wapiya Dark Beer, which in times of sorrows gave us hope and strengthened our will to revolt and reclaim our rightful freedom.

Even the long peroid of oppression couldn't erase the memory of our values of equalitiy and deep respect for the dignity of each individual, it was always there, smoldering in our hearts. When life became unbearable under the rule of our imperial oppressors it flared up again and allowed us to finally break the chains. This fire still burns in our hearts and we will not accept our citizens to suffer again by any tyrant!

And now that peace is at hand again we encourage everyone to drink with us and share our feelings of happiness.

But people everywhere in the galaxy don't only suffer under selfish rulers, some are even deprived of the most basic neccessities of life like food and medicine and even Wapiya Dark Beer! With the knowledge and technology of today this is completely unacceptable! If the pilots federation accepts our appeal to be elevated to the status of a power we could do much more, we could foster progress for humankind in all areas, be it science, technology, exploration, colonization or simply a secure home for those who are tired of the petty infighting of the current powers. It's our duty - and YOUR duty - to better the lifes of everyone instead of clinging to the archaic concept of most rulers today that might makes right.

This concept should be beneath you, Commander, so join our fight to bring the people


Question from CMDR madbilly:
'Hmm, sounds like the AEDC may actually think your'e a big threat to them, so they're trying to keep you sweet - that will be the Diplomatic bit in their name. So this freedom and independence bit - when you're a power, I assume you want to be independent, but the irony is that as a power you'll then be just another Alliance, people will want to be independent from you! In this respect you're not different from all the other "let's all be independent, free and peaceful together but not in the Alliance" groups. For example, how are you different from the Border Coalition, or the GalCop '

'As some other CMDRs already said we don't know the extent of our possibilities to shape a new power.

What you can be sure of we will be true to the heritage of our ancestors and hold freedom and equality in high esteem. The UGC has a history of educating and helping new CMDRs to cope with the dangerous void and would love to incorporate this into the new power (maybe we could even include the Galactic Academy program from FD *waves at Zac*?). As we have a coalition with the BBfA and fully expect to get support from CMDRs that pledged allegiance to all the different powers we certainly would develop a new power together as we treat everyone as an equal.

...and we would be willing to offer our famous Wapiya dark beer at the commodities market :cool:'

More Q&A with CMDR Hammersmith
@Luchslistig [UGC]
Alright. Let's talk lore first before moving to crunch.

The UGC's roots and current spin is as freedom fighter group. Victory's include but are not limited to their home set of systems and, recently, nuking the (fellow Dangerous Wildcard contenders) Immortals so hard their player faction was wiped off the face of the simulation. So the group is running with it's declared purpose.
With that in mind: What is the UGC group going to do when it can't claim 'Freedom' as a reason for existing. When the fight becomes border struggles and aggressive attacks on and from other power for a reason that boils down to: the UGC wants more power.
We are wiling to go on under our banner of freedom and equality. How we can translate that into powerplay will be decided later.
Some things come naturally to your mind when you think about our values:
-with the technology of the 4th millenium there can be no excuse to let citizens suffer (famine, housing, healthcare,...)
-we want to better the lifes of everyone so we believe strongly in the education (how about some game mechanics to educate new pilots in a RP environment?) of all citizens and in science as this broadens the basis of possibilities for humankind
-equality for everyone means we can't accept dictatorships as this would be a clear conflict
-people should be able to thrive on their own but we won't let them down if fate strikes
-in addition to the last point we should try to show citizens beyond our boundaries that they would benefit from our guidelines, too...and that they are welcome to join

Being part of powerplay requires a drift from Freedom guerrilla fighter to The Man.
As we learned bitterly from our history (and this lesson is freshened up by the latest attacks on our system) you can't enjoy lasting peace layed back. If you want peace you have to prepare for war, as an old saying goes. Contrary to the believes of some people that doesn't mean you have to be entrenched all the time, it is preferable to offer a helping hand and friendship to other citizens in times of peace. You might be surprised but friendship still trumps any propaganda. Again the best example is our latest conflict where old and new friends and even unexpected ones answered our call for help and stood their ground. Rest assured we won't forget that! As long as humans treat each other with respect everything is possible and maybe they will settle down in our sphere of influence because they got a taste of our guiding principles.

None of the Powerplay groups are 'newbies'. All of them are established, large, and powerful. They are not the underdog, they are not the plucky freedom fighter. They've at best gone from underdog to new Ruler of large swatches of space, and I suspect a promotion from Frontier to full PP faction standing means that the Freedom Fighter schtick would be impossible to maintain since you stop being a revolutionary the minute you become The Man.
We salute every group that has entered this competition and we fully expect it to be tough. This is not only a challenge with friends it is also a race for support...worldwide. This will include lots of work to coodinate the efforts but also to do public relations (like regular news about the progress) to bring in more supporters and keep the CMDRs in your team that are already flying with you.
As has already been pointed out, only two of the PP Factions aren't defined by their leader's name (Kumo Crew, Sirris Corp), and NONE of them are just happily existing in their own corner of space.
So I'm interested in how UGC would handle a paradigm shift from revolutionary to The Man and how they'd like to see that rulership handled since even the existent "Coalition" PP factions like Kumo and Sirris are still lead by a single figure behind the curtain (Delaine and Li specifically)
Currently I do not anticipate that there will be A leader of the group. We have entered this event together and we will stand here together. Both groups are set up democratically. Should the coalition or more specific their members however decide to show a FACE, we will decide this together and every other affairs, too. We didn't discuss which one that could be, yet.

If the UGC goes from being the Little GUy to being The Big Guy, how is that going to affect their stance? What kind of governance are we looking at? What kind of expansion tactics are they going to use? Surprise Freedom has a bad proven track record if you look at, say, America's habit of Freeing the out of people who have things they want. (Oil, PP command capital. Same thing right?)

Our principles won't allow dictatorships or even slavery. We respect the well-being and dignity of our citizens. As armed conflicts are ALWAYS horrific for the people we seek diplomatic solutions whenever possible (even during ongoing conflicts) and we will allow no one to mistreat or enslave our population. As we strongly believe in education as a necessary basis to make good decisions and better the life of everyone we are willing to explain our ways to everyone who wants to know.
My other question ties into the governance and reconstruction question in that: UGC currently centers on an Archaic sol based concept that doesn't exist as a Major Player in the Elite universe. Do you think that you'll be allowed to keep the lore-incompatible nationalism of 'German' in your faction name (If so: Why, because that's a tall lore hill to die on), and if not, what you'd like to see the group re branded as given how Powerplay and Existent Elite Lore works?
Answered by Abacus: Most of the first settlers of Wapiya originated from central europe of old earth. This nearly forgotten heritage was revived when a group of Commanders banded together to free our home system from dictatorship. So it's purely the lore of our group (that is comprised of german-speaking players mainly from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and very active on the fan-forum of the german-speaking ED community ).
As I understood the minor faction will not be removed from the game if we would win the contest but a new pp faction would be inserted, maybe even far away from our current home. We certainly wouldn't use a reference to just one country on the earth of today as lore for a PP faction as this would purely be nonsense for a power that has huge influence over a bubble of star systems and - from the game perspective - should appeal to many players all around the world.
I look forward to seeing how you guys approach the second half of that question, which is: What would you aim to be rebranded as. Especially since that ties into so many of the other questions on the table. Here's to the answers! Careful or you might beat AEDC to the table of answered inquiries >D
We haven't discussed this yet but together with our friends we can surely find a name that's suitable.

best regards
Luchslistig [UGC]

UGC - United German Commanders

Democratic and free!

We, the UGC, are a group of pilots, which are free and independent.
This freedom we will not give up!
We live democracy and operate amicable diplomacy.
We have abolished slavery in our systems and take a stand against the oppression of minorities.


Lore of the UGC

The longing for freedom and independence and the belief in equal rights for everyone drove our ancenstors from earth into the void. Wandering through unknown space far away from the trade routes of the super powers our ancestors found a new home in the system WAPIYA. Like brothers they worked side by side to fullfil their vision of a better future for mankind.

Life was hard at the frontier but step by step our ancestors built a new society. As times went by nearby star systems were populated as well and we established new trade routes with our neighbours. Blinded by our peaceful attitude and pride about the achievements of our progenitors we didn't notice the changes at first. Outposts and factions from the empire became more and more influential. They had a lot of patience but from generation to generation they tightened their grasp and pushed our culture and ideals nearly into oblivion. Imperial nobles treated us more and more like serfs on our own ground. And then Torval came - and our lives became unbearable.

More and more people grumbled about their oppressors and remembered the legacy of their ancestors from central europe on old earth. Secretly a group of pilots founded the UNITED GERMAN COMMANDERS and began to fight back. Under their banner the citizens stood up for their rights. Badly outnumbered and outgunned they were only an annoyance to the imperial rulers at first. But with the people backing them and hindering or even sabotaging authority forces whenever they could they persevered. Unwilling to pour more and more ressources into holding an increasingly unhospitable system the ruling aristocrats finally withdrew to friendlier systems and their minions fled to outposts and ground bases. The UGC broke the chains of imperial regime despite impossible odds, freed the slaves and reestablished a democratic government.

But the battle is not over, it has just begun!
Wherever you look our sky is filled with new fiefdoms of our old oppressors!
If we want to maintain our freedom we have to bring justice to them.

Our first success was BPM 16204 - a small system drained of all valuable ressources and then forgotten and left to decline slowly by the empire. Far too late the decadent rulers took our small fleet serious and called for help. When the reinforcements arrived the battle was already over. Unwilling to risk their precious ships they ceded the system to the UGC. With the support of our people BPM has a chance to thrive again in freedom and peace.

Next we arrived in Minanes, a high-tech system with 19 million inhabitants. This time the empire fought back with everything they could throw at us. Our Commanders fought valiantly but with the help of their capital ships the aristocratic bootlickers forced a stalemate upon us. But we don't give up! While repairing our battered ships we continued to spread our vision of freedom and equality amongst the inhabitants and we were greeted with open arms. We rallied our forces again to knock on the oppressor's gates and this time we burnt them! Minanes was free and slavery and all the other cruel excrescences of the former rulers are history from now on!

We had barely freed our neighbour system Minanes from the reign of terror and begun to heal the wounds as we were attacked by a fanatic faction from the empire, the Achenar Immortals (AI). At the same time the council of the United German Commanders (UGC) received a formal declaration of war that shows how influenced the AI is by the ruling propaganda. The UGC would NEVER attack civilians, these citizens have begged for our help! It is scary to see how much support our old oppressors can mobilize. After some fierce combat operations in WAPIYA, MINANES, PARAS, the UGC was able to bring in some reinforcements from like-minded pilots like the AI did from the beginning. This conflict raged on until the UGC won a decisive victory at 10.05.3302

The details about this conflict can be found here:

Our call goes out to all you pilots who can remember the legacy of your ancestors. The reason your forefathers left earth in the first place. Join our fight to bring the people

Our Principles
  • 'Seven principles of the UGC'
  • 1. All members have equal rights. Representatives from the ranks of the UGC - called the 'council of 3' - will be elected periodically.
    The council will be formed by 3 elected members from the UGC.
    Elected representatives of the UGC get extended competences.
  • 2. Members of the UGC are not allowed to attack other members except for training fights and duels both sides have agreed to.
  • 3. Members of the UGC are working to bring 'law and order'. Piracy is out of the question.
  • 4. Members of the UGC are acting independent of faction preferences.
    Common goals and agreements of the UGC are a main topic and should be respected.
  • 5. Members of the UGC are bound to professional discretion concerning internal agreements.
    These agreements are not allowed to be shared with the public without internal consent.
  • 6. Alliances with clans and factions will only be put into effect with a vote by the majority of the members and
    a consultation with the elected representatives.
  • 7. Negotiations with clans and factions will take place at an internal 'round table' with the elected representatives of the UGC.

Our latest movie (sorry, only in German's about the start of the latest events you can find in our lore)

UGC Inara Page:

BBfA Inara Page:

UGC information for all who can read German:


The "Face" of the UGC/BBfA coalition:

An informal meeting of UGC and BBfA members to discuss matters at hand. As we have learned from history inequality always leads to corruption and abuse of power by selfish rulers. This is the reason we live democracy and respect the opinion and vote of every member equally.

Artwork by
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A little something that we dug up out of the archives.


Another bit of archival footage has been recovered.


Our video-archaeologists have been working overtime. Seems a good catch given the CG that just happened.
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Since this is going to be a kind of election by means of CG, we have the contenders listed now and who is part of each group or coalition, but what are their goals, their ethos, their modus operandi? In other words: what kind of power are we going to get if they win? I wouldn't want the Obsidian Orbital debacle repeated, where people worked together under the pretense of making an base of operations for explorers, only for it to be claimed by some pirate group (I am still baffled this claim was not dismissed, but went through).
Adle's Armada is building a fully integrated Player Faction from across all environments. We have recognized that there is more to defending a Faction than just PvP conflict, although that is a major part of our origins. With the help of our allies EDF, IPC, SJC, AO, TOC and the support of independent Commanders we hope to demonstrate what can happen when you bring together like minded players without barriers.

Anyone interested in joining or allying with AA please jump in our TS3 and meet the guys.

Get in touch with the Armada.

To contact Adle's Armada:
Web Site:
TS3: / 3352
Since this is going to be a kind of election by means of CG, we have the contenders listed now and who is part of each group or coalition, but what are their goals, their ethos, their modus operandi? In other words: what kind of power are we going to get if they win? I wouldn't want the Obsidian Orbital debacle repeated, where people worked together under the pretense of making an base of operations for explorers, only for it to be claimed by some pirate group (I am still baffled this claim was not dismissed, but went through).

Exactly, I'd love to know if the Achenar Immortals Coalition will be making an Imperial, Federal, Alliance or Independent Power (and even if they are allowed to change from being Imperial if they wanted to)

Adle’s Armada are delighted to be taking part in the Rise to Power. We hope what follows will be of use to all Cmdrs.

Who is in the Adle’s Armada Coalition?

We are proud to be joined in our wildcard bid by Earth Defence Fleet, Independent Pilots Consortium, Sovereign Justice Coalition & The Ancient Order.

What follows is written from the perspective of Adle’s Armada but our allies may of course speak for themselves also, o7

Why support the Adle’s Armada Coalition?

Roleplay: Because we are a powerful, positive force in the Galaxy, fighting terrorism, murder and piracy. We defend Eravate and ‘starter space’, new members of the Pilots Federation, traders, the peaceful, the law-abiding and the innocent anywhere in the Galaxy. We have demonstrated time and again that those who would plunge the Galaxy into murderous anarchy can and will be confronted and defeated.

Out of character: See above … no, seriously … we are the current undefeated Galactic PvP League Champions. That and some of the links/vids that follow will demonstrate our PvP credentials. However, we also have a track-record of dealing with the PvE elements of the game such as the Background Sim and working with other Cmdrs, both independent and from other groups, to do so. See the Eravate BGS thread here:

We are a friendly, responsible, set of gamers with members in every timezone. Our Admins include well-known figures in the Galaxy such as (to name but a few):

S!lk: our Founder, US-based

Finegan: second-in-command, US-based, liked even by our RP enemies

Truesilver: UK 1984-er, weapons data librarian, author of the popular ‘Truesilver’s Tests’ series

Noobdelux: unflappable Scandinavian, plays ED every hour and knows (almost) everyone

Breakfastmelon: exuberant Irish duellist, his PvP friends list is almost as long as his list of 1v1 victories

Above all, we are a group with a proven track record of working with others to succeed. We have been active since launch and are bigger and stronger than ever – no mean feat for a group that was originally Open PvP only. Nowadays we welcome the support of every Cmdr, with every interest in the game. Many have joined us who enjoy playing the game in other modes and/or PvE only. We believe we can build a successful, inclusive and united Power.

Who is your proposed Powerplay character and what is your vision?

We propose to create a new RP character:

Mars Adle, son of Fer-de-Lance ace Minerva and grandson of AA’s RP founder, Tyllerius.


Mars is ‘vigilante executioner royalty’ in that he is part of a dynasty that has brought justice to otherwise corrupt and dangerous systems. However, he sees that one major faction, or one militia within it, can never be enough.

When Tyllerius brought Adle’s Armada out of the Federal Navy and into a clandestine paramilitary state, his brutal motto, ‘For every pirate a scaffold, for every terrorist a rail gun’ set out almost all AA had to say.

However, Mars understands that in 3302, in a Galaxy in which hyperspace travel allows a pilot to travel hundreds of light years in minutes, effecting change may take more than controlled aggression.

Mars believes that the Galaxy can only be saved from ‘kill or be killed’ anarchy by bringing together every pilot who wants to take a stand. Although his faction is Federal, he understands the need to work with the Empire, the Alliance and Independent Cmdrs.

The first question Mars would ask about someone is not, ‘Who are they’, or ‘Where are they from?’ but ‘What do they do?

Mars sees that the existing structures of governance have demonstrably failed to deliver a secure and peaceful Galaxy. A man or woman who seeks to feed their family by gathering exploration data, or trading, risks death at the hands of laughing psychopaths who can brag about their exploits in the next system, there supposedly ‘clean’, if they even bother to leave the scene of their crime. The Navies and Authorities are usually absent, the systems of justice corrupt or inadequate.

In these circumstances Mars sees the only solution as a coalition of the willing, members of the Pilots Federation who can put aside all other differences and fight against the violent criminals who the existing Governments and Powers have failed to curb.

Mars aims to succeed because the Galaxy deserves better.

A little more about The Armada

Adle’s Armada is the oldest, most powerful and most well established Federation aligned group in Elite Dangerous, based out of the legendary system of Eravate, the most attacked and well defended player group controlled system in the game. We have a need for both dedicated PvP and PvE players. Our RP would be considered that of law enforcement or “Judge Dredd” or “Space Batman.”

In 1.4 we were given control of Eravate and its controlling station, Ackerman Market. After a BGS struggle lasting through three in-game civil wars we secured our position by taking Cleve Hub (the station closest to the star and probably the busiest star port in the entire game). Since then our faction has expanded.

We still travel the Galaxy, however, aiding those who need us. We give any worthy call for aid the highest priority. As a recent example of what we try to achieve, we were contacted last week by United German Commanders, who were under PvP attack by multiple player groups. Inside 24 hours we deployed three full AA combat wings, arriving en masse 196 Ly from Eravate, to help secure UGC's home system amidst fierce fighting.

At the Heart of Galactic Events

We’ve been active since launch in December 2014 and have been a big part of almost every large engagement, part of in-game news and the official Frontier Development newsletters and on the official Frontier Developments Facebook/Twitter page.

We are at the heart of current events in the Galaxy. Our recent achievements including winning Season 1 of the Galactic PvP League undefeated, preventing terrorists from delivering an Unknown Artefact to an Eravate outpost in Frontier’s ‘Educating Ed’ Ep.14 and destroying 17 criminal ships that came to Eravate with the announced intention of killing new players for a livestream. If you’d like to read more about these widely-discussed matters or read or watch other material concerning Adle’s Armada, see for example:

Adle’s Armada Win PvP League Undefeated:

Educating Ed Ep.14: Adle’s Armada Official Statement:

Destruction of ‘chrono-charidy’ criminals in Eravate:

Our Inara page, featuring ‘This is Our House’ vid in which our pilots fight terrorism in spectacular fashion (albeit with some, ah, 'enthusiastic' Teamspeak voice comms, please be advised!)

Policing a CG: Execution vids from the (unusual) twin perspective of our pilots and the condemned:

And finally:

To learn more of us, please do visit our website at:

Thank you for reading and thank you to all who have supported us.

Fly save, one and all.


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Pileus Libertas - Your Wildcard Choice

Greetings Commanders,

As Zac's introduction notes, we're a small group that prefers to be behind the scenes in Power Play. While we have a deep lore related to our minor faction in Munshin, our effort to win the wildcard slot represents a bit of a pivot for us. Since the start of Power Play almost 1 year ago, Pileus Libertas has been dedicated to the idea of a cooperative. We do not have a command structure. We do not have leaders. There are no orders handed down. A cooperative is about valuing each member's contribution, large or small, and aiding players in accomplishing common goals. Exploration, trade, combat, or any other activity is respected and encouraged. Our play style is broad and we engage in both in-game efforts and the larger Power Play meta efforts by coordinating with numerous groups from our chosen Power. As a group, we share a vision of a better galaxy for all its citizens and commanders and we work together to promote that vision.

Why, then, would we seek to pivot from a small cooperative to a potential Wildcard candidate vying for a chance to become a power? Because something is missing from Power Play. In fact, something is missing from Elite: Dangerous entirely. There is no respect for the life of an average galactic citizen. Within Power Play we have a focus on individuals who have tremendous influence in the galaxy and use that influence to further their own power. Yet, if you evaluate each Power's ethos, you see that each power is coercive. Some outright kill and imprison their opponents. How many thousands die every week in crime sweeps or protests or resistance pockets? How many are taken prisoner, reeducated, or marked as slaves? And it doesn't stop there. Some powers prefer to govern through use of propaganda. Some powers use contracts and bureaucratic red tape to keep control over system economies. Some powers provide aid packages on condition of support. All share one common denominator: coercion. As a cooperative, Pileus Libertas is opposed to the very idea of coercive power. Individuals should decide how and when and to whom they contribute. As the galaxy changes with the addition of a new Power, we at Pileus Libertas believe a non-coercive Power should become part of the mix.

What would our Power look like? Our leader and the person who gives the power its name would be Aasha Singh. Aasha is a character I (Quade) created as we sought to build our player group's lore prior to adding a minor faction in game. Her story is fleshed out a little in GalNet and in Munshin's local news feed but the overall gist is this: she was an Imperial slave that was illegally sold to the Kumo Crew and later rescued and sent to Munshin for resettlement. While there she assisted in aiding refugees and slaves being resettled from conflict areas throughout the galaxy. She was an integral part of the local government (Libertas Co-operative, our player minor faction) and rose through the ranks. However, Aasha became dissatisfied and disillusioned by the constant flow of displaced and disillusioned people from all over the galaxy. Who was truly looking out for them? Who was helping maintain the well being of people just like her? She'd had high hopes that working in a system controlled by Aisling Duval would yield some kind of meaningful change, yet it was slow in coming. And so, Aasha Singh vanished.

Should we be successful, Aasha will reemerge as the leader of a number of different kinds of people. Former slaves, former political prisoners, people tired of brainwashing and propaganda, refugees from conflict, and all manner of downtrodden people will make up the citizenry supporting Aasha Singh. Given her work with resettlement of these very people, Aasha has tens of thousands of contacts spread throughout the galaxy. She has friends in low places, to be sure, but friends nonetheless. Crucially, her ethos (subject, of course, to FD's final approval and implementation) will be one of the true cooperative spirit. Aiding the poor, aiding the wretched, aiding those without anyone to fight for them. And their support will be voluntary, just like a commander can pick and choose who to support, the average person of the galaxy should have that same right. It's time for Power Play to have a clearly idealistic and visionary Power int he mix. It's time for Power Play to have a Power that takes a true moral stance in both sentiment and in ethos. Pileus Libertas thinks that we have what it takes to create that power.

What Zac writes about us is true. We are small. We prefer to keep our nose to the grind stone and focus on doing work and coordinating with players. It's why many don't hear about us and why many may not expect much from us. But let me close with our minor faction's seal and the words which adorn it: Liberum Arbitrium, free will. As a cooperative, we respect the idea of free will and we think it's about time that there was a Power in game that upheld that same kind of respect.

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