The end of a grand adventure

I've finished this evening parked up 1,500LY from Fuelum. The vague wandering tour across great swathes of the Galaxy is almost at end and by this time Wednesday (out tomorrow!) I'll be selling data as fast as I can (so I can be at the start of the Grand Departe).

Really hugely worried about whether I'll actually be able to land as I've only managed to land this Anaconda 6 times, and that was in August when I bought it.

I'd like to take a moment to say thank you to the members of this excellent and eclectic entourage of enablers, sorry... enthusiasts! Without the implied and direct encouragement shown all throughout the 5 months I was out pootling around the Galaxy with no real clear goal in mind until I cleared the core I would've given up and not had half the fun, or achieved as much.

So - a respectful and gracious nod to you all.

That is... Apart from Allitnil and Stupid_Hippy. They can go shove a strong signal source up their respective bottoms. :D Every... damn... system.... ;)
Congratulations on making it back so that you can just head right back out in a couple of days. Does that even count as being back? Seems to me to be more of a resupply not a true dry docking for a retrofit or anything. Nah you ain't back you are just down at the corner market buying some groceries for all intents and purposes. I take back my congratulations. Instead I will say pick me up a case of beer, a pack of smokes, and some girly mags before you head back out this way. Seriously congrats on making it back. I am also serious about the smokes, beer, and peep mags.
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If you are not too happy about starport docking, try planetary landing to sell data ? Make sure it is low G. Welcome back :)
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I've finished this evening parked up 1,500LY from Fuelum. The vague wandering tour across great swathes of the Galaxy is almost at end and by this time Wednesday (out tomorrow!) I'll be selling data as fast as I can (so I can be at the start of the Grand Departe).

Really hugely worried about whether I'll actually be able to land as I've only managed to land this Anaconda 6 times, and that was in August when I bought it.

I'd like to take a moment to say thank you to the members of this excellent and eclectic entourage of enablers, sorry... enthusiasts! Without the implied and direct encouragement shown all throughout the 5 months I was out pootling around the Galaxy with no real clear goal in mind until I cleared the core I would've given up and not had half the fun, or achieved as much.

So - a respectful and gracious nod to you all.

That is... Apart from Allitnil and Stupid_Hippy. They can go shove a strong signal source up their respective bottoms. :D Every... damn... system.... ;)

Gratz...I went from Lembava to Beagle in a week, but it's not time enough now to get back for the departure ( I left Beagle tonight). Prolly have to catch the flotilla up, and tbo I won't find that hard as I can stomach 10K ly's a day :)

Have a safe landing, ya kna, slow 'n' steady !
Congrats Cmdr...I remember coming back from my second exploration trip (only in a DBE), getting to the station and thinking, how the hell do I do this?

Thanks for meeting me out in the black.

+1 rep

Gratz...I went from Lembava to Beagle in a week, but it's not time enough now to get back for the departure ( I left Beagle tonight). Prolly have to catch the flotilla up, and tbo I won't find that hard as I can stomach 10K ly's a day :)

Have a safe landing, ya kna, slow 'n' steady !

wha, wha, wha...?

A week?

How many hours did you jump for?
Congrats! And don't forget to ask docking clearance or to rebind your landing gear button :)
I went so slow through the gate after coming back that I got a loitering warning.
Congrats! And don't forget to ask docking clearance or to rebind your landing gear button :)
I went so slow through the gate after coming back that I got a loitering warning.

Well, at least in a 'conda you wouldn't have to worry about being bowled out of the way by a Type 6.

Oh, and welcome back, Traveller_GG.
hugely worried about whether I'll actually be able to land
After seven months, I nearly forgot to request docking permission and had literally forgotten where my landig gear was mapped.

That is... Apart from Allitnil and Stupid_Hippy. They can go shove a strong signal source up their respective bottoms. :D Every... damn... system.... ;)
I try to suppress my slight frustration with admiration for their thoroughness. But yes. Add my admiration to Hans Gugensolder. No stone unturned.
Just to add some useful information to that terse post!

Landed at Wollheim Vision and am presently selling data. So far just over 100,000,000 made and promoted to Elite. Pictures to follow

I was actually a little emotional when I saw the ship on the landing pad!

Oh, and I only lost 2% hull getting through the slot.
Nice going! Glad you made a safe return, and congrats on making Elite! :)
I'm hoping my current venture will result in promotion to Elite once I get back, too. Currently only 3% into Ranger though. :(
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