Roller Coasters The Evolution of Learning to Play Planet Coaster

What started out as a personal tutorial to learn how to create custom buildings in Sandbox mode slowly morphed into something larger...

Slowly fiddling with all aspects of the gameplay, from coaster building, to terraforming and theming, to custom structure building, has turned into a great learning experience for the whole game. I'm really looking forward to finishing this small park and starting fresh with a solid foundation to build off of moving forward!

View step-by-step progress here:

I got familiar with the Building tools by taking one of the pre-made buildings, decomposing it so that I could get familiar with the materials, and then rebuilt it with some creative liberties. I find that removing the decision making process of building something from scratch and just focusing on what the tools will allow me to do helps me learn the game faster. If you're a fan of that building, you can find a similar blueprint that shipped with the game!


Learning to customize and create larger custom buildings, learning how to build a custom roller coaster, and experimenting with paths...


At this point the decision was made to try and start building a park while experimenting with the tools.


Continuing to play with the custom coaster editing tools, this time with a ride carrying a significant amount of speed.


Grasping a reasonable level of knowledge around how to utilize scenery opened the door for some really nice landscaping moving forward.


The next objective was to try and learn a little bit about creating custom, reusable objects such as the fence pieces in this photos. Taking the time to familiarize myself with creating custom rockwork paid dividends as well (more on that later).


First attempts at terraforming and adding water. The fundamentals around what determines water levels around the park still elude me.


I've really taken a liking to what you can do with scenery to blend rides in with the park's terrain.


My latest coaster, and final coaster in this park, is my first attempt at a launched coaster and I wanted to learn how to incorporate custom terrain into the layout.


What resulted was a layout that goes underground 6 times. I also made the goal to finally have a coaster run smoothly while operating with 3 trains. Of all things that I've tried while making rides in this game, this has been a very difficult challenge with guests taking a while to both load and unload. This ride is very close to accomplishing that goal, but it will take a decent amount of practice to remove all stacking when running multiple trains. I definitely still have a lot of room to improve here.


All-in-all, this ride has been the biggest undertaking yet and it is currently around 70% complete.


Up next for this coaster is a custom entrance and theming on the final 2 tunnels. After that, I will add a couple flat rides, a few shops, and I think things will be in a solid spot to call my first Planet Coaster park complete.
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