Powerplay The future of Powerplay Analysis is alive and well.

First off, let me start of with this: As much as some will say, ED does indeed care a lot about Powerplay, whether you acknowledge it or not.

They have recently endorsed a small team of players (with /u/Cadoc, /u/Corrigendum onboard), to continue Cadoc’s weekly Powerplay Analysis and I can assure you that we are hard at work in delivering that.

There is already a lot of movement in place and a web application already online called the Powerplay Herald, dedicated in generating analysis charts for each cycle, as well as including all the previous (/u/Cadoc)and future(/u/Corrigendum) Powers, Guesses & Estimations section.

This will also continue on reddit as it did before.

Why are we doing this?
Because we see enough value and potential in the current Powerplay system to justify dedicating rl time into it. Sure, It has its flaws but we hope that the continuation of the Powerplay Analysis will help reveal issues and help the community shape the galaxy in a more uniform way (Looking at you ALD pledgelings)

TLDR: Powerplay Analysis is here to stay. Check the Powerplay Herald and reddit for updates!

Looking forward to seeing this. Great to hear Cadoc is on board. His impartial writing and intelligent analysis was much appreciated.
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