The Kietrax Eye Report - updated 07/11/3305


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Update - 07/11/3105

Whilst the latest analysis is still underway, there are definite signs of activity within the data available so far ...

Late arriving report due to inconclusive data

After initial analysis of the current data showe some unexpected results, engineers were called in early today to check over the machinery in the labs. After a brief application of a hammer and a large piece of two by four, it was confirmed everything was working properly. After a brief but heated discussion, the scientists finally owned up to the fact they just hadn't had their coffee on Tuesday morning due to the unusually early end time of the last CGs.

Further detailed analysis then followed but the results were still not conclusive. Suffice to say it is clear there are no CGs this cycle, but there are indications of things taking shape in the future, it is just hard to predict what that will be or when it might be at this time. Rest assured, the scientists have been banned from the pub and are being force fed caffeine until they come up with a better answer so they are working hard to find just that and will update us as soon as they possibly can ('cos it's nearly the weekend and there's a Rugby World Cup final to be watched!).
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