"You chose a good time to show up commander, things here in-system are getting hot!" the Merc Captain said to me as he sipped his drink.
We were inside the bar at Pimi Dock in the Ross 569 System. I had happened to stumble into the system by chance after delivering much needed medical supplies to D'Arrest Station in Uibuth and was between jobs. Ross 569 was on the extreme outer edge of Imperial inhabited space. Your typical wretched hive of scum and villainy, 1.3 million strong. The drinks were watered down and the company dark and dangerous, but that was how I liked it.
"The Nationalists are all kinds of worried. The economy is good now, but terrorist attacks are on the rise and rumors of pending civil war between several factions both in-system and without are all over the place. I wouldn't be here if there wasn't truth to those rumors." said the Captain and I looked at him confused.
"Sorry Captain, but I'm new here. Tell me about the situation a little." I asked over my own drink.
"Sure. There are 3 main in system factions here and one outside faction attempting to get a foot hold. Ross 569 itself, along with Pimi Dock is controlled by a group called "The Nationalists". The Nationalists are a vicious bunch of authoritarian fascists who run the system with an iron hand. They have the vast majority of support and influence within the system and are officially under Imperial sovereignty but this far out on the edge, that sovereignty is always questionable. They are a nasty dictatorship. They are in turn supported by Gold United Interplanetary. They're your typical corporation, they specialize in mining and military equipment and are given leave to operate in the system by the Nationalists. They own the other two stations in the system, Popov Hub on 569a and de Caminha Station. They supply the Nationalists with weapons and tech support, which the Nationalists use against the Freedomists and anyone else they feel the need to assault.
The other faction is the Ross 569 Freedom Party. A small guerrilla group with a loyal following. They are the ones who are responsible for much of the terrorism in the system against the Nationalists and a big part of why I am here. They are looking to liberate the system from the control of the Nationalists and the Empire. They been blowing stuff up for years with little to show for it. I'm here to see them stopped.
One other group would be the Vettones. They come from another nearby system and have been been expanding into the system at the expense of Gold United. Many a skirmish has been fought recently between those two, with the support of the other factions as well. It isn't looking good for Gold United at the moment which leaves a opportunity for the Freedomists if they are smart enough to take it. Though I personally could care less who owns these balls of rock. What matters to me is who is willing to pay the most."
I grunted in agreement with that one. I didn't care either, but was looking for a pay day.
I finished my drink and thanked the Captain for the intel and headed back to my ship. Being curious and a bit of a war tourist, I wanted to talk to some of the groups and see where I and my Viper could fit in.
After landing at Popov Hub on 569a and much asking around I managed to make contact with a Freedomist sympathizer who put me in touch with a more senior member of the group.
"We're fighting tyranny here Commander. Between the Nationalists and the Vittones, we've lost many good operatives and our influence in the system is falling. We could use your help."
"What exactly am I and my one ship supposed to do?" I asked with skepticism.
"Well, we are currently planning an attempt to wrest control of one of the minor stations from Gold United. You could be of use in that endeavor." the Freedomist replied.
My eyebrows raised at that one, bring a smile from the Freedomist.
"Yes, assets are almost in place and when the time comes, we will attack and attempt to take this station from Gold United. If we can succeed here, that will give us a base of operations for further attacks against the Nationalists."
"Okay, so where do I fit in on this?" I asked.
"Well, we have several targets that need destroyed. If you are willing, we can pay you the going rate for a pilot of your reputation." the Freedomist gave back.
Yeah, that wasn't much. I didn't exactly have a legendary status through inhabited space, but I had a good ship and a need for credits and I'm no fan of backwards dictatorships or corporate goons. So I threw my lot in with the Nationalists.
"Very good. The first mission is right here on 569a. There is an agricultural facility on this rock that supplies food for the Nationalists. It is protected by sentry skimmers. If you can knock those skimmers out, our team of operatives can get inside and sabotage the hydro systems and destroy some of the food supplies the Nationalists rely on. Nothing like a little hunger to get the people angry." the Freedomist told me.
"Yeah. Wonderful." I stated as I continued to press the Freedomist for more information on my target.
*************** TO BE CONTINUED *****************************
We were inside the bar at Pimi Dock in the Ross 569 System. I had happened to stumble into the system by chance after delivering much needed medical supplies to D'Arrest Station in Uibuth and was between jobs. Ross 569 was on the extreme outer edge of Imperial inhabited space. Your typical wretched hive of scum and villainy, 1.3 million strong. The drinks were watered down and the company dark and dangerous, but that was how I liked it.
"The Nationalists are all kinds of worried. The economy is good now, but terrorist attacks are on the rise and rumors of pending civil war between several factions both in-system and without are all over the place. I wouldn't be here if there wasn't truth to those rumors." said the Captain and I looked at him confused.
"Sorry Captain, but I'm new here. Tell me about the situation a little." I asked over my own drink.
"Sure. There are 3 main in system factions here and one outside faction attempting to get a foot hold. Ross 569 itself, along with Pimi Dock is controlled by a group called "The Nationalists". The Nationalists are a vicious bunch of authoritarian fascists who run the system with an iron hand. They have the vast majority of support and influence within the system and are officially under Imperial sovereignty but this far out on the edge, that sovereignty is always questionable. They are a nasty dictatorship. They are in turn supported by Gold United Interplanetary. They're your typical corporation, they specialize in mining and military equipment and are given leave to operate in the system by the Nationalists. They own the other two stations in the system, Popov Hub on 569a and de Caminha Station. They supply the Nationalists with weapons and tech support, which the Nationalists use against the Freedomists and anyone else they feel the need to assault.
The other faction is the Ross 569 Freedom Party. A small guerrilla group with a loyal following. They are the ones who are responsible for much of the terrorism in the system against the Nationalists and a big part of why I am here. They are looking to liberate the system from the control of the Nationalists and the Empire. They been blowing stuff up for years with little to show for it. I'm here to see them stopped.
One other group would be the Vettones. They come from another nearby system and have been been expanding into the system at the expense of Gold United. Many a skirmish has been fought recently between those two, with the support of the other factions as well. It isn't looking good for Gold United at the moment which leaves a opportunity for the Freedomists if they are smart enough to take it. Though I personally could care less who owns these balls of rock. What matters to me is who is willing to pay the most."
I grunted in agreement with that one. I didn't care either, but was looking for a pay day.
I finished my drink and thanked the Captain for the intel and headed back to my ship. Being curious and a bit of a war tourist, I wanted to talk to some of the groups and see where I and my Viper could fit in.
After landing at Popov Hub on 569a and much asking around I managed to make contact with a Freedomist sympathizer who put me in touch with a more senior member of the group.
"We're fighting tyranny here Commander. Between the Nationalists and the Vittones, we've lost many good operatives and our influence in the system is falling. We could use your help."
"What exactly am I and my one ship supposed to do?" I asked with skepticism.
"Well, we are currently planning an attempt to wrest control of one of the minor stations from Gold United. You could be of use in that endeavor." the Freedomist replied.
My eyebrows raised at that one, bring a smile from the Freedomist.
"Yes, assets are almost in place and when the time comes, we will attack and attempt to take this station from Gold United. If we can succeed here, that will give us a base of operations for further attacks against the Nationalists."
"Okay, so where do I fit in on this?" I asked.
"Well, we have several targets that need destroyed. If you are willing, we can pay you the going rate for a pilot of your reputation." the Freedomist gave back.
Yeah, that wasn't much. I didn't exactly have a legendary status through inhabited space, but I had a good ship and a need for credits and I'm no fan of backwards dictatorships or corporate goons. So I threw my lot in with the Nationalists.
"Very good. The first mission is right here on 569a. There is an agricultural facility on this rock that supplies food for the Nationalists. It is protected by sentry skimmers. If you can knock those skimmers out, our team of operatives can get inside and sabotage the hydro systems and destroy some of the food supplies the Nationalists rely on. Nothing like a little hunger to get the people angry." the Freedomist told me.
"Yeah. Wonderful." I stated as I continued to press the Freedomist for more information on my target.
*************** TO BE CONTINUED *****************************