The Neil Armstrong Anniversary VR Challenge

Greetings CMDRs

I was quite surprised how many VR CDMRs hadn't tried this, when talking to folks at Lavecon this year, so I thought it fitting considering the date, to share in case anybody hasn't.

1. Find a suitably pretty landable planet/moon - something with a gas giant or nearby sun perhaps (ring systems are always cool imho)

2. Land on said planet/moon, deploy SRV, drive to a scenic spot.

3. Stand up in real life and walk 4-6 feet to the left or right.

4. You've now taken a small step for (a) man and a giant leap for mankind :)

PS. This is awesome in the wide FoV setting in the Pimax...
I like to do this from time to time. It's a little weird to look back at my SRV, and see myself still sitting there, but it's still a neat experience.
This is hard to do - well. That thing is so huge, that even resetting my view to the far left of my play area, and then moving at least 10-12 feet to my right, I'm still standing closer than I'd want. But I was able to get a good look up the front landing gear of my Krait.
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