It kinda sounds like some sorta zen bull****, but in all honesty, it is all about the journey, not the destination
Made my trip out to Sag A* a couple months back, took some selfies, ejected a couple of tonnes of beer into the black hole (for my homies) then turned around and came back. Sag A* itself was kinda "meh" but the water worlds, earth likes, neuron stars etc, along with systems that defy imagination (let alone physics) that I found along the way were more exciting that the black hole itself (even now, still a lot of first discovered-by bodies and systems to be found, even on a straight line run)
I pretty much only use the "destination" that is something to aim at while I discover exciting stuff along the way - e.g. currently going clockwise around the galaxy to beagle point - i know there is not much to see there, apart from being more than 65klys away from sol, but the journey so far has been worth it (especially if noone sells the data before i get back!)