Hmmm... projecting a bit? I was referring to MY experience with other fans of the game, not myself.
The "projecting" accusation is becoming tired. It's misused 90% of the time. I don't think you are projecting. I don't think I am projecting.
I do think you misused it here. Since, by definition, it is about displacing ones
feelings on another.
I did not address
feelings. I addressed
Additionally, both of us are part of this community. Your praise of the community encompasses myself as much as you, but I reject it.
I think we both could agree that we want Frontier to 'get their act together', so to speak.
I disagree with your methods. Pretending that the community is somehow... something special, I feel is wrong.
Even then, my attempts to defend Frontier actually lean into your argument. I'm not trying to elevate myself here.
I will, however, agree that 90% of the accountability is on Frontier.
The communities poor behavior was enabled by them. When it became too much, the Developers disappeared.
One particularly good example is the SDC incident.
If you don't know, the SDC(smiling dog crew, IIRC) was a greifer troll group.
They were absolutely despised by the greater community. They frequently used exploits, attacked new players, if there was a big event or discovery, they were there picking on the CMDRs who couldn't defend themselves(explorers, traders). Despite what is arguably anti-social and exploitive behavior, in addition to the sentiments of the greater community, Frontier was supportive and even buddy-buddy with them.
Then the SDC revealed all the research and investigation into how Frontier does(or rather doesn't) handle combat logging(an exploitive way to get out of unwanted combat). They created fake accounts to repeatedly combat log. They reported these accounts for combat logging. Frontier, who said they would punish exploits, did nothing to these accounts.
At the reveal of this information, Frontier apologized and promised to take immediate action. They still supported and were buddy-buddy with the SDC.
Several months later, SDC pulled the same thing again. Revealing Frontier did nothing since the first incident.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but this time, Frontier did NOT respond. Their support of this group mysteriously disappeared. Frontiers communication with the community was already in decline, but this is when it took a sharper dip.
TLDR: Frontier was supportive of a despised group in the community, who then proceeded to stab them in the back TWICE.
Regardless of what you think of Frontier in the above story, the SDC was openly
abusive towards them and the community, and Frontier allowed and enabled it.
So, yeah, the community is not in a good state. It has always had problems, and Frontier has been consistently enabling that behaviour.
The lack of communication is certainly adding to the problems.
I understand that many of the Developers would not want to reach out, but it requires both groups(community and developers) to work something out.