[ALLIANCE] The SAP Core Legion

Greetings Commander,

If we are having this conversation, you no doubt have something to hide. And here in the Alliance, we offer new beginnings. Whether you did something dirty for the Federation, heavy guilt laden Imperial woes, maybe someone hates you enough that you don't want to be found.... a clean slate.

You may end your days mining our beautiful blood moon...... or be part of something greater. Give back what you have taken. Here at SAP core, we do what must be done, no questions asked. We will keep our part of the galaxy clean, no matter the cost. So others may have the peace that we all dream of but can never grasp. We only ask one thing, full disclosure.

Let our secrets be your secrets.

Come be part of a great community of brothers in arms, willing to maintain the only true voice of democracy left in the cosmos. The People deserve the right to speak truly and maintain their individual rights and cultures, to the true continuity of peace and prosperity. We are a bruised and battered peoples, but still we stand on our feet to maintain our freedoms taken back from the never ending struggles between the Federation expansionists and Imperial agendas. We vow never to fall to imperial slavery, and never give what was rightly ours to the Federation vaults.

This is a call to arms.

Our missions statement is to maintain the Alliance borders. We are officially making great strides manipulating the background simulation and keep close contact with other pc groups engaged as well. We create our own content for engaging wars and starting them, all in the pursuit in making the Alliance better for our free citizens. So if you are interested in the BGS, we would be a great place for you.

Long live the Alliance!

Long live the SAP Core Legion!
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