Things that would make playing the game less of a pain

1. Let me assign caretakers to a stretch of area so that they can clean up garbage properly

2. Have it so that animals will seek things like a proper temperature instead of standing outside freezing/roasting.

3. Have an option to automatically have certain species' babies be put up in the trade center once they're grown to avoid crowding/inbreeding. Like if you have an elephant exhibit, make it so that it will automatically send all newly grown bulls to the trade center where you can then put them on the market

4. Have buildings require less coolers/heaters than outdoors

5. Have specific doors for animals that can be opened/closed and trap in temperature.

I'll think of other things later but rn, I think these simple QoL
1. Let me assign caretakers to a stretch of area so that they can clean up garbage properly

2. Have it so that animals will seek things like a proper temperature instead of standing outside freezing/roasting.

3. Have an option to automatically have certain species' babies be put up in the trade center once they're grown to avoid crowding/inbreeding. Like if you have an elephant exhibit, make it so that it will automatically send all newly grown bulls to the trade center where you can then put them on the market

4. Have buildings require less coolers/heaters than outdoors

5. Have specific doors for animals that can be opened/closed and trap in temperature.

I'll think of other things later but rn, I think these simple QoL
I love the idea of animal doors.

I would suggest too,

  1. multiple habitat doors
  2. in Franchise mode, access the animals that you have in your other zoos and move them to your current zoo (imagine that you even have to pay for it (the transport costs))
  3. An option in building mode to automatically and randomly rotate objects each time o place one. very good for vegetation or rocks for example.
1. Let me assign caretakers to a stretch of area so that they can clean up garbage properly

2. Have it so that animals will seek things like a proper temperature instead of standing outside freezing/roasting.

3. Have an option to automatically have certain species' babies be put up in the trade center once they're grown to avoid crowding/inbreeding. Like if you have an elephant exhibit, make it so that it will automatically send all newly grown bulls to the trade center where you can then put them on the market

4. Have buildings require less coolers/heaters than outdoors

5. Have specific doors for animals that can be opened/closed and trap in temperature.

I'll think of other things later but rn, I think these simple QoL
I absolutely agree with the one about Caretakers.

The one about the Animals searching for a suitable Temperature would also be absolutely great. Often I get Protesters because the Seals won't go into the Water when it is a little bit too hot.

Number 4 and 5 would also be great
An option in building mode to automatically and randomly rotate objects each time o place one. very good for vegetation or rocks for example.
I would really love this
Re 1 - caretakers: I have never tried this, but this was the method suggested: Create a work space consisting of two staff rooms at each end of a path stretch you want the caretaker take care of. They will supposedly walk back and forth between these two and clean up along the way.

As mentioned, I have never tried that because I have never had issues with caretakers. I do assign one caretaker to each food court work space, but the others roam free. If there is trash on the ground, I either move one to that area to do their job or, more commonly, I just add one or two more. Problem solved.
Re 1 - caretakers: I have never tried this, but this was the method suggested: Create a work space consisting of two staff rooms at each end of a path stretch you want the caretaker take care of. They will supposedly walk back and forth between these two and clean up along the way.

As mentioned, I have never tried that because I have never had issues with caretakers. I do assign one caretaker to each food court work space, but the others roam free. If there is trash on the ground, I either move one to that area to do their job or, more commonly, I just add one or two more. Problem solved.
I have put caretakers in the same work zone as service man. This work zones consisting shops, toilettes and stuff rooms. Both stuff types working well.
3. Have an option to automatically have certain species' babies be put up in the trade center once they're grown to avoid crowding/inbreeding. Like if you have an elephant exhibit, make it so that it will automatically send all newly grown bulls to the trade center where you can then put them on the market

Right now this is my biggest frustration, not having the ability to automatically send specific animals to the trade center.
I love these ideas..

I would like to add this one: STOP closing AND resetting the windows after you e.g. release an animal... If I am in the zoo tab and release an animal there is no need to close the window and reset all filters

Also the nonstop messages that you can not stop are annoying ( x is about to breed, x is expecting offspring, x is about to have offsping, x has had offspring.. and all those other messages). With more than 100 or 200 animals in a zoo that message pops up every second.. especially when you release lots of animals :(
Sandbox Options
  • All animals 5 stars
  • split disable ageing and birth (I want baby animals, but I don't want my animals to age while breeding (e.g. some animals have age limits that prevent breeding when reached))
  • please allow trade Centre to sell 1 of each albino/melanistic in addition to the default 4.

  • allow terrain modification under paths (eg. Flatten terrain to work under paths and f I'll under the path)
  • more freedom to modify angles of certain pieces or more orientation options ( e.g ability to make sloped wall vertical instead of being locked to horizontal)
  • glass need to be more see through instead of looking like it has low vis window film on it when the sun hits it)
  • Allow foliage colours to be modified more for better variation of leaf/flower colours (many plants already in the game match other species but just need a colour change)
  • Flipped versions of doors, more door styles overall including seperate for handle pieces.
  • More fences - fence gates and doors.
  • Smaller exhibit sizes for smaller species, like the cockroaches don't need a 4x4m enclosure. Same for spiders, irl people keep spiders in enclosures no wider than 40cm
  • Please add vistas to the game to force visitors to go to the right viewing point!
  • A visitor barrier that prevents visitors walking through things (tired of using bins to do this)
  • For the love of sanity please allow the multi select tool to select bins, benches, chairs etc.
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