Ships Thinking of a Vulture

So I'm fairly competent in combat and enjoyed obliterating pirates in a kitted out Viper but after getting an Asp(my current ship) I was think of changing into a Vulture sometime down the road. I made a load out but I'm not certain how valid it is for hunting NPC's (I play Solo because I'm not certain if I can interact with Open).

The cost is low as I was planning the load out based on my current assets (11 million roughly).,4zg7Pw0_g0_g0_g0_g,2-6k6k6k5U7_725A,7TM05U12G7cG4wE

Edit: This was also a quick build.
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Personally, I am not opposed to fitting a Gimballed Multi-cannon or Seeker Missile in the Cannon slot if such a thing was possible according to Shipyard.
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Cannon beam is popular, but pulse pulse really is adequate. I recommend one fixed and one gimballed.

Also... KWS, though I think those aren't as spectacular as they used to be.
The only thing that worries me is that you are putting a lot of money into your weapons and not much into your shields. Just my opinion, but I'd go basic fixed (or gimbled) pulse lasers and fortify the rest until you have enough money for better weapons (but be aware that better weapons in the vulture always mean a sacrifice because of power issues). The great thing about the vulture is it's manoeuvrability and shields strength - being able to fly right up next to the Conda and stay there, tickling its power plant, so you won't lose anything from being less creative with weapons to begin with :)
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Did i miss something or your build will not work ...
It looks you need 111% power (even with FSD, SCB, and Fuel Scoop in low prirority.)

How will you manage this ?

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I'd recommend this setup first :,5TP5TP0_g0_g0_g0_g,2-6Q6k6k5U7_725A,7TM05U12G7cG4wE

The point with Vulture is its low power plant...
Hence i think a good starting point with it is to at least max the Power plant...
Then you'll update various module one at a time with your money.
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My PvP vulture has 110mj less shields than that set up and does ok. A good offence on a vulture is better than defence. It hasn't got the speed to run or the power to spam shield cells, but it can hit hard.
Okay... so after looking at the Shipyard screen a little more closely I came up with this build (,5DS5DS0mI0mI0mI0mI,316Q7_6k5U6a6u5A,7Su15O12G4wE02M )but I'll have to earn a few million more. Now before you comment on the lack of Interdictor or KWS, I'll have the Cargo Rack filled with something like silver or gold. The NPC pirates will sniff me out and I spring the guns. But I need to be in-game to see what I'm actually doing.

My father checked out this tactic and it works on NPCs. My killing grounds out in Rakapila will do nicely.

Edit: Over-power... I'm editing it.
Edit 2: That should be it now.
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Okay... so after looking at the Shipyard screen a little more closely I came up with this build (,5DS5DS0mI0mI0mI0mI,316Q7_6k5U6a6u5A,7Su15O12G4wE02M )but I'll have to earn a few million more. Now before you comment on the lack of Interdictor or KWS, I'll have the Cargo Rack filled with something like silver or gold. The NPC pirates will sniff me out and I spring the guns. But I need to be in-game to see what I'm actually doing.

My father checked out this tactic and it works on NPCs. My killing grounds out in Rakapila will do nicely.

Edit: Over-power... I'm editing it.
Edit 2: That should be it now.

Point defence will do nothing for you. Have some chaff and shield boosters.
Okay... so after looking at the Shipyard screen a little more closely I came up with this build (,5DS5DS0mI0mI0mI0mI,316Q7_6k5U6a6u5A,7Su15O12G4wE02M )but I'll have to earn a few million more. Now before you comment on the lack of Interdictor or KWS, I'll have the Cargo Rack filled with something like silver or gold. The NPC pirates will sniff me out and I spring the guns. But I need to be in-game to see what I'm actually doing.

My father checked out this tactic and it works on NPCs. My killing grounds out in Rakapila will do nicely.

Edit: Over-power... I'm editing it.
Edit 2: That should be it now.


I looked at both your load outs, but might be getting some stuff wrong.

In the first, you are, as was pointed out, way over your power supply, mainly because of all your shield boosters (and that's the bit I'm not sure is displaying right). In the second load, the utility mounts all show as point defense, (again, not sure it's displaying right).

Anyway, I have a Vulture. They are very powerful in combat, and my shields (rated in ED Shipyard around 400 MJ can take a hammering from NPCs before they go down). I have A rated power supply, distributor and FSD, otherwise a mix of B and C modules (I'm not in game now, so I cannot check for you). I am over the max power available, so I have to prioritize modules to go offline when my hard points deploy.

For weapons, I use a single class 3 gimballed laser, and a single gimballed class 3 cannon. I can fire the laser for ages without overheating or depleting the power, and the cannon is great once the shields are down.

I looked at both your load outs, but might be getting some stuff wrong.

In the first, you are, as was pointed out, way over your power supply, mainly because of all your shield boosters (and that's the bit I'm not sure is displaying right). In the second load, the utility mounts all show as point defense, (again, not sure it's displaying right).

Anyway, I have a Vulture. They are very powerful in combat, and my shields (rated in ED Shipyard around 400 MJ can take a hammering from NPCs before they go down). I have A rated power supply, distributor and FSD, otherwise a mix of B and C modules (I'm not in game now, so I cannot check for you). I am over the max power available, so I have to prioritize modules to go offline when my hard points deploy.

For weapons, I use a single class 3 gimballed laser, and a single gimballed class 3 cannon. I can fire the laser for ages without overheating or depleting the power, and the cannon is great once the shields are down.

The first loadout I had no real idea of what I was really doing with Shipyard but on the second loadout, yes, I have all PD. Generally, Missiles aren't an issue but I'm always in favor of having them just in case a salvo or two come my way. My old Viper had a pair of Fixed Small Beams and a pair of Gimballed Multi-cannons and two PDs. Highly effective at shredding NPCs and few missiles got to me. I'm not really in favor of having a Gimballed Laser weapon of any sort. I'd rather have a weapon or two still down my sights in case of an emergency.
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The first loadout I had no real idea of what I was really doing with Shipyard but on the second loadout, yes, I have all PD. Generally, Missiles aren't an issue but I'm always in favor of having there just in case a salvo or two come my way. My old Viper had a pair of Fixed Small Beams and a pair of Gimballed Multi-cannons and two PDs. Highly effective at shredding NPCs and few missiles got to me. I'm not really in favor of having a Gimballed Laser weapon of any sort. I'd rather have a weapon or two still down my sights in case of an emergency.

Ok, in that case, I think your shields might now be a touch weak, as once they go, the Vulture is pretty vulnerable, so either swap a PD for a shield booster, you'll be Ok for power by prioritizing modules, or get a shield cell bank instead of a hull reinforcement. That's just my opinion.

And your pair of burst lasers will be fine. I wasn't advocating gimballed, just telling you what I have. :)
Oh, Vulture. I love it, flown mine for a looong time. The one ship I actually kept around.

Try double pulses, and if you can manage with power, double bursts. They do insanely good amount of damage to hull, and you don't need to stop for reload as for the cannon. The longer you can stay in your fields (and instance) the better. Beam is just a waste of energy imho, you can do more damage with bursts (less waiting time for the capacitors to recharge).
If you like doing the assassination missions, I'd recommend rail guns. It's so funny when they say "I have to get out of here" while flying a really evasive pattern, even before their shields are down :)

I managed to put together a vulture with double bursts, one scb and kws too. So it IS possible. (0.2kw below shield fail) It did cost me around 20-22 mil so it might be in the future for you.

I would really recommend kws, especially if you find bigger ships - bounties there could easily double after a scan. Takes some getting used to - to scan before engaging. Of course KWS and gold in the cargo hold should not be used at the same time unless you like to get frustrated. (normally you would want to scan them before you/they attack)
The cost is low as I was planning the load out based on my current assets (11 million roughly).,4zg7Pw0_g0_g0_g0_g,2-6k6k6k5U7_725A,7TM05U12G7cG4wE
Edit: This was also a quick build.
Even as low cost I would take "D" modules instead of "E" : better, lighter, no so much costs. Same for thrusters, I would prefer a 5D as a 4A to begin with.
The Vulture is short legged if you have to make a trip for Community Goal : better fuel scoop is not a bad thing.
I'm really not a fan of putting armor on a Vulture : he is nimble and he has a good shield base, he's a fighter not a tank.
Class 1 or 2 "Shield Cells Banks" for a class "5" shield, I'm not sure it help a lot ?
On a combat ship, a "Kill Warrant Scanner" is always a good idea.

So, for a low cost, I would go on :,5TE7Pw0_g0_g3we01Q,2-6Q8S6k5K7_6u5A,7TC05U4xo

With more money, you will have to choose : Better armament OR Better Thrusters OR Better Shield.
Power Plant don't allow all at the same time.
Just so you can compare your build, here is mine :,5TP5TP0_g0_g0_g3we,2-6Q8c6Q507_6a5A,7Sk0727dg9ok7c6

I consider myself as a pretty low end pilot...
It explains why i have gimballed, and so much shield.
I'm not fan of having a massive hull (No military grade, and no reinforcement), why ? Because the hull never recover while in combat. The shield does if you have spare time to let them reload. And... the less weight your ship is, the higher its maneuvrability will be... this is the best point of the Vulture, why do you want to decrease this advantage by increasing its mass ?

About point defence, i never setup one on any of my ship... I revceived a couple of missile on my vulture...never caused a major trouble. The 627Mj shields does an impressive job.
The only NPC wing i fear are those with 1 conda and 2 vulture... Under that, no problem at all.

If you want to hunt NPC... you should consider the Kill warrant scanner and Interdictor. :)

Now i think we have all our own way to pilo... play, and each build is probably good for at least someone. :)
If you are a new Vulture pilot, I recommend starting out with the C3 G Pulse lasers - especially with a B class power distributor. You are going to drain those 4 WEP pips very quickly unless you are extremely light on the trigger.

You will be amazed at how much damage the C3 Pulses can do on shields and hull - you cant compare them with class 2 weapons, on small ships, they are very nasty. I have tried double C3 beams and bursts, as well as C3 Beam/Cannon, but I keep coming back to the Pulse Lasers as the most versatile weapon on the Vulture. Also dont be shy about using gimballed weapons for PvE, the Vulture is very nimble, but with G weapons you get the highest DPS possible. If the target uses chaff, you can deselect and still keep hitting him.

I am sure you will love the Vulture in combat - especially when its kitted out and you should have no trouble getting enough credits quickly with this ship.

The rest of your set up is pretty good as far as I can see, you will be tweaking and adding for a while, but once you get the right combination, its a great ship for doing what it was designed to do.

So after reading everyone's thoughts... Here's the new build I came up with that I could technically fly immediately.,5DS5DS3wo0__0-80-8,2-6Q8I6k5U6a725A,7Re9sK7dg4wE

With that amount of money to spend (8 mill) I'd probably do something like this this instead :-,5TP5TP3wo01Q0__0__,2-6Q8S6k5K6Q6u5A,7T24-O7dg9pC

Tiny bit more expensive than your suggested build but more jump range, 4A power dist and much much better scoop (A1 scoop is expensive and rubbish)

Edit: what rebel said about pulse lasers yes totally
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