So I'm fairly competent in combat and enjoyed obliterating pirates in a kitted out Viper but after getting an Asp(my current ship) I was think of changing into a Vulture sometime down the road. I made a load out but I'm not certain how valid it is for hunting NPC's (I play Solo because I'm not certain if I can interact with Open).
The cost is low as I was planning the load out based on my current assets (11 million roughly).,4zg7Pw0_g0_g0_g0_g,2-6k6k6k5U7_725A,7TM05U12G7cG4wE
Edit: This was also a quick build.
The cost is low as I was planning the load out based on my current assets (11 million roughly).,4zg7Pw0_g0_g0_g0_g,2-6k6k6k5U7_725A,7TM05U12G7cG4wE
Edit: This was also a quick build.
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