This is situation for me after the update, crashing in few minutes every time

I’ve been having the same issue so far tonight.
Have you experienced something like this before the update? I had few crashes, mostly because of the Zebra habitat (clicking barrier or the animals itself), but after?, it's another cup of coffee... Moving the camera -> crash
Does this apply to all game modes??

Maybe your save got corrupted, somehow? Or a blueprint causing this conflict?
Does this apply to all game modes??

Maybe your save got corrupted, somehow? Or a blueprint causing this conflict?
I don't know, I've only tried franchise so far, because I wanted to play it and complete the community challenge, but I think I wont be able.
@Bo Marit I just load the save, let the game run and it will crash. It doesn't crash when it's paused. Could You please check my save? Or push it to the devs and check what is causing these crashes? Since the update, I can't play. I'm starting to think about the refund. And yes, I've played too many hours for the refund, but I think the right is on my side.
My game crashed basically the same way as yours did... I remembered my last actions before the crashing.
I simply corrected that and game was crashfree again.
My problem was that I removed a gate from an existing exhibit (with animals inside) and moved the gate to a different position.
In pause, I put those animals on the market... and removed the entire exhibit..

Do you remember anything that might have caused this?

You can always start a new zoo (next to your old one) and wait for the next update..
And even so, you can close the zoo.. Losing 200k is not the end of the world and CC can be used for every zoo in your franchise..
My game crashed basically the same way as yours did... I remembered my last actions before the crashing.
I simply corrected that and game was crashfree again.
My problem was that I removed a gate from an existing exhibit (with animals inside) and moved the gate to a different position.
In pause, I put those animals on the market... and removed the entire exhibit..

Do you remember anything that might have caused this?

You can always start a new zoo (next to your old one) and wait for the next update..
And even so, you can close the zoo.. Losing 200k is not the end of the world and CC can be used for every zoo in your franchise..
So, I've just spent over 15 minutes deleting all of objects in my Zoo, ways, habitats, trees, entrance to the Zoo etc. And voilà, game crashes 6 second later than normally :D (00:36 gametime) angry as *:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
btw. why we cant select benches, ATMs, trash bins and donate boxes with multiselect tool (area select)? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
My game crashed basically the same way as yours did... I remembered my last actions before the crashing.
I simply corrected that and game was crashfree again.
My problem was that I removed a gate from an existing exhibit (with animals inside) and moved the gate to a different position.
In pause, I put those animals on the market... and removed the entire exhibit..

Do you remember anything that might have caused this?

You can always start a new zoo (next to your old one) and wait for the next update..
And even so, you can close the zoo.. Losing 200k is not the end of the world and CC can be used for every zoo in your franchise..
Can You please try to load my save? If it will crash on your machine too or not. Just this way we can exclude my computer as fault. Thanks (It crashes at 00:30 in-game time - hover or click the date, idk, im mad)
Sry, i don't want to risk losing my online progress/save... Not going to attempt this...

Just wait after the weekend.. Frontier devs don't respond in the weekend, someome mentioned this during the beta (UK based)
Sry, i don't want to risk losing my online progress/save... Not going to attempt this...

Just wait after the weekend.. Frontier devs don't respond in the weekend, someome mentioned this during the beta (UK based)
Wow, so release the game on tuesday, break it on thursday and what's next? x days of waiting? That's awesome.

Official release notes
Added several crash and stability fixes, including - "

Real release notes
Added several crashes and stability fixes, including - "
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