If you could alter the atmosphere and get rid on the sulphur dioxide then the temperature would fall. This would also release a lot of oxygen. Maybe it being a high metal content planet makes this worth while.
(I'm just making this up as I go along mind).
I'm reading "206K" as "206 Kelvin". If your goal is to live there then you wouldn't want that temperature to fall...
Agreed, that could get... uncomfortable. But in the game (as for real life, I'm not sure) planets with 100% sulphur dioxide atmospheres seem to be somewhat colder than planets with, say, nitrogen or oxygen-nitrogen atmospheres. So in this case, replacing the atmosphere would probably raise the temperature to acceptable levels.
Aside from its cold temperature and currently nasty atmosphere, look at its size.. can it really keep much of an atmosphere around itself?.. the current pressure at its surface does not promise much.