Thought/Question about Brown Dwarf planets

For the Y and T dwarfs, they are so dim that their planets all look completely featureless on the system map, which seems to reflect some reality of what the objects actually look like. So they all appear to be ice worlds and that of course makes sense.

Which makes me think me wonder, maybe they aren't always ice worlds, maybe there are a few (admittedly far fetched) ELWs, AWs etc around them that I ignore due to this false appearance. I assume most people think the same which might be why none of these terrestrial planets have been found around these dwarfs

What do you think? And has anyone found any?
Every time I scratch this mental itch, my finger comes back frozen and covered in dirty ice. Bu yeah, Ziggy's post has got me wondering if I should keep trying too ;)
It took me nearly 1000 systems to break my 'must scan everything in every system I enter' compulsion, and there were plenty of brown dwarves in there.

The planets were all snowballs every single time.

The colour of the star doesn't effect the blue holo-icon on your dashboard either...
Gotcha, although mine is green. That's exactly what I needed to know Iain.

Like Ziljan, I think there probably are ​some out there. p.s. nice use of words there Ziljan :D
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I keep thinking the same thing, and the most I've found that looked like iceballs is the occasional high metal content that's covered with ice. Otherwise...snowballs and rocky snowballs everywhere...
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