Thought the LMC was a sweet looking nebula for a moment there.

Last I heard it was in the works that they would resolve the skybox tinting issue near stars. This still the case?

Or you know... Just let me get to the LMC by supercruising to distant systems here and there. Should only take about 75 years or so and might just make it, depending on life expectancy when I die. :p

Sorry, I'm no help with the tinting of skyboxes as I've no clue what that even means, but I did make it several thousand light years trying to get to this small pink looking object in the distance before I learned it was the Andromeda Galaxy and I couldn't there.
Sorry, I'm no help with the tinting of skyboxes as I've no clue what that even means, but I did make it several thousand light years trying to get to this small pink looking object in the distance before I learned it was the Andromeda Galaxy and I couldn't there.
No worries. Andromada is a nice reference point once you've been out in the black for a while. I like including it in pics and the like.

The skybox tinting is an effect added in some time ago which changes the color of, well, everything else basically, when you're close to a star of a particular color.

Might make sense near black holes maybe with space-time dilation and all that, but everything else, not so much.


Off topic, but for future intrepid exploration endeavors, here's a pic I took not all that long ago of a planetary nebula I happened across in the northwest out past Colonia which shows Andromeda for reference...


It's in the bottom left corner there. That's what you were talking about, right?
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Back on topic... I think part of the particular issue I had with it in this case is that I'm so far out and many (all?) of the PG nebula are based on a limited set of given assets that when I saw what looked like something a bit different, and at first assumed was a nebula, I got very exited. But it was only for a brief movement before the disillusionment set back in. :giggle:
It's in the bottom left corner there. That's what you were talking about, right?

Yes that's it. I picked an object and decided to head out into the black until I got there, and in my ignorance I chose another galaxy. I was hoping to blame skybox tinting, but the cats out of the bag now and that didn't work either.

LMC is a galaxy too, right? I apologise if not as my presumption that it is, is why I brought my Andromeda tale to your thread.

Background imaging of out of the Milky Way objects are being distorted enough to make them appear as nebula to you?
Yeah, the LMC is sort of like a small galaxy closer in orbiting and slowly falling into our galaxy. I think it's generally refereed to as a dwarf galaxy. It's something like 100K Ly out, off the top of my head, so a lot closer in, similar to the SMC.

We actually know a fair bit about the LMC and it's contents, which is one of the reasons I would love to go there if it was implemented.


But yeah, usually I don't confuse it with other things in the skybox. It was just on this occasion that it caught me off guard due to the color shifting of things near stars.

Not meaning to rag on Frontier. Just giving an example of where this affected me in the game, and wondering where they might be at with a fix for it, as last I had heard, I thought that was in the works.
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