Thoughts on the removal of 'preferred governments' from Power Play?

Reposting something I asked on Reddit, just hoping for a little more visibility:

Hey CMDRs, long time lurker first time poster, returning & checking out PP 2.0.

On the whole I'm loving the changes that PP 2.0 brought, gameplay wise. As many others have written, the new system doesn't handcuff you like the old one did, and I am free to do more activities that interest me while contributing to Powerplay.

One of my few real criticisms is the removal of the preferred governments for each power. I feel like this removed a great deal of flavor from each power and it was, more or less, the 'death blow' to the BGS having any real relevance to the game.

As flawed as PP 1.0 was, I really enjoyed carefully mapping out my routes & favoring factions of the appropriate government. I was always sure to deliver my most profitable trade runs to stations belonging to the right ones. I felt compelled to run missions for those factions while mixing them into my routes.

But with the removal of government preference for PP 2.0, I don't see much of a reason for interacting with the BGS, or even acknowledging the controlling factions in each station. I just check the economy type and dump all my cargo on the landing pad without a second thought. The same goes for the mission board, if I can even be bothered to run missions.

It's a shame because the BGS was always one of the most fascinating parts of ED to me and it has historically been almost completely ignored by every facet of the game. PP 1.0 was one of the very few systems that had any meaningful interaction with it, and now that's gone too.

Moreover, I feel like the merit system would have made keeping them a fairly simple process. A small bonus could have been applied to merit and/or CP generation if the player action involved the right government. That's all it really would have taken.
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I disagree with a lot of the assertions that removing preferred governments of powers has made the BGS pointless, for a host of reasons, but i won't elaborate more on that specifically right now.

In the BGS "being ignored"; point of fact is game is not meant to be played with the BGS front-of-mind while playing the game, and FD have certainly said as much too. To paraphrase a statement on that, "if it were front-of-mind, we've done the wrong thing and created a foreground sim".

Tbh, PP2 doesn't go far enough imo to shake up the BGS. To apply a poor analogy, if the BGS were a snowdome, then PP should be the hand that shakes it. PP should be the one factor that makes otherwise identical systems function very differently for the player, and the BGS offering local variation within that.

It should not be the BGS shaping how Powerplay works.

For example, for a love mining outpost in backwater sustenance, a Federal Democracy within Archers domain should incentivise activities which ensure citizen compliance, and clamping down on sedition.

Were the same system an Imperial Patronage but still under Archer, espionage and sabotage of facilities should be incentivised.

Meanwhile were it Torval controlling the same system, mining should be regulated and forced to be sold on the cheap by a federal Democracy minerals sold... conversely an Imperial Patronage would have favour curried to ensure their minerals are sold for the "proper price" such that Imperial citizens prosper from their work. But within both, economic boom, bust, famine, outbreak, these would all influence local conditions as necessary.

But the local government shouldn't just arbitrarily make easier or harder for that power to maintain control.
I think it was better when Powers had a government preference because it made PP and BGS players to have conflicting or complementing goals, leading into conflicts or negotiation and natural alliances. I wouldn't mind if it was other way around, tho. That would achieve the same results.

PP2 broke the bgs in multiple unfathomable ways. Thats even more interaction than before!
Yeah, it's mindless side effect of all the merit farmers running around, exacerbated by influence effects being struck unreliable. Our systems are seriously overheating and we are burned out on all the bounty hunting grind that's the only remaining trustworthy way to manage them.
Seeing some systems go wild knowing you'll never have an expansion that you want anymore is a bit meh, but they also broke expansions for long enough so they showed their hand there, that nothing is ever guaranteed. I do personally prefer life without preferred govt types. The disingenuous mechanics and group structure that enabled bullying some player factions out of the game for the crime of being in the "wrong" place at the "wrong" time did need addressing.
The disingenuous mechanics and group structure that enabled bullying some player factions out of the game for the crime of being in the "wrong" place at the "wrong" time did need addressing.
That was indeed unfortunate but I turned it into a motivation. Our faction is a cooperative right next to Lembava. When I took over, I made it our goal to get out of LYR space and into more welcoming Utopian systems. Took negotiated temporary ownership of an expansion system, some work and blind luck but we made it. Of course we owned a couple of good systems when I took over. Might have been much harder if we didn't even control our home system.

My experience with these PP types was that they were quite reasonable if you were willing to talk and demonstrated your trustworthiness.
You're not too far from my faction. I think luck does play its part for sure. And there is a good feeling when you manipulate the BGS and the stars align and the expansion you wanted lands. Of course there are numerous lows when something doesn't go to plan too.

Most PP reps we've dealt with are agreeable but it's always been me reaching out. Not everyone has Inara or discord so I'm sure plenty of people have quit or gone rogue and then quit when they did something and then got smashed to pieces. My faction in its early days did not pay attention to PP but we got there in the end. :D
I'd love it if:

more dictatorial govs provide better defence from UM
more liberal govs provide better bonuses (i.e. they enhance a powers bonuses)
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