Thoughts to improve engineers

1. Name weapon slots
-I have a big ship and I rarely have any clue which slot I'm modifying because I have many hard points
2. Allow multiple pinned blueprints
-If I want to remember what blueprints I want, I can't, because there's only one pin slot.
3 Create tags for pinned items
-Missions have the mission tag across the galaxy map and mission boards and it's fantastic. Why isn't there a blueprint tag that pops up on materials and commodities that I'm obviously looking for? If I run into a market that's selling what I need or if I kill a ship that drops a bunch of mats, I'd like to immediately know if there's anything I'm looking for- as there are many materials that sound similar.
4. Either reduce rep costs on adjusting side effects, or create a separate roll for side effects
-The system is awkward and not only takes material grinding, but rep grinding now too just to get desired effects. If you could roll them independently that might be an easy solution.

*A much more work intensive way of doing things- remove RNG.
Time delays are not fun gameplay. This game is beautiful, but this remains an uncomfortable way to play.
If I had to do it myself, I'd make the engineers a series of slider bars that are locked at ratios to one another, so if I want to raise the damage of my hardpoint to the maximum, my rate of fire would tank, and if I wanted to lock my damage at maximum and raise my rate of fire, the distributor draw would tank. Basically you'd be able to do away with each specific blueprint in favor of custom blueprints. Once you've "built" your blueprint, you could then pin it and it would generate materials needed based on how extreme your build was. Also, you could batch multiple weapons together so you know exactly what you need to make your build. Also, I understand you want to make getting materials to be difficult, but why not make them extremely expensive and rare to buy at markets, so you can still find them from mining or missions, but if you wanted, you could blow 10milliom CR on a batch of 5 or something.

In fact, that'd be a great way to overhaul outfitting altogether. Let the player make all the changes they want, and then just have a large "confirmation" button that would apply all the changes and generate a receipt for all the different transactions, so you can better see how your final build would work in outfitting.
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