Thrustmaster 4

Can anyone tell me where I can get a diagram of the default bindings for a thrustmaster 4 on a ps4 for elite dangerous. Thank you.

Helpless in the black
Can anyone tell me where I can get a diagram of the default bindings for a thrustmaster 4 on a ps4 for elite dangerous. Thank you.

Helpless in the black

There in the control section of the start menu. Better have a lot of paper and a full pen. NOTE: Once you've changed a button or as reconfigured it do not the next time select the hotas 4 menu, it will reset all of what you changed. If you have changed anything, the next time you enter that menu, it will say custom. ONLY change or unchange configuration there. Mm'kay?
Honestly I would switch it to 'Custom' and bind your own. I really think the HOTAS is something you need to bind to what you feel comfortable. Most of the few defaults I encountered in the training missions were just not right for me. I would do those and work out bindings that make sense to you. For example, I use Square as target ahead, and holding it down and using the HAT switch gives me four other target related functions. You don't need to bind everything, just focus on the ones that you personally use frequently and add the others as you come to need them.
Honestly I would switch it to 'Custom' and bind your own. I really think the HOTAS is something you need to bind to what you feel comfortable. Most of the few defaults I encountered in the training missions were just not right for me. I would do those and work out bindings that make sense to you. For example, I use Square as target ahead, and holding it down and using the HAT switch gives me four other target related functions. You don't need to bind everything, just focus on the ones that you personally use frequently and add the others as you come to need them.

the custom setting is the hotas setting after one reconfigure any or all buttons. Should you click on the hotas 4 after you've configured any or all buttons, it will reset to the default hotas 4 settings. Shold you want to change any or all of the previous configured that you did, make sure not to click hotas 4 click custom. AGAIN: Clicking the hotas 4 option at any time reset the hotas 4 entirely.
the custom setting is the hotas setting after one reconfigure any or all buttons. Should you click on the hotas 4 after you've configured any or all buttons, it will reset to the default hotas 4 settings. Shold you want to change any or all of the previous configured that you did, make sure not to click hotas 4 click custom. AGAIN: Clicking the hotas 4 option at any time reset the hotas 4 entirely.

Thanks for clearing that up CMDR Nemo, I wasn't sure as I did my changes immediately and have only ever seen the custom screen.
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