ticket resolution times?

Just curious what folks' experiences are re: recent support ticket resolution times. I submitted a ticket a week ago and haven't heard anything back. I been refraining from logging in since submitting the ticket so I don't interfere with FDev looking at my account, character files, etc. Just looking for an estimate - is the support ticket queue a week long? Two weeks? Should I just buy another game to play over the holidays?
Just curious what folks' experiences are re: recent support ticket resolution times. I submitted a ticket a week ago and haven't heard anything back. I been refraining from logging in since submitting the ticket so I don't interfere with FDev looking at my account, character files, etc. Just looking for an estimate - is the support ticket queue a week long? Two weeks?
i'll let this other similar/related thread answer your question---> https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/frontier-support-response-times.630417/
( my own personal Ticket is now 3 weeks old , with no response yet , other than the initial auto-reply )
Most of my tickets have been answered within three days. My last ticket took several weeks, but it was forum related. That complicated things, since they don't appear to provide a direct link to Community Support. My ticket had to be forwarded, both ways. I expect to wait a few weeks for an answer to my reply as well. No big deal.

I wouldn't worry about messing things up. If the game is still playable for you, enjoy it. They can just refer to previous logs.
This ^ was also my experience PRE-Ascendency update.

Since Ascendency update, however, typical "3 days" has turned into 3 WEEKS. ( so far )

i think that increased/recent delay is what the OP was asking about.
Yep, Ascendancy released with ALOT of issues. I'm actually on an extended break from the game because of a few of them. I'm fairly confident they will fix the issues affecting me, but only after PP 2.0 is in decent shape. Ticket response times are probably going to be long until then.
I opened an ticket on Wednesday 20th and, apart from the automated response, I have not heard anything at all :(. This ticket is game-related in case anyone was wondering.
For the OP & anyone else posting ( or reading ) this thread: Just wanted to let u guys know that today i finally received an actual HUMAN reply/resolution from 'Frontier' representative , about my ticket i had filed wayyyy back around the start of November .

So, either they were unfortunately captured by THARGOIDS for past 6 weeks and our collective Community efforts freed them last nite after 8th Titan boomboom... or... They were just severely overwhelmed & backlogged from 1000's of tickets relating to 'Ascendency' update ( plus everything else including their other games ) .
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