Tips for brightness settings with Horizons


Any suggestions for brightness/gamma settings with horizons and the DK2? I had everything set up perfectly, unfortunately many of the planets seem too bright, as a result I lowered ingame gamma settings and tweaked brightness etc using the Nvidia control settings.

Am wondering if any others have needed to change settings, if so what works best? After watching the horizons launch trailer, I'd really like to get the color and tone in the video. Maybe I should use sweetfx?

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I also noticed that the sky is really washed when on the surface of planets, as if the contrast get turned up. Everything in space seems fine.
I also noticed that the sky is really washed when on the surface of planets, as if the contrast get turned up. Everything in space seems fine.

Yeah, something seems to be up with the lighting. Am still messing around with contrast/brightness and gamma settings. Seems to be hard to find a good balance between planets looking good & correct lighting when in space
Using gemfx here, applyed some tonemape with 0.71 gamma and 0.1 bleach, using NVidia card, i don't use NV color and let it to the game to run, gamma slider in the middle in game and not using shadows as i found that they eat too much FPS

Look OK but not as great as the trailer (seems to me they used some saturation to enhance color variations)
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in NVCP i set the DK2 color setting to 75% digi vibe and 55% contrast. it's a good place to start.the extra contrast enhances darkness while the digivibe keeps you from losing colors from enhanced darkness.

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I noticed that the 'Training' mode under the beta launcher is waayyy too bright...should prolly post in bug reports if it's not already there.
in NVCP i set the DK2 color setting to 75% digi vibe and 55% contrast. it's a good place to start.the extra contrast enhances darkness while the digivibe keeps you from losing colors from enhanced darkness.

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Don't you get smearing when in low light asteriod rings with those settings?
I can't go anything higher than 35% contrast before smearing sets in, but I do love the look of the sky with higher contrast settings. Too bad seems there is always a compromise.
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Using gemfx here, applyed some tonemape with 0.71 gamma and 0.1 bleach, using NVidia card, i don't use NV color and let it to the game to run, gamma slider in the middle in game and not using shadows as i found that they eat too much FPS

Look OK but not as great as the trailer (seems to me they used some saturation to enhance color variations)

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