To Sagittarius A And Back

Does any1 know of a route planning calculator on the net that lets you go beyond the normal 1000ly limit? That way i can just use the Navigation Tab on the Target Panel to choose the next system to jump to and not use the Galaxy Map at all.

Everytime i google something like this, i get nothing. Im just looking for a route that takes me straight there, and straight back.
If one exists it wont be a rout planner, it will just be mirroring routes others have taken.

But I can assure you plotting the route in 1000ly sections would be FAR quicker than picking the system manually.
Some of the fun of exploring the black like that is to discover your routes. Take notes on where you've been and keep them. They're valuable data in the future should you find yourself trying to retrace your steps to a discovery you made or possibly share that route with another explorer who wants to go where you've already been.
I was actually thinking of doing a quick trip to the center and back, and once i got the data cashed in, and my other ship bought (type 9 hopefully) i would possibly do a trip around the galaxys edge (basically a circle). I know i can be one of those people that do the 8 hour trip to the center, but at most it would take me 24 hours. I work from home and im still snowed in, so i have time.
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