Horizons Trade Missions and a Anaconda

Hello all!

I have an inquiry that maybe some of you have experienced. I am thinking about picking up an Anaconda to do trade missions, smuggle missions etc but I have a fear that the ship is going to be a problem. it requires a large landing pad and most of the places I am delivering too currently are outposts. If I get my Anaconda, will I be able to pick up missions that I cannot land to deliver or will the system recognize that the ship is too large and prevent me from grabbing them? Also if anyone has any insight if this is an issue, what alternatives do I have to run trade missions and smuggling with the Anaconda. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have an Anaconda and Cutter.

The missions used to know you couldn't land on an outpost so wouldn't give you the mission... with 2.1 and the 'updates' to the mission, it doesn't care you can't land somewhere and gives you the update anyway.

I use my Python for missions currently.
I have an Anaconda and Cutter.

The missions used to know you couldn't land on an outpost so wouldn't give you the mission... with 2.1 and the 'updates' to the mission, it doesn't care you can't land somewhere and gives you the update anyway.

I use my Python for missions currently.

Ok I can understand but brings another question. You say the mission update won't let you but does the missions from mission board still limit to ones you can land at? Honestly I haven't received more than 2 missions in the last month I can remember that makes me redirect where I deliver too. Thank you for any information!

+1 Rep Sam Tai
you gonna see several missions you can't accept because "ship is too large". also - the anaconda is no smuggler. the python is struggling as a smuggler, but anaconda with the new AI around stations, if you take on a smuggling mission - thhis is going to be really challenging.

anyway, with an anaconda you don't have to do missions at all. scout good routes, check the economic state, and trade medicines from industrial systems in boom to systems in war in one or two jumps...
you gonna see several missions you can't accept because "ship is too large". also - the anaconda is no smuggler. the python is struggling as a smuggler, but anaconda with the new AI around stations, if you take on a smuggling mission - thhis is going to be really challenging.

anyway, with an anaconda you don't have to do missions at all. scout good routes, check the economic state, and trade medicines from industrial systems in boom to systems in war in one or two jumps...

That is awesome advice that I will definitely try! Thank you sir.
Hello all!

I have an inquiry that maybe some of you have experienced. I am thinking about picking up an Anaconda to do trade missions, smuggle missions etc but I have a fear that the ship is going to be a problem. it requires a large landing pad and most of the places I am delivering too currently are outposts. If I get my Anaconda, will I be able to pick up missions that I cannot land to deliver or will the system recognize that the ship is too large and prevent me from grabbing them? Also if anyone has any insight if this is an issue, what alternatives do I have to run trade missions and smuggling with the Anaconda. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Can only speak for the high paying long range trade & smuggling, the Anaconda is defintely the best option. If you base your operations out of Maia & Ceos/Sothis you'll find plenty of options for large ships. I actually use a T9/Anaconda/Cutter for my long range smuggling/hauling, averages around 50/60 million per run, from Maia it takes about an hour both ways including pickups (no mode switching) Ceos & Sothis a little longer.

The missions come in batches, majority of destinations I take are to surface ports, each batch will generally be to the same area in the bubble, sometimes you get lucky and find 4 or 5 are all going to the same system.

2.1 has added an extra bonus, no more spam police interdictions during the run, NPC police resolve distance has been fixed for silent running, just configure early and sail right into the port. A police scan won't result in a mission failure, just a reduction in payment

Large freighter long range smuggling & Haulage has been my main occupation in the game for the past year.

Here is a list of the most common pick up points (Obsidian Orbital in Maia is offline) https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php/229162-Systems-Outside-the-Bubble

I'd recommend just sticking with CEOS/SOTHIS/Darnielle's progress in Maia until you get used to things. Ceos pays up to 10 million per mission, Maia offers between 2 & 6 million.

Personally I find it much more interesting than taking medicines or metals from A to B a hundred times.
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Thanks for the awesome information as well 777Driver! I am in an ASP-E as of right now and may swing over to Sothis/Ceos to scope out the possibilities since I cannot afford the anaconda just yet.
if you can inflict the grind against yourself and have the credits, go for the Cutter ... can't beat +500T of cargo space.
Might want to consider the Python as well, which is ideal for taking missions to improve local faction standing which in turn opens up the more lucrative missions
Ok I can understand but brings another question. You say the mission update won't let you but does the missions from mission board still limit to ones you can land at? Honestly I haven't received more than 2 missions in the last month I can remember that makes me redirect where I deliver too. Thank you for any information!

+1 Rep Sam Tai

The original mission will know what missions to give you and won't give you missions your ship can't land at. The problem is when you accept a mission, jump to the system and the message comes up "mission update". These mission updates don't care that you can't land and gives you the update anyway. You can't deliver to the original place any longer so you're stuck.

I'm playing safe and waiting for patch update to fix this before I take missions in one of my big ships.
I use an anaconda here for both a bit of smuggling and a lot of trading missions:
The original mission will know what missions to give you and won't give you missions your ship can't land at. The problem is when you accept a mission, jump to the system and the message comes up "mission update". These mission updates don't care that you can't land and gives you the update anyway. You can't deliver to the original place any longer so you're stuck.

I'm playing safe and waiting for patch update to fix this before I take missions in one of my big ships.

With 2.1 I work around this bug by having my python nearby with a load of cargo space configured. If I get redirected to an outpost in my conda, I just switch ships once I've dropped enough missions off.
Thanks guys. It seems after all the responses doable but with a little manipulation if I get the updates. I appreciate the feedback!
It's likely a bug, but I got a couple of missions redirected to outposts while in my 'Conda. I simply bought a stock Cobra, transferred the cargo and completed the mission with that. Sure, it's a pain, but they are paying a bonus I guess.
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